
GB age 56
Joined 18 years ago
Last login 3 years ago
Hi i'm Cain, my wife and i love to recive your comments, she posts on here as Candy_uk have a look and let us know what you think. Oh and I'm a Crossdresser but I keep both parts of me very seperate. Not getting to spend much time on NN at the mo but if you drop me a message i will get back to you.
Cain_uk's last Status Update
10 years on NN have a look at Candy_UK for the pics we did to celebrate
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:Married
In relationship with:Candy_uk
Member Since:28-Nov-05
Last Logged In:18-May-21
Location:(near) Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
About Cain%5Fuk
Star Sign:Leo
Is Following:Candy _uk, shocksmissus, Malakhi,...
Is Looking For:Casual Chat Room Talk, A Private Photo Shoot, A New Friend
Interests:Movies / Cinema, Music, Computers / Internet, Shopping, Volunteer / Charity
Other:Photography, Power Kites
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Overweight
Body Shape:Apple
Height:5' 6" (168cm)
Weight:231lbs (16st 7lbs) (104.8kg)
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Dark Brown
Best Feature:Smile
Pubic Hair:Trimmed
Tatoos:1 or 2 Discreet
Piercings:Ears, Nipples
Penis Length:5" (12.7cm)
Penis Girth:5" (12.7cm)
Professional Life
Employment Status:Homemaker
Food Pref.:Non-vegetarian
Sense Humour:Dry / Sarcastic
Social Style:Better in small groups
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:Asda Car park thats (wallmart to you americans)
Actor/Actress:Jonny Dep
Song:Dont have one fav just love loads
Band:Dont have one fav just love loads
TV Show:TV whats TV, lol I dont watch alot of tv
Sport:Power Kiteing
Drink:Tomato Juice, hey dont knock it, its good for ya
Food:Pizza, Full English Breakfast
Pastime:Photography & Power Kiteing
Thing:My Nikon digital SLR :) it's my baby
Sex Position:69 or anything Candy wants
Person I'd like to Fuck:Halle Berry as Cat Woman :) mmmmm
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
Taking great pics
What Makes Me Sad:
Not getting time to do pics of Candy :(
What Makes Me Mad:
Candy's extreme blondness
My Bad Habits:
To many to mention, lol
My Final Thoughts:
The best day of my life was...

The day I met Candy as a sweet innocent 17 year old, boy have I changed that over the years :)
Profile last updated: 30-Nov-15