Something must be seriously wrong when you have been married for 15 years, and yet in all this time you have never had a single orgasm when making love to your husband!
Said that to a friend of a friend yesterday evening, after she told us this, and she was not happy with me. Claims that there is nothing amiss as long as her husband is happy to get his orgasm and just get it over with real quick. She was even less happy with me when I asked if we could phone the husband annonomously to ask him if he really was fine with it.
In my opinion : women like these are the one's who complain about husband's just using them. Would so like to wake and shake her up to the reality of her situation; to show her that she is making a sex-slave of herself and that she is in fact the one using her husband.
I can write pages about this. Instead, I'll stay on safe side and just share the general short of the story and wait to see what other people's opinions are about this, for I do not think this is a unique case? ! |