Gift PremiumI like to think I can get on with everybody. Easy going, like to meet/speak to new people wherever you are in the World. Treat me with respect and courtesy and you will get double back!
- 67 years old
- Male
- Joined 19 years ago
curious47's Blog
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Saturday, October 8, 2005, 11:01:09 AM- Intense.... or What? | ||
What started out as a quick morning lets wake up shower, turned into an intense jacking off session and seriously I do not know how it happened. I wasn't feeling randy at all and to be honest with I haven't done so for the last couple of weeks. Good news is - Wifey hasn't appeared that bothered either, well she hasnt said anything at the moment, but that is another story. (LOL Its always another story with her LOL). As I said. A quick shower and get on with the day. I did get up early this morning and searched out my fav 'perving' sites, looking at all the luvverly ladies that have courage to show the world in their naked as the day that they were born states. Big up ladies. Then off for a shower. No sooner had I started to wash, I began to feel a little tingle downstairs and after I washed down their I started to stroke myself, very slowly and very delicately. and oh my God, within a heartbeat I was as hard as a rock. Now I kid you not. If anybody was kneeling in front of me, sucking my raging hardon of a cock and it accidently slipped out of their mouth I swear they would have got a cut head and I would be in the hospital with them, whilst they got treatment. So I decided to quit the shower, put the plug in fill the tub up and lie there, stroking, caressing and treasing myself. I didn't really need to think of all things sexual to get me going as I just got carried away with the hardness of it all - and boy was I hard. Apologies now for not having the camera to hand to capture the various moments - but I promise you I will carry my camera around with me at all times in the future. One good thing about self-pleasure is that you can control the moment of final pleasure. You have to admit that sometimes that control can be difficult in you are intwined with another person. Many times during my jacking off session I stopped. Relaxed and started again. Once I was xxxxxx to stop 'cos Wifey decided to pop her head round the door. I wanted to keep this moment to myself, so I sat up and just covered my raging bulbous cock with my hands under the water. What also helped was that I had the foresight to put some 'bubbles' in the bath to help out in such an eventuality. Once she had left, I lay back down and resumed my stroking. Soft strokes, hard strokes, fast strokes, all above the water line. Man it was and felt so good. When the moment came. Did I shoot alot? Oh yes and more. There are times when loads of cum vary. Light, heavy and super heavy. Today's load was super heavy and I know that Wifey would be very disappointed to have missed out. But as I say it was my time so therefore it was my load to enjoy as it spurted out of the top of my cock like a raging volcano. I can still feel the sensations even now as I write this to share with you. I could say that I will go off and do it again sometime shortly and capture it on camera, but I know that the feelings wouldn't be the same. Maybe tomorrow, perhaps???? Anybody else got any intense masturbating experiences to share? Don't be shy. | ||
Friday, September 9, 2005, 7:51:02 AM- 'Kin Hell | ||
Work has gone tits up this week. You know what I mean, you plan everything down to the last detail and then when the day comes unforessen problems arise. But no matter. I will get there LOL. Managed to get the day off today, to go with wifey to the hospital for a check up, cos she found a lump which was dealt with last time - appointment today is only for a check up just to make sure the alien body hasn't returned - but I cant go with her now. Cos the next door neighbours are having an extension built and I am sure its going to the moon. Its so high. But the builders didnt have the foresight to realise earlier that the higher the construction goes and the more scaffold poles they use, they would knock out my satelite TV. And so it came to pass. Thats exactly what happened yesterday. High construction, NO 'kin satellite TV. So while Wifey is on her way to the hospital I gotta stay here and wait for the man to come and move my dish. As it happens he should have been here by now and incidentally the neighbours are no-where to be seen. At least it isn't going to cost me anything except for inconvenience. Life is one inconvenience after another LOL. It never fails to amaze me that there are folk who have nothing better to do than to make the lives of female NN posters a misery. Let me say first I have complete and utter admiration for all the ladies that show their photos here - with or without face - and I enjoy every single one of the pics that I view. To me all women are beautiful. Small, large, fat, thin, black, white, pink, blue. It dont matter. All women are beautiful. But it just really gets my back up when you read from those who have received hate mail, abusive comments and are considering quitting 'the game' of posting pics. For some ladies it takes an awful lot of courage to show themselves, whereas for other ladies its easy and then you get the idiots who try to spoil it for me and others, by forcing these fine ladies to give up showing for us. Girls. If you are a 'victim' of the haters and the abusers and are reading this. Please don't leave. NN will not be the same without you. Now I am going. Going to wait for the satellite TV man to come. Till the next time. | ||
Saturday, September 3, 2005, 5:30:18 PM- Planning | ||
Decided to plan a US road trip. It wont be for about two years, gotta save a fair bit of money as you can appreciate. Initial itinerary: Fly to Washington, pick up car, weave round the Carolinas North and South, perhaps Georgia too and turn left into Florida and then fly back from Orlando. Its only a thought nothing concrete, set in stone. What do you suggest? Tips, tricks, plans etc. Any advice will be greatly received. Have a great weekend | ||
Friday, September 2, 2005, 2:39:58 PM- Finally.... | ||
