Gift PremiumI'm a fat, old, country boy with a short cock, as you see if you look at my submissions. Doesn't stop me from enjoying the few times I can be totally nude, especially outside. Sexually, I masturbate a lot because if I didn't, I'd never have an orgasm. I really enjoy being "deep throated" when I cum but haven't been able to enjoy that for many, many years. My cock is short but my mate still won't deep throat me but before I die, I hope to enjoy it at least one more time. Might as well admit that I don't consider myself good at sex, mainly because of my short cock and the fact that I cum very quickly. As a possible redemption, I'll also admit I really enjoy 'muff diving', and I guess I'm good at that at least. I haven't had complaints about my pussy eating ability. My primary, non-sexual hobby is model railroading, but I also write erotica from time to time, write scripts for web sites, do woodworking (mainly small items due to space constraints), and quite a few other 'hobbies'. IF YOU ARE LISTED AS "FEMALE" ON YOUR PROFILE: Feel free to message me for chatting (I'd love to hear from you) and send friend requests, follow me, or do whatever. IF YOUR ARE NOT LISTED AS FEMALE ON YOUR PROFILE: Do not follow, friend request, bookmark my contributions, or anything similar because if you do and I learn of it, I will block you. Simple enough?
- 66 years old
- Male
- Joined 19 years ago
Trainman2k's Blog
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Monday, July 10, 2023, 10:49:41 AM- Deanne and I Reunite | ||
Author's Preface: This is an expansion story to the four part “Deanne and Me” series which I wrote between 10/22/2009 and 08/22/2010 and published on a few amateur "adult stories" sites. To give you a little history:: Back in 2009, Art had been introduced to this lady named Deanne. She was injected into his life when, as a Corporate Manager, she had been sent to take him to Hawaii so she could train him for his new capacity within the company. The two of them became close friends almost immediately and are still friends to this day. Over the years as he moved higher and higher up the corporate ladder, he and Deanne had interacted through their job duties, and have stayed connected personally by chatting at least once a week via text and Social Media. They had never been able to get schedules arranged to accommodate them getting together privately in person again, which didn't please either of them. Once in a while as the years passed by, he recalled with great pleasure, some of the intimacies they enjoyed so often during those two weeks of his training. Yes, he jacked off more than one time when recalling some of the things they did. Deanne is several years younger than Art and was still working for the same company, to the best of his knowledge. As far as he knew, she is the head honcho of the entire call center division, responsible for the activity within every one of the numerous call centers the company has. (Unknown to Art, Deanne had taken early retirement just a few months ago and she had decided to secretly try to locate him.) During the years he worked at the call center, he eventually became in charge of the call centers in the eastern half of the contiguous forty-eight states, and communicated often with Deanne. He knew he had stronger feelings for her than he probably should, and even to this day he always makes certain to have a 'proper' picture of Deanne in the living room of his home. He has several 'naughty' pictures of her in his bedroom, and more in storage. Around 2011, he bought the property and the house he now lives in and after having retired at the age of sixty-two, Art had made a few attempts to make connections to go see Deanne, but none of them ever materialized because of one reason or another. He figured she had some 'hunk' in her life and hadn't told him to 'protect his feelings' as she would say, so he didn't try super hard. She never gave any indication either way to him during any of their conversations about her relationship status, and he never directly asked her. She was so sexy, smart, and fun to be with that he couldn't imagine her staying single like he had. Yes, it's undeniable that he has 'carried a torch' for her since they first became acquainted. Okay. Now, let;s fast forward to the present day: Having completed putting the last of the recently washed dishes into the cupboard, Art went downstairs to the basement where he had a model railroad set up. This was quite a layout and he had been working on it for many years, having started it almost immediately after moving into this home. Several hours quickly passed as he was deeply involved in the endless pleasure of 'playing' with his trains. Looking at the clock, he reluctantly decided he had better go upstairs and start working on the revisions to the computer script for the website he has. It was a little after 8:00PM as he booted up the laptop and then went to the kitchen. After brewing a pot of coffee, which was still his choice of drink when script writing, he carried a cup full of the black magic liquid back with him and placed it on the cup warmer beside his laptop. The revisions were going very well, but he again had to stop for a moment to go drain out some of the several cups of coffee he had drank. Returning to the laptop, just as he was ready to sit down, something very odd happened.... the doorbell rang! “Who the devil is that at this hour?” he asked himself while putting on his robe. You see, he is almost always nude when at his very secluded and isolated home, but he kept robes in various places in case something like this ever happened. His home was so isolated that in all the years he had been there, only once did an unexpected person show up – now twice. Grasping one of his revolvers that he has placed in strategic locations, he slipped it into the pocket of his robe. His hand calmly gripped the handle and his trigger finger was in the 'ready' position as he reached for the doorknob. “Who's there?” he loudly asked as his hand then went to the deadbolt on the door. Having opened the door before hearing a response, he was quite surprised to see a lady standing there in front of him. She was very attractive and he'd guess maybe three to five years younger than him. The light from the LED porch light hid little of this lady's shape as she stood there in a nicely contoured dress that ended just above her knees. He smiled slightly and ask, “what's up?” His internal, silent answer was, 'amazingly, my cock!' as he felt the tip of his rarely hard cock brushing against the