Gift PremiumFun, flirty, and loves attention from guys and gals... On line and in person! Love to hear your comments on my photos!!!
- 51 years old
- Female
- Joined 15 years ago
deepsouth82's Blog
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Monday, June 15, 2009, 11:12:56 PM- Our First Couple-Chapter 1-What lead to Couple Swapping. | ||||||
So, I decided I want to account for ya'll my husband and I's first experience couple swapping. Will write in chapters as the story is rather lengthy. I also think it will add to the story's allure. Chapter 1- What Lead Us to Couple Swapping My husband, S, and I have been married for 9 years this month. We've enjoyed a fairly active sex life, some times more active than others but I think that is how average sexual relations in marriage would be described overall. We were comfortable and enjoyed sex with each other however, S, would say his only complaint would be frequency... While we averaged about once or twice a week, which is honestly very average for married coupled, I knew he wanted more from his sexual relationship with his wife. But like many women, I (J), suffered from some hang ups with sex resulting from a previous dysfunctional relationship. Even though that relationship has been over 10 years expired, insecurites and feelings I had about sex very much carried over to my relationship with S. This was not a new problem; it was one we lugged around our marriage like a bag of boulders. Minus the occasional fight about housework and the like, Sex, and as S would say-lack there o, was the only real problem in our marriage. I'd known going into my relationship with S that he was much more sexually experienced than I. Not only was his total number of partners much higher (30+ to my 3), the types of experiences varied greatly from mine. From visiting nudist colonies to oral soft swapping and threesomes (FMF), his sexual resume was much more diverse. Over the years we would "joke" about him taking a girlfriend or me having a guy on the side. But these conversations, few and far between never really went anywhere. It wasn't until recently that I found out there was no 'joking' behind these scenarios my husband presented me with and that for years he had craved and desired that we take our sexual relationship to the next level. We had attended a wedding of a friend of ours in Nov. 08. While the ceremony and reception were nice, both S and I agreed that the marriage probably wouldn't last. What S was most concerned about was how this unpleasant woman our friend was marrying was the "last woman he would have sex with". This idea prompted our very first serious conversation about swapping. Just thinking about it was so unnerving... Exciting, scary, stimulating... so talking about it was that much more intense. I told S how nice it would be to expand my sexual repertoire. To increase my total number but experiences as well. Told him I felt that while being a "good girl" in college was wise and helped me avoid sexual downfalls (disease, unwanted pregnancies, emotional complications, etc), I felt I had ultimately disadvantaged myself. We talked about how we would go about it and if either of us had anyone in mind that we would want to lose ourselves with... But as quickly and intensely as that conversation came on, it also quickly left. However, the seed had been planted within me. It had quickly grown into a vine wrapped around my mind. So many thoughts, so many desires became entangled and the problem with this was that it was growing and manifesting only within me...S was unaware of how much that conversation had changed my way of thinking. How my desires for another man were becoming more real, how much I wanted to take our relationship to this next exciting level...but was afraid to bring it up again. However, one nite while having yet another fight about our sex life, I bit the bullet and brought it up. I was so hesitant. Not only did I feel that this may be the wrong context in which to do so, but I was so concerned about hurting S's feelings. Didn't want him to feel he wasn't good or enough for me... Ultimately I just wanted to experience something different. And much to my surprise, S was delighted. That night we had the most intense talk and equally intense sex that we had EVER had. S's cock harder than I'd felt in a long time from the thought of me being with another man; having another man's hard cock inside of me... pleasuring me, taking me to new heights of sexual exploration. It was shortly thereafter that S introduced me to the world of Hotwiffing/Cuckold. It was something he had been curious and reading about for some time. Placed an ad and pictures of me on a website and I was delighted to see the rush of responses. However, in chatting and getting to know these "bulls", I ultimately felt uncomfortable with that lifestyle. Felt it too aggressive. Too brazen. Very unlike me. I'm a relational person and while I wasn't looking to fall in love with another man, I also wasn't wanting to be some random guy's fuck thing.... And this is what led me to explore the wonderful world of couple swapping.... More to come... | ||||||
Monday, June 15, 2009, 10:52:39 PM- Our First Couple-Chapter 1-What lead to Couple Swapping. | ||
