
Gift Premium

I want to say “I’m just your average guy”, but my tastes and outlook on life may suggest otherwise.. I love staying up late at night. I love good music. I love art. I love learning new things and meeting interesting people. The world is full of beauty, and I get immense joy searching for it in everything… even the things I shouldn’t. I love dangerous things. I love getting in to trouble. I love where my life is currently leading, but, I’m missing a certain something.. Or should I say a certain someone. I love creativity. I love ideas, thoughts and concepts. I love having an insatiable hunger for knowledge. I want to better myself as a person, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I love lust, passion, longing and love itself – those emotions combined are the most satisfying feeling one could imagine.. I love to be dominant. I love to kiss hard. I love to fuck harder. I love pulling hair and I love having you pinned against the wall. If I had my with you right now, we’d melt into one. Our heartbeats synchronised, our touches mutual, our eyes locked in ablaze of wonder as to what will happen next. Whispering how I’ve longed for you, so, so badly.. I need you more than words can describe. Sliding my hands into your panties, feeling your wetness. I love to tease. I love to tell you what to do. I love new experiences and taking you to new heights of pleasure. I love making you a wanton, writhing mess. I want you to have forgotten how many times you have cum, before I’ve even removed my shirt. The night is young, and we have a LOT to do before the sun rises ;)

  • This member has been with us 10 years or more! (Joined 10.6 years ago)
  • 34 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 10 years ago

bushofireee's Blog