hiya 1st off thanks for reading my blog its the 1st ive done its about my trip to amsterdam an looseing my virginty i no im 38 an yes i was a virgin ive had a sheltered life any way its was 12th aug my birthday when i went i landed at 6pm an had to get to my hotel quick so i cud get out an look round i planned to loose my virginty to a thai women i luv them i think they look great in boots i got a thing about women in boots very sexy anyway i got to the hotel just put my bag in the room an went out lookin for that lucky thai woman any way i walked an walked i didnt find her that nite but i soon found the cafes an had a gud smoke

an drink its was my birthday after all anyway friday morning after breakfast i doned my walking shoes an set off in search of that lucky thai woman i came across 3 but didnt like the look of them the 1 looked like a bloke who had surgery to his/her face theres no way i cud of cum looking at him/her lol any way my feet was killing me so i went for a smoke an drink at excalibers great place u can look at women over the canel while u have a smoke an drink but they was black carabeian women nice but not wot i was looking for anyway after watching the footie i set out again but didnt find any more thai women so just got xxxxxx an drunk again i ended up in a pub called teasers the bar maids was great sexy an fit an they danced aswellstayed there most of the nite i woke up saturday morning an i just didnt want to move but thought i might miss my chance if i didnt aleast go an look for a thai woman but didnt find her saturday nite was spent in teasers again sunday morning the day i was cumming home my flight was 3:30pm but in the end got delayed by an hour anyway i went out sunday morning thinking if i cant find a thai woman im just gunna do a white girl dont mater where she was from but my luck was in big time i came across a thai woman her name was shi an i told her that she was going to take my virginty but still didnt get a discount but hey wot the hell she was stunning great body fantastic tits she had a tit job but they was great i luved them anyway she said she wud give me longger with her for the same 50 euros all of them cost 50 euros or more even so i gave her the money an she put it in a small box fixed the wall she said undress pls so i did i was getting a semi cuz i was glancing at her while i was getting undressed she was stripping down to i said can i keep my socks on cuz i got plasters on me toes she said ok she said lye down pls o ur back so i did an she came rite up to my face i thought she wanted a kiss so a lent forward to kiss an she backed off she said smell my neck mmmmmmmmmmmmm she smelt gud i said very sexy by this time i had my hands on her tits an i didnt let go of them she backed off an got between my legs an stared stroking my tattoos saying ooooooou a lion (cuz im a leo)i saud yeh baby can u tame me

she kept rubbing her hand of the lion an that was getting me hard then she went down on me she put the comdom on with her mouth amazing it felt so gud but still i had my hands on her tits her nipples rock hard she was at it for about five mintues then she jump over my cock an was sitting belly with me still holding her tits she started to massage my chest my cock was aching to get in her pussy she was shaven atlast i let go of 1 of her tits to run all over her body but she wudnt let me touch her pussy i tryed lol but she just grabed my hand an put in sumwhere else anyway she finaly got of my belly an i grab my cock to hold it up cuz i was rock hard she ur very horny boy i said yeh i cant wait so she sat on my cock an i got to say i luved it it felt like putting ur finger into a warm pie an when she started to go up an down i cud feel my self wanting to cum after a few mintues she got up an said do me doggy style so i did be we cudnt get a reithem going so she got on her back an i got on top of her i put my cock in an started pumping she was moaning a groaning i was getting faster an faster then i felt myself cumming an i just started shooting im gunna cum she was saying cum baby cum baby then i just shot my load in a thai woman in amsterdam it was the best she took the comdom off an said i will clean u baby an got a wet cloth an cleaned my cock so so so sexy i cud of got another hard on but didnt have the money anyway i got dressed an went back down stairs i said can i take a pic said sorry no pics then i kissed her on the cheek an letf went to the nearest bar an had a smoke an drink then it was home for me im going back there soon