What age did you begin to self pleasure ? At ten years old I started to get hard for no reason, after playing for a while bordem set in and it went away. cumming for the first time how did it happen for you ? Bordem leads to looking for excitment, while snooping in my dads bedroom i found a pile of porno mags on top of the wardrobe, looking at the pictures got me hard harder than ever before,this time I just kept tugging like crazy, then I went all light headed and white sticky stuff covered my hand, with that unforgettable smell of spunk. No i did not taste it that happened many years later. Once you had cum for the first time what happen next ? Totally hooked whenever i could the magazines would come out and off i would go tugging away, only now it was the true eventures that got me oof reading about other peeoples sex apdades got me off. where did you wank and did you ever get caught ? In the bath was a favourite the soap helping to hieghten the sensations, funny the way spunk floats ! Only time I got cauaght was by my wife many years later.
To be continued ....