I love raptors. Hawks, falcons, owls, all of them.... I always have, they fascinate me. Bald Eagles were reintroduced to our area about a decade ago and we now have a few that hunt fish in the lakes around our home. I hope to catch a picture of one someday.
Hawks are all over the place and I see them frequently. Today while at work as I was walking to my truck I heard a one of them being quite vocal and close by
, just as with airplanes and helicopters etc, I had to look up for it... always do. It was a beautiful clear day and the hawk was soaring and screeching right overhead, the sunlight coming through the feathers made the bird glow, it was beautiful. I took a pic with my phone that doesn't begin to do it justice but wanted to share it with yall anyway, wish I had my camera then maybe the hawk would be more than a dot...lol. Take care folks