material of his robe while his body surprisingly graced him with about half of an erection. “Excuse the rudeness of my interruption, I didn't think I'd be here this late,” said the lady as she blushed ever so slightly and grinned. “I see you're in your robe,” she added. “Only because I had to answer my door,” he said in a tone that gave a slight indication of his cautiousness but left little doubt about his displeasure of being disturbed. Continuing to look at her while waiting for an explanation as to the reason she came to his home, especially so late at night, he realized he felt oddly comfortable around her. He was quite aroused too, so that, he figured, could be why he felt so at ease. “I'm so sorry,” she began. “I'm looking for a gentleman by the name of Art,” she cautiously stated. “I was told you might be him,” she continued with as her voice trailed off into silence. While that shocking confession from this lovely vixen at his door sunk in, Art stood there, silent, desperately trying to figure out if he knew her, and how he knew her, if he did. “And you are....” he asked. With a nervous laugh, she answered, “Oh! I'm sorry! How very dumb of me... I'm Deanne,” as she reached her hand out to shake his hand. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before when he heard that. He now knew without any doubt, after hearing her accent and the way she pronounced certain words, that this lady was in fact, who she claimed to be. Even though her hair was styled much differently now, her mannerisms and hand gestures as she talked confirmed her identity to him. A huge smile that could never be suppressed instantly covered his face. He stepped toward her and stretched out his arms, slipping them around her waist. She responded similarly by grabbing him in a hug. “Oh Deanne, I don't believe this! It's so great to hold you again! How - - When – Oh Sweetheart, I love you!” he babbled uncontrollably as their embrace continued. “I've missed you terribly! Thought I'd never see you again!” she replied, still in a mutual embrace. After several moments, they let go of each other and just stood there, staring and smiling at each other for a few seconds. “Come in! Come in!” he exclaimed as he lifted her single suitcase and stepped aside to clear the doorway for her to enter through. “You're a hard man to find,” she remarked as she entered his home. “Not very often anymore,” he replied comically, referring to his decreased sex drive. “Oh, I've missed your dirty mind so much!” Deanne giggled, “but I don't recall you NOT being hard very often,” she continued with a grin on her face. Setting her suitcase down and closing the door, he looked at Deanne and shook his head. “We sure had some wonderful times together, but those were days of long ago. Things have changed with me, and not for the better, I'm afraid to say,” he said to her. “Have a seat!” he exclaimed as he motioned toward the sofa. “Do you want anything to drink? Something to eat?” “Well, I remember those fabulous rum and cola's you made. Can you do one of those perhaps?” was her request as she sat down and flattened out her skirt which had risen high enough to expose more than half of her thighs. “I'll sure give it a try!” he stated as he began walking toward the kitchen. It was so against her nature to snoop, and she tried to not look around much, but her curiosity got the better of her and her eyes began scanning the living room. She noticed he had a lot of railroading memorabilia, signs, and nick-naks set about throughout the room. She continued her casual scan and then saw something that shocked her to the extent of her not being able to believe what she was seeing. Just then, Art walked back in with two glass and some snacks on a tray. He sat the tray on the cocktail table and offered her drink to her. When she didn't acknowledge he was there, he looked at her more closely and noticed she was staring across the room. He followed the path of her stare and then understood what was going on. “I've never put that picture away. It's always been where I can see it because you look almost as lovely in that picture as you do in person.” “Well, thanks,” she said in disbelief. “You know, what really shocked me is the fact I have the very next picture we took that day. It's only of you and it's in my living room back home!” she explained. “I'm very surprised and quite flattered that you kept that picture,” she softly said while raising her glass to her lips to take a sip. “Deanne, I don't know if you were aware of it or not, but I really fell hard for you back then. You were like a custom made person for me – mentally, physically, and sexually. Over the years that have passed, I've never found anyone that makes me anywhere nearly as happy as you did,” he finally admitted to her as he stared intently at the floor. “I have every picture I ever took of you,” he concluded as he turned to look at her. She was smiling ever so brightly and had already put her drink on a coaster on the cocktail table. Her hands rose and cupped his face as she stared into his eyes. “I wasn't ready, and I did knew how you felt. That's why I was surprised to see my picture there.” They sat there in silence for several seconds before almost instinctively they began to lean toward each other for a quick kiss. Time went by very quickly as they talked about everything and anything. Eventually, Art noticed it was two thirty in the morning! “Do you see what time it is?” he asked her as he nodded his head toward the clock on the wall. “I bet you're exhausted! You're not going to drive to your hotel tonight, are you?” he asked hesitantly, knowing how once she had her plans in her head it was almost impossible for anyone to change them. She lowered her head a little and chuckled lightly. “Well. I didn't get a motel room yet – You see; I planned on finding your place a whole lot earlier than I did, then I thought we'd go out to dinner. Then I was going to just play it by ear about sleeping arrangements,” she said almost ashamedly. “You know; you have a very difficult place to find, and you're not well known around here, and yes, I'm tired, I'll admit that,” she added softly. Before he could speak, she asked, “How long ago did you get this place anyhow? It's fantastic!” He began explaining to her that he cherished seclusion and had become quite the recluse over the years, especially since retiring. He also admitted that it didn't surprise him that not many people around knew him or knew of him because that was how he wanted it, and he was glad to know that he was difficult to find. He then