Gift PremiumSince a lot of people ask about being straight, bi or gay, I put my thoughts in here: I love my wife over everything I appreciate men to chat I adore nice, not to big boobs and pussies and I can't stop kissing them I am addicted to watching cocks (and I am always tempted to suck them) I can absolutely not imagine to kiss a man on his mouth I can fantasy about a cock in my ass (specially if I have mine in a pussy) So, straight, bi or gay?
- 61 years old
- Male
- Joined 17 years ago
Sweepter's Blog
Blog Viewed: 179 times.
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Friday, September 21, 2007, 2:16:51 AM- Einkaufen (German) | ||
Heute war ich wieder mal einkaufen - nein, nicht Lebensmittel oder so was banales, nein, ich wollte mir neue Liebeshilfen kaufen. Ich bin ja schon Besitzer eines kleinen roten Vibrators (siehe früheren Blog und Bilder). Als ich diesen damals gekauft hatte, wurde ich von einer netten Verkäuferin beraten. Darum ging ich wieder in denselben Shop. Diesmal waren gleich zwei junge und gut aussehende Verkäuferinnen im Laden, allerdings auch noch andere männliche Kundschaft. Ich war mir eigentlich nicht schlüssig, was ich genau kaufen wollte. Einerseits habe ich all die Anal-Stöpsel und -Kugeln angeschaut, andererseits auch Gummi-Vaginas und Cock-Ringe. Auf die analen Hilfen verzichtete ich aber heute. Als keine anderen Kunden mehr im Laden waren und eine der Verkäuferinnen ins Lager musste, nahm ich all meinen Mut zusammen und fragte um Rat. Obwohl ich wahrlich nicht scheu bin, war es doch etwas komisch, einer fremden Person zu sagen, dass ich gerne etwas zum Masturbieren hätte... Sie reagierte sehr nett und natürlich keineswegs erstaunt (die ist ja auch den ganzen Tag von Sex-Spielzeugen umgeben). Sie erklärte mir, dass ich zur Gummi-Vagina am besten extra feuchte Kondome verwende, das sei einfacher als den Gummi nachher auszuwaschen (machte Sinn für mich - aber auch ein wenig einen roten Kopf). Dass sich auch was in meiner Hose tat, muss ich wohl kaum erwähnen. Sie zeigte mir auch andere Vaginas, mit Kugeln zur Stimmulation oder mit eingebautem Vibrator, meinte aber, das von mir ausgesuchte Exemplar sei gut und günstig. Zum ausgesuchten Cock-Ring meinte sie, ob ich damit schon erfahren sei. Wahrheitgemäss verneinte ich, worauf sie mir Alternativen zeigte, die besser geeignet seien. Spätestens bei der Frage nach der Anzahl Kondome für die Gummi-Vagina hab ich dann sicher einen ganz roten Kopf gehabt... Ich kaufte also diese künstliche Muschi, ein 3er-Set Cockringe und ein 12er-Packet extra feuchte Kondome zum Preis von ca. 40 Euro. Begeistert von der Beratung und schon super geil verliess ich den Laden und machte mich auf den Heimweg. Natürlich musste ich alles gleich ausprobieren, davon gibts dann Fotos und einen kleinen Video für meine Kontakte. Wer hat schon ähnliches erlebt? Schreibt es doch in den Kommentar, ich lese gerne... | ||
Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 11:37:53 AM- What a shot | ||||||
This morning, I had for the first time in a long period the opportunity to masturbate slowly and with all the time I need and enjoy. I was watching some hot girls and boys on the net, reading hot erotic stories and visiting some chat rooms, all while stroking my hard cock slowly. It produced a lot of precum, so moving my hand over and over it was no problem. Of course I had to stop moving when things got too close, but I managed for more than 3 hours! The scene to cum I had in my had for a long time: I positioned the cam on the table, having a dark green underground for better contrast. To protect the cam from my liquids, I wrapped it in see-through foil. When I decided that my session should come to an end, I got up and positioned myself in front off the cam. I turned it on, including the sound, and started to treat my cock very very nice and hard. It took only seconds now and I felt it cumming - I aimed right at the cam and - ooohh ahhhhhh - the first big splash just hit the lens right up. I squeezed my cook for a second or two, just to build up for the second big splash. Wow that was even bigger then the first one, spurting over the cam and far away onto the floor. The rest of the splashes landed on the table, covering it with quite an amount of cum. That was such a good relieve - and I have it all on the movie. I took some high quality pictures as well before and after the splashing. Some of the pics I will post here. Writing this makes me all horny again - maybe I have to have another session.... ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, July 4, 2007, 12:57:46 PM- Secretly in a shared room | ||||||
I guess you all know the situation that you have to share a room with somebody which is not too close to you (e.g. a sports colleague or a far relative). This happened to me last week. Since my sexual lust can't be just put out for a longer time, I had the urge to touch and relieve myself, but that was not so easy in the shared room. I finally could find some quite time in the shower and enjoyed my cock with lot's of soap, rubbing it furiously while pushing my left pointy into my ass. I knew I had not much time (and I had to be all quite), but the extra thrill of a 'stranger' close by made me cum fast and heavy. Of course I had to cool down before leaving the bad room (how would I explain my red face...), but all went well and unnoticed. How did you handle your pressure in similar situations? | ||||||
