Remember everyday is a new day don't hold grudges and bad moments just let the Day fly by. Life is full of ups & downs, I know so well, but you get up & find the strength to get through, and make the most of what you do have. Don't judge a person based on someone else's opinion - get to know them first, then make your own mind up!. So you only get one shot at this thing we call ride it 'til the wheels fall off, skid it in sideways, worn out and used up, yelling "hey! what a ride!" No matter how hard you think your life maybe, there's always someone somewhere who has it harder. We share our lives with others who may be in our lives for a moment, an episode, a chapter, or for the entire novel of our lives. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and say " I am going to have a great day! Yes I can do it, and I will let nobody steal my joy! some days you feel like I'm ready to rock n' roll and then some days you feel like I been rolled over by the rock..a huge freaking boulder! So Life is too short. Have fun, sing, scream, laugh & make a scene! Break the rules, cross the line, & make mistakes because you only get one life, live up and enjoy the best of it. |