
Gift Premium

I am a middle-aged bachelor who moved to Oregon from Florida in '06 and is NOT looking for a skinny young girl. I am retired (from publishing/radio - and that means REAL radio, not right-wing gibberish or insults...and I think Howard Stern is reprehensible for what he has done to the medium, although I know and like him personally), have lots of time and enough money to get into a reasonable amount of trouble. Interests include golf, books, food & wine, theatre and movies and environmental and political issues; I also shoot a decent stick at pool and have been known to bike and play tennis. I am 5'11", with strawberry-blonde hair (except where my head has grown through it), very blue eyes and a full beard, weigh 234 and am in excellent health. I am articulate, argumentative and not patient, but easy-going and not angry. I am also very comfortable with my lot in life and have no grudges/baggage from previous careers or personal relationships...and even my one ex-wife claimed that I was a fantastic kisser!

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 16.8 years ago)
  • 74 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 16 years ago

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