Gift Premiumhey, if your posting Hot pics then I might send a friend request so I can access your pics easier. this means that I can give you LIKEs and BOOKMARKs everyday more easily. That means I am highly interested in seeing your new and old photos if you receive a request, so please accept it. make it easy on me and send a friend request and I will gladly accept. thanks and lets have FUN!!! :D 8===D--{} FYI: since BOOKMARKS are limited(10k) i reserve them for friends and potential friends. declining a friend request means that any BMs i gave you will be removed and no more will be given and no more Likes will be given, either. if you don't wish to accept friend request then just ignore it and eventually i will remove it. every recent request was given to those that have been active in the last few months. new pics will be rated daily and old pics will be reviewed and rated too. SO LETS BE FRIENDS! :D
- 56 years old
- Male
- Joined 15 years ago