Have you ever had a nosey neighbor? The kind that comes outside everytime your outside, as if they are watching out the window for some oppertunity to come and talk to you and annoy you? This lady next door is quite the looky loo and I say that because its annoying in a way like she will come stand on her deck when im on mine at the exact same time. Even if I have guests over and we are having a few drinks. She is like outside talking on the phone. Our decks are really close and we have a really nice view so I try to spend alot of time outside. But it seems as though everytime im outside im interupted. Weather or not im smoking, or just getting some fresh air. I love the outdoors, and I havent had alot of oppertunities to have sex outside, and when I did I was a little conserned about someone seeing, but right now I just wanna give this woman something to look at LOL I wish the weather was warmer here because I would have been outside in my bikini all the time. Im having dirty thoughts about having sex on my deck in the middle of the night. Their light is always on upstairs. And sometimes when I sneek out to have a smoke in the middle of the night around 2am or 4am, she turns off the light or something. I dont know if she hears me or sees me. mmmm if there was a certain man to help me continue this outside on the deck, with the nice view of the lights of the city sparkling, the moon on the water, the millions of stars. and the woman watching from next door.. hehehe