Some girl I dated several years ago called me and said she heard I had a bike and she had recently gotten one. She has a cute little Sportster. She invited me for a ride and since I had not seen her for a while thought I would take her up on the invitation. Should not have. When I saw her she looked better than ever. She is now 35. Great body. Better than great ass and it really looked good in her jeans. Semi-long blond hair. Damn, Damn, Damn. Anyway we rode for about an hour and 15 min. She had to get home. She was trying to show off a little and she was a pretty aggressive rider. I remember her being a bit of a daredeveil back when we dated. Anyway after we got back to her place I bet you all can take a guess what happened. WRONG. She went flying into her drive way and stopped too quick and dropped her bike. I was behind her and thought "dang, her bike fell over". I parked mine and was going to help her but she already had it back up by the time I got off mine. Face red as hell and could not half talk. I made sure she was ok and then joked that her bike would look better over time if she used her kickstand more. She told me to kiss her ass, she always had a way with words. We went in and she showed me some stuff she had ordered. When it came time for me to leave she gave me a big hug and pushed parts of her real tight against parts of me. We kissed and I rememebered how I used to love to kiss her and remember other things I used to love to do to her.
Big problem here is that after we dated she ended up marrying one of my buddies. They had troubles and did not last long but still if I was to try and see her it might cause problems with our friendship. I do want to fuck her again and judging by the texts she sent me later in the day the feelings are mutual for her. I don't want to start seeing her but I sure want to fuck her. She sent one message saying she would appreciate it if we kept secret about our time together so maybe that is all she wants.
I think we have another ride maybe friday. |