The first, most important, easiest to remember rule they teach you in man school is " Don't answer the phone while you're getting your dick sucked." At the very least, it will save your relationship. If she's that special kind of crazy you better hope the tip of your dick is ALL you lose.
What they never tell you about is a special kind of crazy that is so rare it's an urban legend, like the Jersey Devil or the chupacabra. In my 61 years, I've never met one until now. I don't know why (and I'm too damn smart to question)but if she walks into the house and all I'm wearing is a smile and a hardon, whatever had her peeved when she pulled in the driveway is forgotten, because the way my cock fits in her mouth makes her happy. We're not talking about a lick and a smile, either. We're talking about put a winch in the bedroom, it cuts down on time spent trying to pull the sheets out of my ass. Which brings us back to rule number one. It's not enough that I know she's the best I've had over a 40 year stretch. Now it's become her goal to insure my closest friends find out, in the most graphic manner possible. Make no mistake. This is a proclamation of reverent gratitude, not any kind of complaint. Considering how much time I spend with my cock in her mouth (don't hate the playa, hate the game.)the chances of a close friend calling are pretty good. If she recognizes the ring tone, the game begins. I have to answer the phone. She kicks her unparalleled skills into overdrive, and the question becomes am I going to try to be cool, or am I going to say 'fuck it' and tell my friend I'd like to talk but She's trying to suck my brain out of the hole in the end of my cock? Do I even have to ask? Didn't think so, and that's why I like all my friends here. They get it, and some of them even get it as good or better (I seriously doubt it, just trying to be polite.)than me. To all my friends across the globe, stay hard, stay wet, stay happy. to 42dddcurves and her husband, the thought of her sucking my wife's big tits while we watch her husband fuck my wife ( for starters)is a delicious image to carry around. Good night, all