continued to tell her he had bought the place about eight years ago and owns a little bit over one hundred acres with not even a fourth of it cleared. He also told her about the pond on his property, and that he had recently found a shallow cave! Standing up and grabbing the tray of untouched snacks, he asked, “How long are you here for, Sweetheart?” Now also standing, she stepped out of his way so he could go to the kitchen. She followed him as she answered. “I'm not really certain at this point, how long I'll be staying but I'm willing to bet you'll want me out before long. I know I'm not easy to put up with most of the time.” Turning to face her, he said very calmly, “don't bet too much on that! I'm sorry to say that you'd lose that bet!” He stepped over to her and slipped his arms around her waist, giving her a gentle but strong hug. “So. Would I win if I bet you and I are going to be sleeping together, for at least a little while?” With a smile and a kiss, she confirmed that he would win. “There is a guest room if you want your own space, but you're more than welcomed to stay in my room with me,” he said. “Come on. Let me give you a five cent tour,” he continued as he grasped her hand and started off. “Here's the common bathroom,” he stated as he walked past a door, lightly knocking on it as they walked past. “And then here's the Master Suite,” he said as he opened the double doors to a magnificent and quite spacious bedroom. “Oh wow!” she gasped in amazement as she stepped in and looked around the room. She saw a very large whirlpool in the corner of the room, adjacent to a door that she perceived as the Master Bath. There was a little bit more railroad memorabilia on the walls and tables, and a California King bed. Seemingly there were acres of closets, plus a separate, really large dressing room “If you want to shower or shit, there's the place,” he said pointing to the door adjacent to the whirlpool. “If you need to piss, you'll have to go outside.” She was stunned. This lavish house and she had to go outside to.... “wait a minute!” she thought to herself. “Sounds like he's being a smart ass again!” “Not me, buddy!” she retorted, trying to sound very disgusted. “I'll just piss in the tub!” she said, actually sounding quite serious. They both began to laugh at about the same time, realizing neither of them were serious with the other. “Sweetie, in all seriousness, if you're not wanting to shower right now, just make yourself comfortable because I'm going to take a quick shower.” Looking at him with her 'shy girl' face, she she said, “Or,” as she started to unbutton her dress. “We could shower together, right? I mean; the shower's large enough, isn't it?” she finished asking as her dress fell to the floor and clumped around her ankles. Since she was usually without a bra, and this time being no exception, she was now once again, totally naked in front of Art. She watched him scan over her body and was happy to see that his cock was beginning to get hard and was starting to rise. “You are so sexy!” he said as he took the few steps toward her. Pulling her tightly against him, she felt his excitement pulsating against her abdomen and her hands went around him, grabbing him by the ass and pulling him even more tightly against her. They stood there for a minute, her getting more and more excited as his cock constantly throbbed against her. She wanted to have him inside of her – and soon! He was holding her tightly and cherishing the sensation of his erect penis throbbing against her soft, warm skin. He moved his hips ever so slightly and his cock released a large amount of pre-cum. His craving for her grew and his cock got harder! He wasn't sure how he wanted to enjoy her first – doggie, missionary, back door, or orally, but he wanted her! “Let's go,” Deanne suggested as she began to take him to the open, no door shower stall. The walls had smooth, cut faux stone on them, and there was a large shower bench. She guessed probably nine or so shower heads were mounted on the three walls, plus one above the archway into the shower as well as two 'rain heads' in the ceiling. She couldn't wait to get the water flowing and the fun going. After showing her the various ways to set-up the shower, he told her to set it however she wanted. Ultimately, she ended up having a gentle, soaking rain type of shower – one that was like the rain they got caught in when making love in a secluded area on the beach in Hawaii during the young day of their relationship. As the warm water cascaded down from the ceiling and gently sprayed from the wall shower heads, his cock grew harder than he remembered it being for a long time. The swollen head of his re-born sexual tool brushed against her skin as she turned her back to him, positioned herself perfectly in alignment with his upright cock, then pushed her heavenly mounds back again him, forcing his shaft to slip between her ass cheeks. The water not only allowed his shaft to slide easily into her crack, but invited him to enjoy her even more. She loved feeling his excitement rubbing up and down her ass crack as it throbbed continuously. Anything he desired from her, she'd be willing to do. If he wanted anal, that was fine. A rear entry into her attention starved pussy – fine by her. Use her ass crack as a masturbation aide – no problem. She knew that whatever he chose now didn't matter as far as her pleasure goes because she'd be getting her full allotment of satisfaction when they got to the bed. That was one thing she always respected about Art – he never once had pleasured himself without making sure she got as much or more pleasure in return. She was secretly hoping he'd do oral on her. She remembered how he satisfied her so often with his magical mouth. As she was fixated on the memories of him giving her pussy pleasure by mouth, she barely noticed that he had opted to cum in her crack. The realization of his decision was only evident to her after hearing his loud moan of delight, and the virtually instantaneous warm feeling in her ass crack as his release flowed freely. When he was done, she turned around and squatted down, taking his already soft and short cock into her mouth, sucking every drop of cum off it that she could find. Once finished, they did a quick wash up and was soon in bed snuggled up tightly together. They lay there and conversed about some of the countless times they had enjoyed sex with each other, and she waited patiently. She was really hoping he would soon have his head between her legs – she was dripping wet and getting even more