Gift Premiumi luv to laugh and consider myself a unique woman.
- 60 years old
- Female
- Joined 16 years ago
cassienne's Blog
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 6:27:17 AM- On a more serious note... | ||||||
Does anyone know anything about nephrotic syndrome? If you do, would you mind take a little time to tell me about it? I have an extended family member who is seriously ill with it and it is not looking good for him. Just looking for some insight into this disease..... THANK YOU | ||||||
Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 6:24:33 AM- OK..... | |||||| one likes to answer my questions huh? LOL. That's kool! I'm just interested in what makes men tick, ya know. The only way I can find anything out is to ask. I have always been a curious type. I guess people don't always like that kind of thing. But, I also don't give up easy, lol. So there we have it! I'm sure I'll keep asking questions and hope that you gentlemen will grant me some mercy and help me out by giving me some answers. Everyone take care ok! Talk to you soon.... | ||||||
Saturday, May 1, 2010, 2:38:12 AM- what's happening,,, | ||||||
Howdy, Howdy everyone! I can't believe it's May 1st already. I'm ready for summer and have been mowin my yard since the beginning of April. I luv to mow. I call it my therapy ( LOL ). It is soooo much cheaper than a shrink. LOL My son has been playin baseball and won't be stayin home during the week this summer. I'm sorry to say this....but I can't wait to have time by myself this summer. Does that sound selfish? If it does, then it does. Being a single mom means I lose a lot of moments to myself so this will be a cool deal for me. I'm even going to take a vacation this year. Going to Virginia Beach,Virginia to visit a friend and see the ocean for the first time in my life. Can't wait. And, yes, I'm taking my son with me. LOL. P.S. STILL obsessed with cocks...hehehe. My question gentlemen is...Would you rather have a handjob or a blowjob and in public or in private? Please let me know your answers Thanx! | ||||||
Friday, March 12, 2010, 9:58:29 AM- Wow, its been awhile! | ||||||
I hope this finds all doing well! I'm doin ok. Could be better but I know I could be so much worse. Just this month my hours at work were cut back. I'm losing 32 hours a month of OT. To someone who seems to go paycheck to paycheck that is a lot. I am lucky though compared to so many in this country that have lost their job or that have had to take bigger cuts than I. I am a single mom and I say that proudly. Because I am a single mom, I have become a survivor of sorts. I have also learned how to McGyver things. LOL !!! I used to watch McGyver all the time. Who'd have thought that he'd come in so handy. HAHAHA !!! I had a gentleman ask to borrow a tool once and I opened my trunk and he couldn't believe how many tools I had in my car. He'd never seen a woman with that many tools. I thought that was great! Don't get me wrong... there's no way I could pull an engine or anything near or far from that. LOL. I just carry the necessities, the basics. Screwdrivers, socket wrenches, allen wrenches, gum wrappers, paperclips, duct tape, electical tape, pliers, and a few other things. Did you notice the McGyver stuff in there? LOL. I even worked at a Jiffy Lube for almost a year and learned some great stuff. I have some women friends that are married and couldn't honestly survive if their husband was not around. I have never been that dependent. Don't get me wrong...I would luv to have someone to take care of me. But I like knowin that I am not helpless, ya know! That's enough I think. Thanks for listening! | ||||||
Monday, January 4, 2010, 5:28:35 PM- Hi everyone.... | ||||||
I hope you all made it thru the holidays happy and safe. I have a question for the gentlemen. There are so many handsome men here. You gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes and look amazing. I have this fantasy of going shopping, say in a mall, and choosing a gentleman to ask if I can suck his cock. What I was wondering was, how many of you gentlemen would let a woman you didnt know drop to her knees in front of you and allow her to suck your amazing cocks? No strings attached. All I want you to do is to cum. Thats how I get off. Knowing I made you cum by taking your cock in mouth, running my tongue all over the head of your cock, moving my mouth up and down your shaft, licking and nibbling on your balls, and then sucking hard enough to pull the cum out of that awesome cock of yours....mmmmmmmmmmm! I can't wait to hear what you say. It will help me decide if I'm going to make this fantasy come true or not. Thanx for taking the time to answer. Take care everyone! | ||||||
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 1:58:06 AM- made it thru.... | ||
Thanksgiving that is. LOL. I'm glad the hoopla is over. Now the craziness of Christmas starts. I'm startin to feel some Scroogin creepin up on me. I have an 11 yr old son so I really can't afford to scrooge, ya know. Any one have any suggestions on how to work thru this? If u do, please leave it for me. I'd appreciate it. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Talk to ya soon! | ||
Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 12:33:33 AM- hello again,,, | ||
hi there everyone! i want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and ask that you remember all of those that are overseas and not at home becuz they are serving our country. things have been a bit chaotic and my one track mind is stuck. i can't stop thinkin' about mens cocks and what i want to do to them and what i want them to do to me. i am addicted. i admit it. i want my mouth full of hard cock and then hot cum. i think i'll leave on that.....hehehe | ||
Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:05:27 AM- just me again...... | ||||||
...hiya! how ya all doin? very well i hope! i'm finally home from work and tryin to wind down. that's so hard for me to do. i usually end up bein up until 3 or 4 am. so much for sleep...LOL. i tend to dream a lot when i sleep tho. does anyone else dream a lot? some are nightmares but most are just dreams. the best one i've ever had was when i was flying w/out and airplane. it was awesome! didn't even have a cape...LOL. i could just fly and that i did. all over the place. then i ran into a dark haired man that could fly also so we flew together for awhile. it was great! i decided to see how high i could fly so up and away i went. the higher i flew the colder it got and that's when i woke up. i don't know if i woke up becuz i was really cold or if i woke up becuz i knew the higher i flew the colder i'd get. anyway, i went on to have one of the best days ever and i don't think i've ever felt so free. that was years ago and i haven't flown w/out a plane since. LOL. if anyone would like to share some of their dreams i would luv to hear about them. til next time.....take care! | ||||||
Friday, July 31, 2009, 10:58:26 AM- | ||||||
Hi everyone! Here it is, already the end of July. The year has went by so fast for me. I am excited that football is almost here tho. I luv football. My son plays and his games are so great. Even if he loses. lol. I find myself looking at men and wondering what their cocks look like and how they would feel in my mouth. I used to do that every now and then but now it's like all the time. I can't seem to quit thinking about mens hard, beautiful cocks. I even go as far as to wonder what these men look like cumming while I'm on my knees in front of them. Damn! Then I end up all hot and bothered. Speaking of hot and bothered....I was looking at some videos just a bit ago and that got me goin so I'm going to go and play for awhile and then cum hard... take care! | ||||||
Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 5:48:08 AM- hi one and all! been awhile.......... | ||||||
things have gotten a bit chaotic it seems. i luv the word chaos. one of my faves! i hope all are doing well. does anyone else like phone sex? i like it better than cyber cuz i actually get to hear the man cum. please tell me what u think of phone sex. have a great one all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||||||
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