
Gift Premium

I an old hermit who lives all alone in a one room cabin way out in the woods, far away from everybody. But I do like to look at pretty girls, especially those who liked to be looked at. A lot of people ask me why I don't post. Twenty years ago, I was in a bad fire and have scar tissue on 60% of my body. The worst of it on my face and hands. I look better than most burn victims, but none of us look very good. All of my parts are still functional. I do try and contribute something to NN. I am an amateur writer with a vivid sexual imagination. To sort of pay my way in the NN community, I write out sexual fantasies (Erotic Story Telling) for some of my NN friends. Most of these stories are about them and are written for them especially. If you think that you would like me to try one for you, just add me as friend and send me a PM. If you would like to just read some of my work just look in my blog.

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 17.6 years ago)
  • 78 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 17 years ago

gunghoxxx's Blog