horny. She smiled to herself when he said he had to make a trip to the can. He always did that before he'd go down on her. She never asked him why, but she also knew he had never had to stop to go to the bathroom while he was doing her orally, which was something not every man she had received oral sex from could honestly say. When he returned to the bed, he slid on his chest from the foot of the bed up toward the head of the bed, seperating her legs as he went. He didn't stop until his face was just a fraction of an inch away from her highly excited pussy. He lifted his head to look at her. “Well, since I'm here, do you mind if I stay a while?” and then gave her pussy a very quick but thrilling lick with his tongue. She involuntarily squirmed a little and he did it again. And again. And again. She was enjoying every lick from his tongue and was anxiously awaiting the initial 'tongue on clit' moment. That first contact of his tongue against her clit always sent shivers of pure ecstasy through her, and it had been missing from her life for a long, long time. Just as she went to reach down to rub her fingers through his hair, it happened. The stiffened tip of his warm, wet tongue glided over her hardened sex starter. Her body actually jerked as an uncontrolled reaction to the extreme pleasure of feeling his tongue touching her hard button. She didn't know how or what he did down there, but she knew he was damned good at it and usually made her have several orgasms. She had pondered several times if it was the fact that his tongue was the perfect texture for her; or maybe it was because his tongue seemed so wide when he would press it's full width across her pink paradise. He'd start at her anus and slowly move up over her clit, wiggling his tongue slightly as he did. That always drove her over the edge in short order. The extreme and total stimulation from his tongue made trying to offer any resistance to an orgasm impossible. She always let go after two or three of those full tongue licks. Art was happy. He was at last, once again, enjoying giving pleasure to this very special lady in his life. Even though it had only been about twenty of thirty minutes since his own orgasm, he could feel his cock beginning to have some interest in an encore performance. He continued to give Deanne as much pleasure as he possibly could, knowing she had already had at least four orgasms; maybe more. His cock was now letting him know it was ready to make one more deployment for the day, so he lifted himself and slid up to be on top of her. His hard shaft must have been guided by unseen sexual forces as the head did a direct hit on her gateway to elation and was slipping effortlessly between her soft and excitement enlarged labia flaps. A slight movement from Deanne, a gentle forward push of his hips, and the fat head of his cock slipped easily between her pussy lips and penetrated into her. The feeling of having her pussy once again engulfing the full circumference of his thick cock head as he entered her was almost too much. He was afraid he'd be cumming in a matter of a stroke or two, so he stayed motionless for a few seconds. Slowly and cautiously, he pushed until his full length was buried inside the body of this beautiful, naked goddess that was laying underneath him. She delightfully moaned softly as her pussy eagerly accepted his penetration. “If you want to cum, go ahead,” she told him. “I've certainly had more than my fair share of orgasms tonight,” she whispered as her fingers roamed over his sexually tensed body as she added, “Anything you want.” Being the idiot and clown that he is, Art started taking very short, rapid strokes as he supported his upper body with his arms and looked into her eyes as he queried, “What? I'm fucking Roy Orbison after a sex change?” He sounded surprisingly serious as he continued to tease both of them by making long, full strokes with his cock. Deanne started laughing. “Only you could say something like that and get away with it!” she exclaimed, pulling him down snugly on top of her as the lofty explosion of mutual and most likely, simultaneous orgasms steadily approached them both. The encouragement Deanne gave by wrapping her legs around his ass made it impossible to hold back much longer, but he tried. Feeling her snug tightness holding his cock within her was more pleasurable then remembered from their last time together. Unfortunately, the “Battle of His Buried Baton” was soon lost. His body quivered and jerked as his sexual pleasure overloaded his senses. He flooded her love cavity with another huge load of his warm satisfaction. She squeezed him in rhythm with his slowing strokes, milking him of every drop before releasing her grip on his deflating flesh stick. The two of them continued to lay there in an embrace as his shrinking cock slowly but steadily was withdrawing from her paradise. When he rolled over onto his back, she moved onto her side, facing him. She was smiling. “Good night, my dear,” she whispered as she kissed him before laying her head down on his shoulder. “You sure make me feel good!” “Good night, Sweetheart,” he replied as his hand gently grasped her shoulder and hugged her. It took little time before they were both sound asleep; neither of them knowing what the approaching days would bring. =+= =+= =+= =+= =+= =+= =+= =+= When Art awoke, he made his ritualistic trek to the bathroom. As he was returning to bed, he saw Deanne was awake and laying there, smiling slightly. “I'm sorry if I awakened you – my bladder – you know,” he explained as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, facing her. She chuckled. “Oh, I know all too well because mine is the same way,” she explained as her hand landed on his mid-thigh. “I need to ask you something,” he began. Noticing a slight look of fear or worry on her face, he instantly added, “it's nothing to worry about or fret over.” “I just wanted to let you know that I rarely wear clothes here at home; I've become a solitary nudist, I guess, but if that makes you uncomfortable, I'll gladly get dressed”. She obviously relaxed and a smile was now prominent on her face. “You can be dressed or go nude, it's whichever way you want,” he said to her. “I don't mind if you're nude all day,” she responded. “I won't promise you that I'll not attack you and have my way with you, but don't change your lifestyle to accommodate me”. He smiled. “And you? Are you going to join me in being naked?” he asked, hoping of course that she chose to go nude. “I have no problem being nude. I actually enjoy it and have often wished