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:47:56 PM- Masturbation (German) | ||
Auf einer Internetseite habe ich heute gelesen, dass man Masturbation nicht vernachlässigen soll: Masturbation ist Sex mit jemanden, den man gern hat... Da ich dem nur zustimmen kann und meine Lust eh grenzenlos war, hab ich mir keinen Zwang angetan und meine Hose ausgezogen. Aufgegeilt durch heisse Bilder und Videos (danke Nakedei!) war mein Schwanz hart und nass von den ersten Freundenstropfen. Ich liebe es, mich lange und ausgiebig zu wichsen. Den nassen Schwanz in meiner linken Hand, das Precum verreibend, kann ich stundenlang so weitermachen. Zwischendurch das Precum in meiner Hand ablecken und mit der feuchten Hand weitermachen, mmhhh... Auf [url]http://www.phalluserectus.com/wichsen-webcamsex.html[/url] gibt es immer Gleichgesinnte. Also schnell die Webcam an und die Wichsfreunde an meinen Freuden teilhaben lassen. Und dabei noch andere geile Schwänze oder sogar vereinzelt Pussies sehen. Gleichzeitig mit einem anderen geilen Schwanz kam es mir - und wie! 4-5 grosse Schübe, einer davon hat fast die Webcam getroffen... War das geil! Abgespritzt habe ich auf ein Bild einer geilen Frau... ![]() Vielleicht bist Du dabei beim nächsten mal? Gruss, Chris | ||
Monday, April 30, 2007, 3:08:23 PM- New toy | ||
Do you have a sex toy? I have a new one now, but let me tell you the whole story: I was going through our red light area yesterday, watching some flicks behind their windows and going into some adult stores. I was definitively not looking for sex with a pro (I never do), but it is fun and sometimes exciting to watch how they try to get you in. In the first 2 stores, I did not find anything that I would like (in the movie section, the choice is just to big, in the toys it was either to big to carry or too expensive). When I hit another store more in the city, I was greeted by a young, quite good looking female who offered her advise. I was fun to talk to her (a complete stranger) what would feel better in your ass. Of course I was tempted to ask her not only for advice, but for practical demonstration (but I resisted). From her words, she must have tried all the toys! She suggested a softer material, but they came either with no vibration or a long cable to control it. Since I like the vibrations more then a thick anal plug, I decided for the small thin red one. Of course I could not wait at home to try it out! It feels great, even if you just sit on it and feel the vibrations. I had a hot cam session with a nice cumshot . This morning I decided to share it with you and take some pics, so be patient till you see them all (with some shots of my ass as well for those who asked). Cheers, Sweepter / Chris | ||
Monday, April 30, 2007, 3:06:28 PM- Bi? - Bi! | ||
Check my forum entry about being bi... | ||
Monday, April 30, 2007, 3:05:41 PM- Masturbation | ||
I am sitting in front of my computer, watching all kind of nasty pics or little free movies. I jump from one category to another, preferring to view pictures series of people meeting, kissing, undressing, fingering, licking, having all kind of intercourse and cumming at the end. Depending on my mood, I lick wild party series, m/f single combination, gangbangs, lesbian, outdoor and sometimes some mmf bi action. Most of the time, my cock gets hard fast and stays hard for a long time. When I watch a series that turns me on, i put my left hand into my panties and feel my hard cock. It does not take long and I feel some precum on the tip. Rubbing that precum over the cock head and all over is a very hot feeling, obviously producing more precum! I can rub myself with my own precum for long time (2 or 3 hours), avoiding to cum as long as possible. Sometimes some pictures or 10 second movies are just too hot and I feel my balls tingle - I open my panties more, rub my cock one more time and cum a lot But most of the times I start my web cam and inform someone I know who likes to see cum shots - for the benefit of both I hold my cum till we both are ready - and cum on cam really hard... Tell me what and how you do it! Cheers, Sweepter | ||
Monday, April 30, 2007, 3:04:52 PM- Oooohhh I am cumming | ||||||
After holding back for 2 weeks, my balls where just too full to hold it any longer. I was sitting naked in front of the computer and the webcam and decided that I take some pictures while rubbing my cock. I also shoot a video before and while cumming, but I don't know yet if I will post this. Well have a look at my pictures, I will post day by day. Tell me your last sexual experience and show me your pics. Thanks | ||||||
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