So, I decided I want to account for ya'll my husband and I's first experience couple swapping. Will write in chapters as the story is rather lengthy. I also think it will add to the story's allure. Chapter 1- What Lead Us to Couple Swapping My husband, S, and I have been married for 9 years this month. We've enjoyed a fairly active sex life, some times more active than others but I think that is how average sexual relations in marriage would be described overall. We were comfortable and enjoyed sex with each other however, S, would say his only complaint would be frequency... While we averaged about once or twice a week, which is honestly very average for married coupled, I knew he wanted more from his sexual relationship with his wife. But like many women, I (J), suffered from some hang ups with sex resulting from a previous dysfunctional relationship. Even though that relationship has been over 10 years expired, insecurites and feelings I had about sex very much carried over to my relationship with S. This was not a new problem; it was one we lugged around our marriage like a bag of boulders. Minus the occasional fight about housework and the like, Sex, and as S would say-lack there o, was the only real problem in our marriage. I'd known going into my relationship with S that he was much more sexually experienced than I. Not only was his total number of partners much higher (30+ to my 3), the types of experiences varied greatly from mine. From visiting nudist colonies to oral soft swapping and threesomes (FMF), his sexual resume was much more diverse. Over the years we would "joke" about him taking a girlfriend or me having a guy on the side. But these conversations, few and far between never really went anywhere. It wasn't until recently that I found out there was no 'joking' behind these scenarios my husband presented me with and that for years he had craved and desired that we take our sexual relationship to the next level. We had attended a wedding of a friend of ours in Nov. 08. While the ceremony and reception were nice, both S and I agreed that the marriage probably wouldn't last. What S was most concerned about was how this unpleasant woman our friend was marrying was the "last woman he would have sex with". This idea prompted our very first serious conversation about swapping. Just thinking about it was so unnerving... Exciting, scary, stimulating... so talking about it was that much more intense. I told S how nice it would be to expand my sexual repertoire. To increase my total number but experiences as well. Told him I felt that while being a "good girl" in college was wise and helped me avoid sexual downfalls (disease, unwanted pregnancies, emotional complications, etc), I felt I had ultimately disadvantaged myself. We talked about how we would go about it and if either of us had anyone in mind that we would want to lose ourselves with... But as quickly and intensely as that conversation came on, it also quickly left. However, the seed had been planted within me. It had quickly grown into a vine wrapped around my mind. So many thoughts, so many desires became entangled and the problem with this was that it was growing and manifesting only within me...S was unaware of how much that conversation had changed my way of thinking. How my desires for another man were becoming more real, how much I wanted to take our relationship to this next exciting level...but was afraid to bring it up again. However, one nite while having yet another fight about our sex life, I bit the bullet and brought it up. I was so hesitant. Not only did I feel that this may be the wrong context in which to do so, but I was so concerned about hurting S's feelings. Didn't want him to feel he wasn't good or enough for me... Ultimately I just wanted to experience something different. And much to my surprise, S was delighted. That night we had the most intense talk and equally intense sex that we had EVER had. S's cock harder than I'd felt in a long time from the thought of me being with another man; having another man's hard cock inside of me... pleasuring me, taking me to new heights of sexual exploration. It was shortly thereafter that S introduced me to the world of Hotwiffing/Cuckold. It was something he had been curious and reading about for some time. Placed an ad and pictures of me on a website and I was delighted to see the rush of responses. However, in chatting and getting to know these "bulls", I ultimately felt uncomfortable with that lifestyle. Felt it too aggressive. Too brazen. Very unlike me. I'm a relational person and while I wasn't looking to fall in love with another man, I also wasn't wanting to be some random guy's fuck thing.... And this is what led me to explore the wonderful world of couple swapping.... More to come... | ||
Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 8:53:10 PM- Hi there! | ||||||
New to Newbie Nudes... A "friend" I made on Yahoo chat suggested I come over and showcase my beautiful self... I had no idea that there was a communication dimension to the website... Have been flattered by all the PM's and friend requests that I have received in just the past day or two... I should start by saying that I am not using this website to hook up with anyone. Like I said, I just want to showcase some of the photos my husband and I have taken of me. I feel that I am in the absolute best shape of my life and I feel that needs to be share with others! I love the attention I get from others and am having fun with this website so far! I've responded to a few of the PM's I've received however I don't think I will get to them all...Especially those wanting to hook up. Husband and I have been doing some swapping but not looking to hook up with any single men... No offense...just not an interest right now... Love the comments to the photos! Keep them coming!!! It makes me feel good to know my body is the source of pleasure for others! Well, that's it for now! Thanks for reading! | ||||||
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