- Wuzzybee23
Gift PremiumA nudist, an exhibitionist, and a lover of sex and fun, and not necessarily in that order.
- 78 years old
- Male
- Joined 10 years ago
- Active 6 months ago
Wuzzybee23's Blog
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 11:53:16 PM- Jacking on the front porch! | ||
Rather cold tonight, however I was horny and I went out on my front porch and jacked off. Felt great, did get caught by a passing bicyclist but he simply stopped, pulled his pants down, sat next to me and jacked off too! I told the whole story in the forums under erotic stories. However next time I am going to bring a thick towel to sit on. My concrete steps were damn cold and hard. | ||
Friday, February 5, 2016, 5:19:13 PM- Testicle Sonogram | ||||||
Had a sonogram of my testicles today! What an interesting experience. Having a nice looking young lady play with my balls with out any real benefit for me! I had to pretend it did not feel good! Was kind of hard to do when my dick started to grow! Damn thing seems to have a mind of its own at times. She just pretended to not notice! How could I avoid it when she rubbed that warm cream on my balls, then started moving them around. Ole Wuzzy kept getting in her way and she had to keep pushing him aside. Was fun though, but I don't want to do it again. | ||||||
Saturday, January 2, 2016, 9:46:47 PM- Sunny day finally! | ||||||
Well, it is a wonderful sunny day in SE VA today! Went outside on my back porch in the nude for a few minutes but it was too cold to stay long. And it would not have been very much fun if anyone had seen me as my cock shrunk so much I could barely see it! I need to move south to warmer climes! | ||||||
Wednesday, December 30, 2015, 9:43:23 PM- Rain dance day! | ||
We are having an unusually warm, dark rainy day here in South East VA today. So I did what many people want to do, but don't for various reasons. I got naked and ran around in my front yard, with a stop for a pee in the middle of the yard. Sure hope my neighbors were not making a movie or taking pictures of me doing it! However it was great fun, for the short time that it lasted! I have done that during the summer when all the trees and plants are in full leave, however this time of the year there is nothing to hide behind. That made it even sweeter! | ||
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 9:56:18 PM- Being a nude model | ||||||
I had an odd experience last week. I was out of town on business and while sitting at the hotel bar and chatting with the man next to me. Our conversation was about the latest political crap but slowly changed to my hobby, photography - mainly because I had my camera bag on the floor next to me. My new friend saw it and asked what I took pictures off, as usual I told him landscape scenes, which did not seem to interest him very much. He told me he played around as a pencil artist. He asked if I wanted him to do a pencil sketch of me and I agreed. So he sat there at the bar and drew me, and it was quite good. Of course we talked about that and many other things and he finally got around to saying he really like to sketch nudes. And I admitted that I really liked to take pictures of nudes. It was not too long after that we were in my room and I was taking my cloths off. He tried different poses, and finally settled by having me lay on the bed. I have posted a scanned image of what he did on NN. I am not sure I really like it, as I know I have a small cock, and his sketch made it look even smaller. But he really was good. However he did not want to strip and let me take pictures of him, but he did sit next to me while I was laying there and gave me a hand job, with a bit of licking. So the night was not a total loss! I do have to admit laying there naked for the 30 minutes or so it took him to do his sketch was exciting for an exhibitionist like me. And my cock did not get hard, till he started playing with it. He did ask me if I would come to his class the following week and model for his students. Unfortunately I was leaving before that was to happen. I do think that would be great fun. | ||||||
Saturday, December 5, 2015, 2:08:45 PM- Taking a trip to Bowie | ||
Will be in Maryland, just East of DC all week. All alone in a hotel room playing with my dick each night. Anyone want to come by and play with me? | ||
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 4:05:50 PM- A second undie show for my wife | ||
Another undies show for my wife this morning! She purchased some more new undies for me. And then had me model each pair for her. She even took pictures of me in each pair, and a couple of full nudes. She thought she was embarrassing me. Little does she know I post nude pictures of myself on NN all the time and really enjoy doing that. She told me she was going to hold on to the pictures and if I was a bad boy she would show them to her girl friends. All that does is make me want to be the bad boy she is probably hoping for. What really makes this odd is that it is a complete change in her, she never ever wanted me to take nude selfies and send them to her! Hopefully she will be letting me take some nudes of her. I will be sure to post them if she does. | ||
Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 9:37:22 PM- Underwear Show | ||||||
