Over the many years I've been a part of the NN community I've discovered that I really must be Joe average.
I've attempted to engage people in conversation on chat, through PMs, via comments. If I like a picture I like it, if I really like it I will comment.
In all those years though I have only been able to sustain a genuine prolonged conversation twice.
I'd say it's because I'm boring. Because I'm not packing a 9" penis with the girth of a soda can. Because the occasions I attempt to start with down and dirty are the occasions I should open with the gentleman and Visa versa.
I'll get 5-10 messages or enquiries a month from fake accounts telling me they want to private cam elsewhere. Not really the one.
In chat I will only ever be PM'd first by gay or bisexual guys. Cheers lads but as profile states, I'm not game for sausage smoking.
NN seems to be becoming more of an unfiltered Instagram than a genuine, engaging community. Profiles are contradictory with singles packing wedding bands. Women packing 3 different vaginas, moles that seem to be transient as they're there one shot, gone the next. People ranting about how they hate it when people don't converse yet never respond to anything themselves.
I know the ratio of males to females is typically disproportionate. Would just be nice to be able to participate once in a while without grandstanding, without having to fake alpha it.
I've a penis, I've a tongue, fingers, elbows etc, I very much know how to use them and know I'm not quasimodo. I can be eloquent without arrogance, strong but with humility, naked or dressed!
So what's the crack? |