Gift PremiumI'm a single girl. Love nature, biking, swimming, walking. On the beach for a swim and a little sunshine. I love the nudist lifestyle.
- 44 years old
- Female
- Joined 18 years ago
carla10's Blog
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Monday, July 31, 2006, 12:40:53 AM- movie | ||||||
why is it that when I look with a guy to a movie he always want to touch my tits? Watch the movie! I dont grabe his cock under a movie, certainly not when its not a porno. It takes the fun away. | ||||||
Sunday, July 30, 2006, 11:21:52 PM- hot | ||
I was last weekend out with friends in a couple-bar and I earned a few €'s. 1 perosn would do it with me for €150,--. He was handsom and clean. Flat stomach. So I just did if I hasitaded, then I say yes. Was the time of my life. Sex and money. Even asked if I came here often. I said, sometimes. Maybe I need more money ![]() | ||
Friday, July 21, 2006, 5:52:54 PM- Hot again | ||
I think I don't buy cloth anymore till winter. Its better to be totally naked, even outside. Its too hot to do anything. Even girls are now save ![]() Even the beach is too warm, only in the water is nice and cool. And then nobody see Im naked. | ||
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 2:50:05 PM- still hot | ||||||
Its so hot that even sex is to hot for me now. Maybe this evening. They promised that there is rain coming. If so, I want to be all over wet, completely wet. But now because its raining. I go out and stand then all naked in the rain with my hands up. Not even shoes. | ||||||
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 10:21:45 AM- Hot | ||
Not in a sexy way, but the weather. Its so hot in the sun. I'm now walking around in my house, complete naked. And still I'm all covered with sweat. Even my ass is covered with sweat, unbelieveble. To hot for the beach. I hope a nice girl is ringing and ask me for a glass of water ![]() | ||
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 5:49:02 AM- club | ||
A friend, a man but a very dear close friend, ask me for this weekend to go to a mixed club for couples. He know how I like sex and kissing, that I love to be an exhibitionist. And he know Im a lesbo. So I told him that once again. Of course, he knows. But that was no problem. Most of the women who camne there also make love to other women. I say to him that I go with him but that I only want women and no men. He kissed me, hugged me and say that that is oké for him. He only want again a evening and night out with me and do some fun. I'll see what happened in that nightclub. My fear is that there are no, or not many women. | ||
Monday, July 17, 2006, 1:18:10 PM- meeting | ||||||
Yesterday, sunday, I had a beachday planned. With my girlfriend. A little sun, sand and fun. Saterdayevening she called off. I pissed. My day ruined. But sunday I thought "I go". To the beach like the rest of Holland. So crowded. I go to the nude beach by Hoek van Holland, I thought. There it was still more crowded. Finally I found a little space for myself. After an houre I was red and brown. My tanlines red, the rest brown. After I while I noticed 2 girls sometimes looking to me. Sometimes I smiled back and look then down (to my pussy). After a while again one of the two asked if I had a fire. No I said, I don't smoke, you have bad luck my girlfriend smoke but she is not come with me. She smiled "if you seek a little compagny and friendship come sit with us. I moved to my new friends (at least 8 meters). We talked a little. I saw the smiled to each other, hold hands. They saw me looking to them, not shy or with a red head. You said that your girlfriend was not coming with you? No, I said, but she is not my regular friend, just a good sometimes intimate friend. After a while the gave each other a sunoil treatment. You to, the blond one asked? She began with my back, then the front. Over my tits. My nipples became hard and swollen. She noticed, but her nipples became also hard. She pressed her tits against my back and moved her body a little, so I felt her nipples. I kissed both as a "thank you" on there mouth. The dark one put her tongue a little out of her mouth so that I tasted her. I oiled her legs and my hands came higher and higher, till I reached her pussy. I oiled also her pussy and she closed her eyes. The other smiled a little and layed her hand on my back and fondle my back a little. She let her hands came to my tits and kissed my back. I was still rubbing gently oil around and in the pussy of the blond one. To make a long story short, I wasnever so good oiled and had a wonderfull sunday. They say that the came her often. I said that I came her also often (what was a lie). So now I have to come there more often so maybe I see them again. And then we can start earlier with kissing. There is one disadvantage that it maked me wet and horny and it was not real sex. Ive sone a lot of masterbation to get that horny feeling away. But its was a good day, I'm glad that I was gone to the beach. | ||||||
Friday, July 14, 2006, 4:20:07 PM- My new tong | ||||||
I've placed a pic on this side !! A little tight but thats only for the pic. I can't have that the whole day. I hope they see me now on the beach. | ||||||
Friday, July 14, 2006, 4:19:56 PM- My new tong | ||
I've placed a pic on this side !! A little tight but thats only for the pic. I can't have that the whole day. I hope they see me now on the beach. | ||
Thursday, July 13, 2006, 2:44:30 PM- tong | ||||||
Its so hot now that I've bought a new tong. I hope I have succes with it on the beach. A yellow tong. I've already black but maybe is yellow more inviting then black. We'll see. | ||||||
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