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Friday, March 7, 2008, 9:35:13 PM- E-Stim | ||
Many people ask me about e-stim. What is it? What does it feel like? Where can I get it? Does it hurt? Are you Shocking your self? Does it make you cum? How long does it take? Can I stim with you? Etc Etc Etc. I will attempt to cover some of the basics. Answer a few of these questions and [point you in the right direction. First let cover some basics. What is e-stim. E-stim is basically electro stimulation using very (and I mean very) small amounts of current to stimulate parts of the body. In my case the sexual parts. Most e-stim units run off of a 9 volt battery. By drawing a current between two points such as two Tens Unit Pads or a cock head electrode and anal electrode you can create some very pleasurable sensations. Now unfortunately most people's association with electricity and current occurs in a negative fashion, usually a shock from an outlet plug, static charge or other painful ways. Hence the question: Are you shocking yourself? Well yes and no. Yes I am using current to stimulate my nerve endings, so in a sense it is a shock but not to the point of it being hurtful. It feels more like a slight buzzing or a vibrator placed against your skin. Now with that said it's time for a warning. It is recommended that you never stim above the waist. The idea of placing current anywhere near the heart by for example hooking up a positive and a negative to each nipple and stimming across the chest just isn't a wise idea. The heart basically runs on electrical pulses so any electricity no matter how small is really not a good idea to have near your heart. It is also important to turn off any device before moving or touching the electrodes. You have to think of the current as always finding the path from one electrode to the other. Example lets say you had one in your hand and another on your cock. The current will run down your hand up you arm down your chest and to your cock... It is also recommended that those with heart conditions pacemakers etc not engage in stim activity. Now, I hope I do not scare you off. I have never had any negative effects or experience with stimming. In fact it has been some of the most pleasurable experience of my life. My orgasms are 10 tens stronger. I cum 3 times as much and the edging is fantastic. I wish I had found it ten years ago. I was actually first introduced to the idea of stimming by seeing the videos here on Xtube. I then did some web research and after weeding through the sites that want you to hook your stereo amplifier DIRECTLY to your nuts (A very very bad idea!!!) I found a website called SmartStim. The amount of information there is amazing and almost overwhelming at first and since I knew absolutely nothing, except for the fact that it looked pretty damn good on Xtube and being able to cum without ever touching your self seemed very attractive, I started reading all of the posts. There is information about using a TENS UNIT to stim with, review on the commercial units and electrodes, and even sections on how to build your own stim units and electrodes. Since I had never experienced it before and not wanting to invest a ton of money on something I may not like I decided to build my own stim unit. Lucky for me I have a fair knowledge of electronics and could follow the instructions provided. With a few questions asked and generous help from the members there I finished my stim unit in 2 days. So as to not bore you with details lets just say I was hooked from the day I first tried it and knew immediately that I would buy a commercially built unit. Now let me also say that I did not have that elusive Hands Free Orgasm (HFO) right away. I had to play with the electrode placement and settings to get just that right feeling for me to cum. It is a learned response. My magic combo came when I bought an anal electrode combined with a cock head electrode. The feeling is out of this world. I can cum in 30 seconds or 3 hrs depending on how long I want to play. Once I knew I loved it I set out to decide what commercial unit to buy. The Cadillac of the industry seems to be the Erostek 312b followed by the Erostek 232. There are a few difference between the two and after reading on I decided I could live with the 232 and save a few dollars for electrodes. So i was off to to buy some of their famous and patent protected masterpieces Things I have found when stimming. Always use a good water based lube on your electrodes to avoid hot spots, pin prickly feelings and to increase the pleasure. Take your time. Keep all your stim stuff well organized and cleaned before and after each use. Relax... and use stim the way you would masturbate... If you usually watch porn, watch porn if you sit up sit up. Just be patient with it and enjoy your self. Do your homework. You can save a lot of time and MONEY by reading and you would be amazed as to what you can make an electrode out of. Things I still want to do. I get the question: can I try it with you or can you do it to me. First let me say that I'm not really into guys. I am by all account straight and plan to stay that way. But if I could find a guy that wanted to try it, lived near me and happened to have a decent female friend, companion, fag hag what ever that wanted to try it also. Then I'd probably consider it. I would really love to find a female that would like to try it and I have even purchased some brand new female electrode in anticipation of finding someone. I would of course show her how to use it and let her work the controls since well really only you knows that feels good to you. A swinging couple would be another option. Or other situation I may not have thought of yet. Hey ask...ya never know. I am alway happy to answer questions or point someone in the right direction. Take you time and do your web research. Wether you decide to buy a commercial unit, build your own, or even use a tens unit. there are many sites that can assist. they are smartstim, sextek, ezstim, peselectro, extremerestraints, happystim etc. my advice is start with ezstim dot com and go from there Once you try it... you'll be hooked... | ||
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