I could spend my days naked,” she answered with a very 'matter-of-fact' tone of voice. “Sweet!” he said happily. “But you're in the same boat – I can't promise you that I won't attack you either!” he said as he stood up without thinking. You see, when he stood up, it placed his cock within an inch or two of her left hand. She immediately took advantage of that positioning and gently but firmly grabbed his limp cock. “What if I want to give you a blowjob?” she playfully asked as she massaged his slowly stiffening member. He automatically moved himself a whisker closer to her while enjoying the attention she was giving his cock. “I'd rarely try to prevent you from getting what you want,” he said with an evident excitement in his voice. Somehow, with extreme quickness and seemingly no effort, she swung her feet to the floor and was now sitting on the edge of the bed, her other hand now tenderly playing with his balls as she massaged his now hard shaft. He could feel her breath on the tip of his cock and was waiting for her to touch her lips against it. It seemed like hours before it happened, but she leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock, then took his full length into her mouth with one smooth motion. Granted, he wasn't very long, but it still was amazing how she ran her tongue against the underside of his shaft when she took it all in. In his state of elevated arousal, he felt obligated to give her warning of his rapidly approaching orgasm. “Oh Deanne!” he gasped as he frantically tried to hold back, afraid that she might not want him to cum in her mouth. “I'm cumming!!!” was his outcry just seconds before the uncontrollable release of his load poured into her mouth. She frantically struggled to take every drop and she did a pretty good job with only a small drop escaping. She worked him over good, sucking and licking his cock, making certain he was drained before she leaned back and looked up at him. “To me, there's nothing like your warm cum in the morning!” she giggled devilishly. With his body weak from such intense pleasure, he could barely stand upright. “Hey. Anytime I can help...” he said as he tried to regain his strength. Several minutes later, after he had showered, he walked into the kitchen to find Deanne there, wearing an apron but nothing else, cooking them a lunch. Even though it was technically their breakfast, it was already a little after twelve, so to him, it was lunch. They chatted as she cooked, and he helped her located what she needed and would wash things as she was done with them. She was so sensually intoxicating as she walked about the kitchen with her sexy ass peeking out from the back of the apron that he was getting horny again. She had paused in front of the range, allowing the food to cook undisturbed for a few moments, and he quickly stepped up behind her, pressed his flesh tightly against her ass and wiggled his hips a little. “Oh-h-h-h-h-h! Don't do that!” she warned as she pressed back against him. “Not unless you want this food burnt and be destroyed while I make you fuck me!” Without a word, he turned her around to be facing him, reached around her and turned off the range burner, then lifted her effortlessly onto the counter beside the range, pushing her legs apart as he did so. She hadn't been able to say a word or even make a sound yet as he pulled her to the very edge of the counter, lifted the apron and shoved his cock quickly and deeply into her. “Ohhhh, YES!!!” she moaned as he relentlessly slammed his cock in and out of her increasingly wet pussy. “Oh shiiitttt!” she moaned as she leaned back slightly. He felt her pussy muscles tightly clench around his cock for a second or two, then he felt them relax and her flood of satisfaction flowed over the throbbing shaft of his flesh that was still pumping frantically in and out of her. He thought she had two orgasms by the time he had his, but she later told him she had more than that. He didn't care, as long as she was happy. Art really enjoyed having Deanne there with him; her uninhibited nature made him feel many years younger and his sex drive was returning quickly. Her ways of catching him off guard was a huge delight to him. For example; he was working under the tractor one time with his body being visible only from his waist to his feet. She walked up very nonchalantly and started to give him a BJ, switched over to the reverse cowgirl position, then finished sucking him off, all while he lay helplessly under the tractor. When she was done, he crawled out and just stared at her in disbelief. “You're absolutely an insane nymphomaniac!” he finally said as he started to laugh. “And that's just one of the nine hundred seventy three reasons I love you!” Her face conveyed a unique expression and he wasn't sure what was the cause of it. “You really love me?” she asked. “I mean love as in life partner love, or love as in a strong liking?” Without hesitation he replied, and his verbal response rushed from his mouth and hit her hard right between the eyes. “I love you as in I want to be sharing life with you from here on out.” Deanne wasn't totally surprised because she knew he had strong feelings for her in the past, but she wasn't certain if they were as strong today. Now she knew they were. That evening as they ate dinner, he went to the kitchen to get them a refill on coffee. When he returned, has sat the coffee cups on the table and knelt beside her. Slowly opening a small box he had in his hand, he asked, “Deanne, would you glorify me as a man and fulfill my life by marrying me?” With tears of happiness in her eyes, she leaned over and said, “Yes. Yes! Yes, without any hesitation!” and kissed his forehead. The engagement ring fit her perfectly, and she found that odd. It took her a day or two before she realized why it fit so well; it was the one she had liked the most when they had gone shopping for the day in Honolulu and 'jokingly' spent some time looked at wedding band sets. “That sly bastard,” she said under her breath as it dawned on her he probably had them size it and bought it that day, then held onto it waiting for the right moment, never expecting it to take over ten years for that moment to arrive. Over the next several weeks as they enjoyed each other uninhibitedly, their bond became tighter and tighter. There had been minimal adjusting for either of them since their individual personalities and life styles were so closely similar. Rarely did they leave 'the compound' as Art referred to it. Their mutual preference was to stay at home, be in the nude both in the house and outside, and to just enjoy life and being with each other. Before too long, they began discussing wedding ceremony plans, both opting for it to be as small and simple as possible. | ||
