
GB age 64
Joined 13 years ago
Last login 6 years ago
I am looking for ladys of any age ( over 18 ) who feel they need structure discipline and guidence in thier life , I am a firm provider of bare bottom over the knee spankings ,I offer cornertime and other discipline methods. I am safe sane and easy going and always respect limits which will always be discussed and agreed beforehand ,So if you fancy anything from a playfull hand spanking to a firm discipline spanking then im your man. I am also here to make friends and chat and share experiences with likeminded people. Im looking for errant females who need a very firm hand , and seek the embarrassment of having your bottom bared and being put over my knee for a well deserved sound spanking ,I am somewhat old fashioned for my age and enjoy the whole ritual of the routine , maybe a good scolding while you stand in the corner and the lowering of you knickers moments before you meet your fate and end up over my knee ,knowing that once you are there and you have agreed to your discipline you are going to be soundly spanked , I enjoy using my hand , slippers hairbrushes or any implement of your choice.I can also discipline you for real life behavour issues that you feel you need disciplining for or maybe you have done something you feel has gone unpunished ?, could be anything from being late to work or speeding , or even using your mobile while driving ,or maybe you are just a spoilt brat who needs constant attention whatever the 'infractions' I will cater for them.I can also provide stern effective online discipline.I am also willing to explore your needs.
Spanking21's last Status Update
Any females needs a spanking on the south coast
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:
Member Since:1-May-11
Last Logged In:16-Dec-17
Location:Southampton, United Kingdom
Star Sign:Virgo
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Anything!, Group Sex, A Private Photo Shoot
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Average
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Light Brown
Pubic Hair:Natural
Professional Life
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Food Pref.:Non-vegetarian
Sense Humour:Friendly
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Self Description
Profile last updated: 17-May-11