No. This isn't anything to do with WWEs The Rock, but at last it seems that the authorities local and federal are FINALLY starting to do something to help those poor poor souls in New Orleans. I feel so helpless and useless whilst watching TV pictures of those people. Old, young, babies, infants struggling to survive in conditions that the Animal Protection Leagues throughout the world would be up in arms if any animal was treated in the same way. What is it with us human beings? We protect our animals, we protect our own immediate family. Whenever another country in world has domestic or act of nature disasters, the US is the first to step in and help. Why has it taken G W Bush four days to act on the terrible, terrible tragedy? Why has it taken G W Bush to help HIS own citizens? He acted quickly after 9/11, whats the difference now? There is no difference. People lying dead in the streets. People continuing to die. No water, no food, no compassion, no help. Until now. Apologies for the rant, but I just can't believe how those people have been left for such a long time, considering the amount of warnings given leading up to the arrival of Hurricane Katrina. | ||
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 3:26:18 PM- Just Posted | ||
Just posted three pics in the 'Dick' category. These were taken during a recent cam session. No underwear, no nothing, just little old me, completely naked. Hope you like. Been riveted with the TV coverage on the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. She was one fierce and angry young lady. I sincerely hope those who were affected 100s and 1000s of Southern folk, can get the help they need quickly and smoothly to get their lives back on track. Although my family and I were caught up in the middle of Hurricane Charley last year in Florida - that was a frightening exeprience in itself - nothing compares to the carnage that Katrina has caused. Sincere thoughts are with you all. | ||
Monday, August 29, 2005, 8:14:05 AM- Hurricane Katrina | ||
For those NNers who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina in Florida and those NNers who are going to be affected by Katrina when she hits landfall later today, be safe, take care and I sincerely wish you well. Last year I was in the middle of Hurricane Charley whilst holidaying in Orlando and it was THE most frightening experience I ever faced. You take care | ||
Monday, August 29, 2005, 8:11:12 AM- Frustrated, Frustration or What..... | ||||||
I took a week off work a weeks or so ago, purely because I wanted to and because I needed to. Have a few days off to chill out, enjoy the wonderful sunshine here in good old blighty and potter about and do absolutely nothing. Even get in a few sessions on the cam, or so I thought. The time I have had to myself and when the house has been empty was on a Tuesday. I was fortunate to have a 3 hour window and so I set about finding partners to play with. There I was sitting stark naked in the conservatory except for wearing a pair of the wife's pink lacy panties ( cos I know that there are a few of you who like that kinda thing), perving like you do and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, waiting, waiting.............. yep you get it waiting. That was it. I waited until my 'window' was up and nothing. Absolutely nothing not even a hint of breast, bum or cock came my way. Frustrated or what... On an off for 3 hours I was hard, soft, hard, soft, hard, soft and not even a nibble. Prior to my 'window of opportunity' I was bombarded with morning IMs 'Are you horny,' 'Wanna Cam,' blah blah, I had explained that I would be camming later in the day and not even one of those buggers came back to me. But what made the whole day even more frustrating was no sooner had my sexual nemesis walked in from work, the IMs started again. 'Wanna Cam,' 'Please j/o on Cam to my wifes Pics.' I just wanted to throw the bloody PC in the bin and rip the phone wires out of the wall and I had to show an element of calm, through my raging testerone so that wifey would not suspect that anything was wrong. A thought did go through my head that wifey would help relieve my sexual tension later on during the evening, as I said it was only a thought. I just got the customary 'I got a headache, dear.' By this time I just wanted to cut my wrists. | ||||||
Sunday, August 28, 2005, 9:14:59 AM- Hi....... How Are You?? | ||||||
It does make me laugh..... I am the first to get my kit off for the cam. Don't get me wrong, I guess I am just an exhibitionist at heart........ but there are times when it simply isn't convenient for me to strip off and do the do, if you get my drift. The main reason is people being about, you know wife/kids or wife or kids so it just isn't possible. I am sure this happens to everybody. Here is a typical example of an IM chat You: Hi Me: Hi or Hello You: How r u Me: Fine and you You: Horny Me: LOL You: What about you? Me: Horny, but I can't do anything about it You: Why? Me: Not alone alone You: Who's there (at this point I really want to say 'I just said I am not home alone and I don't have to tell you.' But I dont). Instead I say Me: Family You: K or OK and thats it.... off they go to find another player. Now instead of suggesting lets have a 'dirty chat' or something as camming isnt everything (or maybe perhaps it is) you don't hear from then again till the next time. I now have some understanding on why Ladies get pissed off with Male IMmers. Contact me anytime: [email protected] or on Yahoo IM cfc069, but if you do and I can't perform for you, don't just go quiet say 'Thanks' or 'Bye' at least | ||||||
Saturday, August 27, 2005, 7:20:04 AM- On the Phone... | ||
Until about a week ago, I had never given it much thought about someone getting off talking to me on the phone. So guy asked me if I would be prepared to 'do' a bit on the phone and I thought why not and gave him my number and within a few minutes there he was ringing me, said he was wearing panties and was stroking himself, listening to me telling all the things that he wanted to hear. I admit it didn't do an awful lot to me at the time, although I was only wearing black panties at the time but as I like to help people get off, it was an exercise well worth doing. Judging by his heavy breathing down the end of the line it certainly sounded like HE was getting off. Give the guy credit he did IM me later to thank me and wrote how hard and heavy he came. Another satisfied 'customer.' Talking about cumming - I have found that every time I cum on cam, it is harder and loads more than usual. I wonder why? | ||
Friday, August 26, 2005, 10:16:39 PM- Observation | ||||||
ok this is an observation not a criticism but......... it does really piss me off, when I am looking at photos and you are invited to post or comment via pm to that poster. I do normally do one or both. Comments I do not expect a reply 'cos after all they are only comments, but when someone invites you to PM and they don't reply, not even with a thank you now that's what really gives me the no no. Why bother?? Til so far I was led to believe that NN people were the tops. As I say only an observation. Nice Have a Great Weekend!! | ||||||
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