Thursday, June 18, 2020, 1:01:32 AM- The Balcony - INTRO | ||||||
As an aide to my mental health, I have taken up 'the pen' once again and started attempting to write an erotica story. I am hoping someone finds it worthy of their time to read this and the following chapters. Comments and/or constructive criticism is welcomed. If you don't like my writing, don't expect me to care - just ignore it and move on, DISCLAIMER: All persons, places, and events depicted in this story is purely fictional and any similarities to a real person, whether living or deceased, or to any location, business, or activity, is purely coincidental. NOTICE: This is entire story line, "The Balcony", is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America as my original 'intellectual property'. ---------------------------------------------------------- As Art sat in the restaurant of the motel where he was staying for the week, he passed his time by watching people. It was a habit of his. He always watched people. Naturally, he watched females and enjoyed the fantasies that some gave him. One particular female caught more than his eye on this occasion as he scanned the dining area. She was very trim and had a nice shape to her. With her hair cascading about half way down her back, he decided she was next. He walked to where she was seated with another female, and as he approached her, his sexual thoughts were building on the ideas his eyes gave him. Her long, shapely legs and her perfectly sculptured thighs made his hormones awaken. Knowing he was quite overweight and flabby, he had learned years ago that most young, sexy ladies didn't want to have sex with a guy like him and he had decided way back then to just be a blunt, “4F” guy – you know - “Find 'em, Feel 'em, Fuck 'em, Forget 'em”. He had become quite brash and blunt when seeking a fuck buddy, but the fact that he had a large amount of cash on his person at all times helped get the female to ponder the possibility he offered, and usually accept. He casually walked up beside this lady and stopped. She looked up at him with the typical 'what the hell do you want' expression that most girls gave him. He laid a hundred dollar bill on the table in front of her, but kept his firm grip on it. He was fat, horny and wealthy, not stupid. “How much time does this get me?” he asked her flatly. The woman glanced up at him, back at the money, and then looked up at him again. “You think I'm a whore?!?!” she snarled, seemingly quite upset. “No. Not at all. You are a very sexy lady, and quite honestly, I'd enjoy fucking you,” he said calmly and quietly. “but I think you'd be enchanting to talk to, and your time is worth something, isn't it?” he replied as he picked up the bill and held it directly in front of her. “Attempting to buy sex is unlawful, you know,” she said in a voice that told him she was at least interested. He shrugged his shoulders. “I'm not a lawyer – just a horny, lonely old fat man that was offering to compensate you for some time with you. If you offer me sex, you can bet I'll accept it, but I'm not paying for it.” “Then what's this about?” she shot back as she grasped the hundred dollar bill that he continued to hold onto. “It's to compensate you for your time with me, as I already told you,” he said in a voice that indicated he was getting pissed off. “But you said you'd like to fuck me when you asked how much time this will get you with me,” she retorted. “Yes. For time talking, as a non-professional therapist for me,” he answered. “Me telling you I want to fuck you was just a statement. I'd enjoy fucking her too,” Art said as he looked at the other woman at the table who was obviously not believing what was happening in front of her. “But I don't want to talk to her.” His attention turned back to his original target. “You going to come to my suite and talk with me or not?” he asked very firmly. Several seconds passed. “If so, how long does this get me with you?” he repeated his original question. In a very soft voice, just above a whisper, he heard her say, “Yes. I'll come.” “Okay. Now, what's your name and how long does this get me with you?” he again asked as he waived the bill in front of her. “My name is Lisa, and I don't know – a few hours?” she responded with. “Okay. A few means at least three hours to me, so Lisa,” he was saying as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and a pen. “Come to my room in an hour or so,” he finished with as he handed her a card with his room number written on the back of it. “I'll give you this as soon as you're in the room, Lisa” he told her as he folded up the money. As he turned and began to walk away, he heard Lisa's table companion asking if she was really going to fuck him. Sadly enough, he couldn't hear her answer. About an hour and a half later, Lisa was standing in front of the door to the room number on the card she had been given. Hesitantly, she knocked on the door. Several seconds later, the door opened and Art was there, inviting her into his suite. He closed and locked the door as Lisa walked toward the sofa in the room. | ||||||
Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 3:42:38 PM- Good Morning | ||||||
You didn't hear me approaching from behind you. In an instant, your sundress had been lifted up to around your waist and you feel the hot, smooth skin of my hard cock pressing firmly between the cheeks of your ass. “Good morning,” you hear me say as I gently move my hips, rubbing my cock against you, trying to slip it into the crack of your ass. You tilt your head back and flex your ass muscles a few times as you reach behind you, grabbing my hips and pulling me tighter against you. “It's getting better!” you say as my rigid rod of flesh finally achieves it's goal and you feel the thick tip of my cock inch closer to your asshole. My hands slide up and over your breasts, your dress pinched between our bodies as I rock my hips back and forth, slowly stroking my erection between your soft mounds of flesh. I'm coating your soft skin with the warm, slippery juices that ooze from my cock as it throbs erratically with extreme excitement as it stays wedged between your ass cheeks. “Oh shit!” I gasp softly. I know I am teetering precariously at the brink of ejaculation as your ass gets me more and more excited. My hands clench more tightly around your breasts and you feel my manhood swelling