
Gift Premium

Hi, We are a couple looking for an erotic chat and c2c (cam to cam) with couples or women ONLY. We ask for cam verify so fakers need not apply. If you are a SoCal woman and interested in meeting in person, drop us a line. We have plenty of pictures and they are all current. We are receiving many friend requests. Apologies for not responding to them. We are not sure what the use of this category. We would love to have NN friends but would rather have friends that we cammed with or verified they are real. Chapeau to the single men that are honest about their identity. It is not an invitation for messages from single men, just a word of appreciation ;-) If you have messaged us in that chat room and we didn’t not respond, it is because we were not watching the screen. Sorry ;-)

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 15.4 years ago)
  • 54 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 15 years ago
  • Active 4 years ago

Socal-Couple's Photos