
US age 63
Joined 20 years ago
Last login 15 years ago
I'm not married, I'm in My early 40's, I'm a Gemini, I'm white, I'm 5-11, I'm stocky and strong and folically challenged. Warmly appealing hazel eyes and facial hair. Is this what I'm supposed to say here?
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:Anyone - Don't care
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:12-Jun-04
Last Logged In:16-Jan-09
Location:WA, United States
About SoDom
Star Sign:
Is Following:mercury_hayes, AprilBabe, agnus,...
Is Looking For:Anything!, Cyber Sex w-out/cam, Casual Chat Room Talk,...
Other:Communicating, Domination, Power-exchange, bottom-flesh!!! ;), story/fantasy/experience exchanges, erotica, mind-fucking, watching, helping or MAKING women orgasm - that is My biggest turn-on, female orgasms, God, I love to either "help", or take-over, or both! I mentioned asses didn't I? Oh yeah ! SPANKING! Bondage, ass-play, toys and a lot of other things too, gardening, cooking, cycling, hiking, walking, baseball and MUSIC!
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Self Description
Profile last updated: 15-Jun-04