and throbbing as it slides up and down over your anus, dispensing more warm lubrication with every stroke. You repeated squeeze my cock by flexing your ass cheeks and wiggle your hips ever so slightly. My cock throbs more violently. Your breasts are getting squeezed tighter. Your ass crack is saturated with the evidence of my impending orgasm. You lean slightly over the sink and hear a deep rumble as I moan with delight. I squeeze your breasts so hard it hurts – feels great, but hurts. You can feel my hip muscles tighten as you continue to pull me tightly against you. You tighten your ass muscles and feel a huge pond of warm, thick gel filling your ass crack as I quiver feverishly while my cock shoots the contents of my balls against your asshole. You move your hips back and the alignment is perfect – my cock presses through the tightness of your asshole. The still swollen head of my cock spreads you apart as my shaft gets pushed deeper and deeper into you. I'm still pumping out globs of cum as I feel the warm tightness squeeze around my tip, and then the elation of haing you smooth, warm rectum around the girth of my cock. “Oh shit!” I exclaim in gasps of pleasure. My knees quiver as your body coaxes every drop of semen from within me. The warmth you feel inside your body provides you proof that it is, in fact, a good morning! | ||||||
Monday, December 9, 2019, 4:40:46 AM- A Short Story | ||||||
Something I threw together a few months ago - finally have it edited and corrected (I hope): Sitting at the dining room table, working on the computer system for the store, I didn't notice her walk up behind me. She kissed me on top of the head and asked, “how's it going?” Leaning back in the chair, I reached around behind me and placed my hands against her thighs. Moving my hands up and down the wonderful tapers of her thighs, my hands slid under her shirt and up to her ass cheeks. She was, as I had hoped, not wearing anything but the shirt. “Not bad, but wish it was faster progress,” was my exhausted reply. I've been working on this system since starting the store three years ago, taking few breaks from it. I know the only way to get where I wanted to be was to work at it, but I also needed some relief. She slid her hands inside of my robe and moved them slowly downward. “Why don't you take a break?” she asked as her hands slid past my navel and made initial contact with my pubic hair. My cock instantly sprang to erection and my legs parted just a bit as her soft hand ran over the tip of my now throbbing protrusion. For a few seconds, I just enjoyed her touch, but soon was wanting more, so I slid my chair back and opened my legs just a bit more. With both of her hands lavishing attention to my shaft, I moved my ass closer to the edge of the chair and opened my legs even further. Leaning back, I closed my eyes and it was only a few seconds before I felt the glorious touch of her lips against my aching flesh. Instinctively my hips raised as she slowly too me in. I heard her vibrator start up and knew she was going to give me a real treat. As her lips and tongue worked me near to orgasm, her hands and vibrator was pushing her rapidly toward climaxing. She was truly amazing at hitting all the right spots and I was soon pumping my warm satisfaction into her mouth as she was coaxing her own body into full release. In what seemed like just a few seconds, she stood up and began covering my belly and crotch with her warm juices as she squirted strongly with overwhelming satisfaction. One. Two. Three – Four – Five – Six Her glorious ejaculations covered my now limp cock and balls to the point where her juices were slowly running down around my sac. I reached up and rubbed my finger in her slit, coaxing a few more but much small squirts from her. “Oh shit, that was nice!” she softly said as she turned and sat on my lap. Her pussy was literally dripping and it felt like heaven on my cock and balls. I coaxed her to lay back on me, which she did, and my soft flesh slid happily between her well lubricated ass cheeks – another glorious sensation I enjoy! “THAT,” I whispered in her ear, “was beyond nice!” ---------------------------------- Opinions (good and bad) are welcomed | ||||||
Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 4:14:23 PM- Fat and short | ||||||
Okay. So I know I'm very much overweight, and I know I have a short, thick cock, but do YOU know that I don't feel any less of a man than someone who is thin and trim, with a chunk of flesh to his knees? Do you know why I don't? Because I make sure to give the lady pleasure in ways that most have never had a man give. Some of the unique ways I pleasure a woman was taught to me by a lady I dated for a few years. She was a little older than me, but loved sex as much as I did. She 'taught' me several things that she said would sexually please most women, and although I never was one to go out and screw every female I could, with the ladies I have been intimate with, they all have seemed authentically satisfied when it was done. The one huge advantage my short cock gives me is that there are few women who cannot “deep throat” me all the way down to my balls! That is a sensation that is so exquisite it's almost impossible to put into words. If I tried really hard, I might feel bad for these guys that are “too long” to get the DT on a regular basis. The reason I wrote this is because in the many years I have been a member here at NN, there have been a few that 'make fun' of my less than expected endowment. I don't care – when I have sex with a lady, I know she'll be having a grand old time and receive a lot of pleasure. | ||||||
Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 1:01:17 PM- The start of a short (erotica) story | ||||||
