I am the Cheshire Cat, bit weird looking, bit weird acting, with a macabre side, I appear, then I disappear. I need to be under adult supervision at all time. I cannnot be left to my own devices.
"So, wacha doing tonight? Party till ya puke !"- chargingram
Saturday, March 16, 2013, 3:12:41 AM- Sam Kinison
I loved Sam Kinison. Ok, part of this stuff will make no sense to some under 35 (like Dr. Ruth). But I sometimes channel Sam. This may offend some in our PC correct world, but I know at least two people on here (who shall remain nameless) who are going find this soooooo fucking funny!
"Saw him in concert! Even sort of met him after. We were cruising the strip in Hampton Beach, NH...pulled up to a limo that we thought had him. It didn't. We moved on and eventually pulled up to a brown Ford Taurus. He was in the front seat. We started yelling and then he did his signature scream for us!
"- VTCali
Friday, March 15, 2013, 8:07:39 PM- Three sayings for a Friday.
"I love the 2nd one...you would be surprised how many time I'm asked if I speak English."- bighoss2
Friday, March 15, 2013, 3:33:33 AM- Not the blog I wanted to post
I was searching for videos of the Land of Gorch. This was an adult muppet sketch from the first year of SNL. I really wanted the Mighty Pavor and Scred. But Alas, poor Yorick! I could not find any of these clips. So instead you get one of my all time favorite songs. It is written and preformed by Karla Bonoff. I love her voice. Right now it kind of fits. Song is called Rose in Garden. I hope you enjoy.
Are a bitch! Earlier this week I very innocently causes a song to get stuck in someones head. Well they returned the favour this morning, again quite innocently. LOL
"that song always irritates me...a million girls, and I have trouble finding one. 'I was a dick to everyone else, but you are special'..grrr"- bighoss2
Thursday, March 14, 2013, 3:16:59 AM- Haters (and one for the muppet fans)
Yes I have a few. One is actually a stalker. She is a great troll. Knows the game. Set up a profile. Hit people from hotspots. Then dump the profile by the time they go to check it. Sometimes she hits me on email just to let me know she is lurking (if I ignore her) But the other haters actually make me laugh. Some of the comments from yesterday (with my reply in []).
You're blogs are stupid, ignorant and dumb [you have set the parameters, but could you at least correctly use your]
I hate all the songs you blog [I have blogged things from the 40's to Feb 13. But I did not blog Mr Rogers, dora, hanna montana, the wiggles or sesame street] *why I blogged Rabbit of Seville*
What makes you think your blogs are funny?[I may have been trying to be sarcastic. ]
You must be a faggot. Wearing womens underware and heels [I replied to this already, surprised you missed that blog. And really, can you not spell. It is underwear]
I can't even keep track of what you are blogging. Keep it comics or music or stupid talk [I am pitcher with three pitches. I need to keep mixing it up. Don't want you sitting on one pitch now do I?]
I see all the stupid funny posts all over the web [where the hell do think I find them at]
I, as others have, find it funny these people take the time to bitch but read the blogs I post. If you don't like what I post, don't fucking read it. A whole bunch of people seem to like what I am doing here.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 3:58:17 AM- Was going to blog about the haters
But I will do that tomorrow. I am back in a good mood right now so you get a song. George Harrison once said this was metaphor song. It really is. Given the weather today it fits on one level. But in my personal life the metaphor fits better. Today this all seemed to be true.
Tomorrow I will blog about the haters of my blogs.