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chuck13's Blog
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 5:02:50 AM- My attempt at a Fantasy/Smut story | ||
I have been working on a story that incorporates a fantasy setting, leftist politics, and hot smut (aka elves and Gnomes). Read it and tell me what you think of Anarchist-punk written fantasy porn. Evessya was a site for Mykal to see. She was a spectrum of beauty to his eyes, a cross of an Elvin father and Gnome mother, she had the finer qualities of both. Long black dreadlocked hair, falling around her pointed ears. She had the perfect curves around her breasts and her belly, and the patchworked dress showed them a plenty. Mykal stared in an amazement, and that amazement grew as she stared right back at him. He had seen her a number of times - at the café or on the street, but they have always been from afar. He caught her throwing back glances, but his own shyness made him always glance away. She had a smile that could melt a 1000 glaciers, and it totally melt him. Dumbfound he just stared. Shock prevented anything else. He snapped out of that shock, or fell deeper into it, as she walked up to him. Small talk of big words of fascinating topics, only increased his paralysis, but somehow he managed to reply when the time called. And the conversation didn’t stop, it only became more interesting. As their conversation gained interest, so did their similes. Her ways of speaking word was beautiful, as where her words. She spoke his thoughts, as if she knew his dreams. Mykal realized is was more then a mind reading trick, it was that she also, had his same dreams. Words turned into minutes, minutes turned to hours, and a pause in their conversation only emerged when they sipped their mugs of ale. Eventually they both realized that this party was of no interest to either one of them and an air emerged that they should leave. Evessya exclaimed that the night was too early, and this conversation was too good, to end. Her squat was only a block away with a balcony overlooking the town, and she mentioned that it would be the perfect place to retreat. Mykal couldn’t agree more, and they set off. Mykal’s heart flurried in a number of emotions, all of them excitable. His heart wasn’t the only part of his body excitable. Here he was, walking with the most beautiful and interesting creatures he could have ever imagined, going to her home, no doubt! In the realm of organized chaos, how could this be happening? This was the centerpiece of his thinking as they walked upon the cobblestones and this train of thought on multiplied as she put her hand on his. He kept thinking this as they passed the barricades at the door and started climbing the stairs. She commented on how many stairs there were to her fifth floor room, but Mykal didn’t complain at all. It felt like he was climbing into some magical tower. Evessya’s room was a market of found items, a smorgasbord of fun stuff, crammed into the space patterned in a well cluttered collage. They took a path through the maze, an onto the spoken of balcony. He sat down as she darted back into the room, only to return with a bottle of wine. “I have been saving this for a special occasion, and that occasion seems to be now.” With a smile she pulled the cork, took a sip and passed it to Mykal. Wine traded with words as the night wore on and he found himself losing a train of thought from time to time, caught in the beauty of her eyes and the fullness of her checks. Mykal looked at the parting of her lips and realized that there was more then he wanted to do with them besides hear them speak. He thought about how much he wanted to kiss her and from how she moved closer and closer to him throughout the conversation, he was sure she felt the same. He mustered up the courage to say it, to say what was on his mind. “Evessya, I…I love, just love hearing every word you say, but, but now, I want to kiss you more that anything I could imagine”. He just said it, amazed and terrified that he did. She wasted no time in moving her lips to his and he caught the intention. They kissed, the most intense kiss he had ever felt. Delirium was the closest emotion he could imagine to what he felt. It didn’t stop and they sat, kissing in the moonlight. Their hands started frantically searching one another. Arms, back, hair, all were explored. Clothing stared feeling like an unneeded obstacle, so the started to do away with it. First she pulled of his shirt, and he returned the favor by removing her dress. Then as she basked in the moonlight she whispered how she wanted to see him in her bed. He couldn’t agree more as he followed her though the maze of her room and into the tent of her bedding. She hopped in fist and then told Mykal he should remove his pants before he came in. He readily did, and followed. Falling into her arms was like falling into pure heaven. Their naked bodies became almost instantly intertwined. Frantically they touched and kissed one another. It was like they both couldn’t feel enough. He kissed down her neck and she gasped in delight. That delight only increased when he reached her breast. His tongue touched her nipple slightly, and her body responded. As he touched stronger, her body did the same. Sweet sounds came from her lips, as he kissed down her belly. She spread her legs and his body filled between. When his head reached her pussy he first began licking their lips. Then he went deeper, and he felt her hand push his head more. The more he licked, the more she moved. He loved it. He loved feeling her move in a way he must imagined ecstasy to be. It increased more, and he licked her more. He heard her scream - no he felt it, so he continued. He continued until he felt her, her juices spill onto him. He loved it. Love feeling her so excited, so happy, so happy for him to be there with her. He came up to look into her face. She was as beautiful as ever. Her smile was even bigger than before. She laughed and smiled more. She was still smiling as she nuzzled his neck. Than he felt her lips as she began to kiss him. Kiss him she did, first on his neck, then his nipples, and then running down his belly. A gnome’s belly is quite sensitive, and Mykal’s was no different. It felt great, and then it got even better. Evessya first touched his cock with her hand, and then she put her lips to it. Mykal almost went mad with delight, and she could see it. It only encouraged her more. Her tongue licked up his cock and then she took it all into her mouth. Mykal really was close to going mad when she started moving up and down. It was the greatest pleasure he had ever imagined. No, it was greater! He was about to explode when she stopped, stopped only to whisper that she wanted to put a condom on him because she wanted to feel him inside her. She put a condom on the gnome boy’s cock and then climbed upon him. He gasped when feeling his cock enter her. She did too, and started to move up and down. Mykal could only lay back and watch her. The moonlight outlined her body, and it truly was the greatest sight Mykel had ever seen! She was so beautiful, the curves of her breasts, and her belly, he wondered how such profound and enticing curves could be on one body. His wonderings were only interrupted his own overwhelming pleasure. Hers was obvious too, and she started making the sounds that she made before. Good sounds. Then she started screeching, and he did too. Loudly, right after she did and then he felt his world explode. He had felt it before, with himself, but never like this. This was so…words couldn’t begin to describe the thoughts in Mykal’s head. He laid back, spellbound. She curled up to him and they both were happy. They slept arm and arm throughout the night, both being in a place of total content. The coffee tasted of pure pleasure the next morning on the balcony. Well, pure pleasure was last night, but still the coffee was damn good. Maybe it tasted so good because Mykal’s mood was so bright. Everything seems so bright to him this morning, brighter than he had ever seen the world. Or this is what he thought, what he especially thought, when he looked into Eyvessa’s eyes. Just bright, beautiful, nearly perfect. They had no initive to climb out of bed too early after they woke, so this really wasn’t morning and the responsibilities of the day began to come clear. Mykal realized no mater how perfect his time and place was it was time for him to leave. Actually he didn’t want to go anywhere, but he knew he needed to, as the sun was high enough in the sky where it was time to meet Verhöckernvind. Where part of his thoughts want to just stay with Eyvessa all day, there was a greater part that wanted to hear the knowledge that Verhockernvind could expound to him. Wisdom is not only learned, it is also given, and Verhockernvind had much to teach. Mykal told Eyvessa of his appointment for study, about his teacher Verhockernvind, and about his need, and maybe against his desires, his need to leave. She understood and even commented that she knew, as she had seen Mykal many times in conversation and study. She had watched him many times from afar and she told him that. If a young gnome could blush, this was the time, and blush he did. He was still blushing as he kissed her. After the kiss he told her he wanted to see her again. She simply responded. “You Will”. | ||
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