Inspired by someone here in NN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As they stood in the dim light of the evening, hormones were racing. His cock was throbbing as her hand slid over the bulge his erection made in his pants. Her pussy was so wet she actually felt her juices soaking her panties as his hands slowly roamed over her body. “We shouldn't be doing this,” she whispered as she nuzzled her head against his. “I know,” he replied, trying to maintain his composure. Moments passed and their passion steadily increased. His hands slipped under blouse and rubbed over her breasts. Her nipples were very hard and he spent some time stimulating them more. As his warm, large hands rubbed over her skin, shivers raced through her body as it silently begged him to do more. He moved his head back a little and she looked into his eyes as their hands continued to tease each other. “I want you,” he said as his hands slid down over her waist and his fingers slipped between the waistband of her shorts and her abdomen. “I want to please you.” Her crotch was so wet by this time she was beginning to wonder if she had peed her pants as she admitted to herself that she wanted to feel his hardness deep inside of her. “We agreed to not have sex,” she xxxxxx herself to say, even though her hands were loosening his belt. “We were just to have dinner and that was all.” “You knew I wouldn't be able to resist you,” he replied. “You turned me on from the very first picture you posted,” he added as his hands began to unbutton her shorts. Not a word was spoken as his jeans and her shorts became undone. He slid her shorts down and slipped his hand into her panties just as her hands opened his jeans. A thousand waves of anticipation raced through her body as his finger slid between her slippery and swollen pussy lips. She involuntarily gasped with pleasure as he stroked her clit and she gently stroked his now fully exposed erection, occasionally running her hands over his cum filled balls. “Your cock feels so good,” she whispered as she rubbed his shaft. His fingers were doing some magic on her and she was getting aroused to the point of no return. Parting her legs slightly, he stretched his arm and got his fingers at the rim of her passageway to heaven. She felt his pre-cum ooze out as she stroked and rubbed his cock. He wanted to push his cock deep in her pussy, and could mentally imagine the wet tightness hugging his shaft as he penetrated her in his mind. She was wanting ore than his fingers to be rubbing the opening of her pussy; she wanted his cock to be there. Without a word, she stepped back just a little and squatted down in front of him, immediately taking the tip of his cock into her mouth as her hands cupped his balls and gently rubbed them. His knees began to quiver as she gave him intense pleasure with her mouth, lips, and tongue. She was thinking of how thick he was and wanting him to be filing her pussy as she licked and sucked him for a few more minutes. She pushed his jeans down as she sucked on the thick, pulsating head of is hard flesh. Standing up, she told him to sit down, which he did, as she dropped her saturated panties to the ground She turned around so her ass was facing him, bent over sightly, and before she could do what she was planning, his face was buried between her ass cheeks and he was tonguing her pussy like there was no tomorrow. She felt herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm, and she wanted to have his cock take her there. She moved away from him just enough where she could sit down on his shaft. She lowered herself until the wide tip of his rock hard cock touched the wetness of her dripping pussy. | ||||||
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 5:32:18 AM- My weekend is NOW | ||||||
Finally - all showered and relaxing, even though I'm doing paperwork for my business. Sitting here with the air flowing over the still damp skin of my sac and cock, it feels wonderful and quite arousing. Making me have an even stronger desire for a good "pole licking". Not a full BJ - just licking and kissing my shaft. Watched a few videos and it seems it would be even more enjoyable than a regular blow job at this point. So now, all I need to do is focus on my paperwork and maybe pleasure will cum my way. This is my weekend now so I'm having a few MGD's and relaxing. Hope you all have a good day!! | ||||||
Sunday, April 28, 2019, 5:31:07 AM- My brain works - but in weiird ways | ||||||
I discovered the other day that one of the two gas tank straps on my truck had failed. Gasoline weight is about 6 pounds per gallon, and with a 28 gallon tank, it's about 168 pounds of fuel in the tank when filled. Would I have filled the tank if I had not found the one strap was gone? Of course! So why all of a sudden am I apprehensive to fill it up and only put about five gallons in it today? My point here is I would have filled it not knowing the strap was gone, but now that I know, I didn't want to risk the other one failing - but that makes no sense to me. (BTW: Two new straps are going on it this coming week) Perhaps my brain is best matched to conjure up sexual fantasies every five seconds or so. | ||||||
Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 7:56:27 PM- Pondering The Possibilities | ||||||
As any of you know, that have known me much at all, I'm very horny most of the time. Have met (cyber meeting - not in person) a lot of great ladies here at NN over the 13 years or so that I've been a member. Many have helped me get off, and some convinced me to do cybersex, which I admit, is something different. So now, here I am, entering the sixth decade of living, and wanting to do a sex tape with my mate. I think she'd be willing - she's given several hints to that effect, but my problem is that the only option I see for it is to place the camera somewhere and record. I'd like to be able to do some shots of me entering her through various orifices, and maybe a few of me licking at her pussy, but my body size is large and my penis is short - thick, I've often been told, but short. I have that "dickie-do" problem - where my belly sticks out further than my dickie do! We made a vdieo where I slid back and forth in her ass crack and shot a load onto her. I shortened the video and just posted it - you'll see what I mean. Anyhow, not long ago, I made a video (about two minutes in length) of me masturbating, and trying to decide if I should post it or not, but I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get a good camera when videoing us as a couple. I'll keep trying to lose weight, but we all know that isn't easy, and it takes a while. | ||||||
Wednesday, January 2, 2019, 5:28:45 AM- Robust and can't do | ||
Okay. So being a horny old man with a moderately open minded mate, I suggested to her we try our hand at making a video where I get off in the crack of her ass. She was willing, so we got the oil warmed and then positioned ourselves on the bed. Soon, complete with phone in hand, I stradled her fabulous ass and drizzled a little out on us. The sensation I got was great, but my protruding belly blocked the view of the camera! I ended up just barely getting my orgasm recorded. Lesson of this adventure: If you want to video your sexual activities, either get a longer dick or a smaller stomach than what I have! ???? | ||
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