well. its been a real busy year for me. as some my know, I was having a lot of personal issues the last year and ultimately left for 6 months. like everyone these days I had my fair share of ups and downs I managed to get things settled down with work and my house. the govt assistance made a world of difference. like all good things though it came to an end. but not before my job situation cleared up. so that was a good . my health has improved in some places and not in others. my weight is going down again.... (slowly. lol) . I would like to get back down to a place where I feel good enough about the way I look to post a new picture for the first time in almost 2 years.
my love life needs a major overhaul. just caught the woman I was dating foe the last couple of weeks cheating on me with another guy. its not so bad though I guess. My heart was somewhere else anyway. but I don't have to worry about all that silly romance any more. I gave it all up. I blocked it out and I walked away. its just better that way. its the only way to keep me from closing myself off from the world again.
I have lost connection with many wonderful and sweet people both here and elsewhere.. I hope to work on that now.
I hope to spend a lot more time here over the holidays but it may take me a bit to get my mind on track. I'm still having issues at moment. hopefully I can block out all the other pain soon and get back to a good place.
I guess that's all for now. later gator xxxxx icsstt