I had an interesting thing happen to me today, I gave my wife an underwear show! It was quite exciting for me, and apparently even for her. What makes this unique is that she is normally a prude and never walks around the house in her underwear and certainly not in the nude. Nor does she like me doing the same. However today she handed me a package that had just arrived from Jockey and told me it was for me. I opened it and found 4 pairs of very colorful and very small men's underpants. She asked me if I liked them and when I said they were interesting she smiled and asked me to put a pair on to see if they fit. So I went in the bedroom, pulled off what I was wearing and put on the first pair in the box, a red pair, and put them on. I walked back into the living room and she whistled and smiled. Then asked me to turn around so she could see the back. All fairly normal for her up to this point, then it started, she asked to me come close to her, she was sitting down on the sofa, so I did and she started running her hands around the undies, feeling how soft they were she said, however she outlined my cock, and pinched my balls. She then slide her hands down the waste band, saying she need to see how tight they were. Of course by now my cock was starting to get hard and her fingers started rubbing the head of my cock. She just barely touched it, then pulled her hands away and told me to go put on another pair. As I was leaving the room she call out to me and said turn around, when I did she took a picture of me with her cell phone - again a really, really strange thing as she had given me a really hard time when I sent her a naked selfie of my self. She smiled and said, thank you, now the next pair! The second pair were as tight as the first and she did the same things, rubbing all over my cock and ass, then putting her hands under the waste band and touching my cock, this time first soft then squeezing a bit. She told me to turn around and she gave my ass a run and with her hands under the undies she probed my ass whole with her finger, not deep, but in our 50 years of marriage she has never even touched my ass, much less try and finger it! She had me stand back a bit and took several pictures with both front and rear views. The third pair of undies got the same treatment, but this time she pulled my cock out and licked the head, saying she wanted to know what it tasted like. Again, another new thing, she has never given me a blow job, saying it was disgusting! For the rear view she pulled them down and told me to bend over and this time her finger went in my ass quite a bit deeper and really felt good. I was no longer surprised at anything she did. After another picture, a close up of my cock sticking out and my ass exposed by the pulled down pants. I could barely control myself as I went in for the last pair to try on. Things started the same way, touching, rubbing and pulling. However this time she took the head of my cock in her mouth and started blowing on it, what a hum job she was giving me. My new undies were on the floor, my cock slide from her mouth to her pussy (did I mention she had stripped down between pair three and four) and we had the best fuck ever. When it was all over she started to get dressed and suddenly stopped, she simply asked me if I though the new undies felt good on me! At 69 years old, I have suddenly found a wonderful sexy wife, she is the same woman I have lived with for almost 50 years. I have not asked her why she changed, I don't want her to change back! | ||||||
Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 8:53:37 PM- Peeing in public | ||||||
One of my NN friends asked me to send him a picture of me peeing. He said he had a fantasy about being peed on. Well that is not my fantasy, but I am not against anybodies fantasy. So I tried. I went in my back yard, pulled my pants down, set my camera up and waited. I know i had to pee, but nothing would happen. I had peed in my back yard before. even took a picture of me doing it. But for some reason, having been asked and knowing someone wanted to see me pee just plugged up the pee hole good and solid. So, I took a few pictures and did a little work. Finally put my close back on and started to go in. Just then I felt this urge to pee. So I pulled'um down again and holding the camera in one hand, with the selector set to video I hit the button and peed. I caught the whole thing on video, or I thought I had, seems my camera has a shutter button for taking a picture and a start/stop button for video - sure enough I pressed the wrong button and got a poor picture of my dick just hanging there doing nothing! I did send my friend an older picture, taken without pressure but it is not a close up and I think that is what he wanted. I am going to post a question in the forums asking about this peeing fetish, I don't really understand it. However, up till now I did not know my body did not seem to want to have someone watch me pee! Any of my readers (if I have any) know anything about the peeing fetish? Can you enlighten me? Any of you want to watch me pee? And if so why does that turn you one? | ||||||
Monday, August 24, 2015, 9:21:45 PM- Naked yard work | ||||||
Don't do it, unless you put sun screen on your ass! I went out this morning and decided to do some raking and tree trimming. I also decided to do it without any pants on, I did have a shirt and shoes and even gloves on. But the middle part of my body was exposed. And since my back was to the sun for several hours and I normally have a very, very white ass of course it burned! I am now standing up writing this blog entry. I guess I am lucky that I did not burn my cock! | ||||||
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