I'm just another awkward, obese, early thirties, horny nerd.
- 45 years old
- Male
- Joined 18 years ago
hdavids's Blog
Blog Viewed: 57 times.
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Saturday, August 14, 2010, 3:28:32 PM- Status Updates | ||||||
So, I know that the new status updates aren't really that new anymore, but after reading things like "I haven't touched a woman in years", "Buy my worn panties for only $20 each", "Looking for cumshot targets", etc, I try not to notice it, because frankly, it's depressing. So, just the other day, I figured, why not use it to educate? So, I figure that everytime I log on here, I'll post a different interesting tidbit 50 characters or shorter, as a public service to all the good people looking for porn or poon. | ||||||
Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 7:40:37 AM- | ||
So... the shingles was not fun. I had it during scheduled time off from work and before the new semester started which is good because I'm not behind on my studies or my work. Weird thing is, for the last few years, almost every time I've had a break from school, and a break from work (the two usually go hand in hand), I'll get sick. Not sniffles sick, but awfully horribly sick. The last recess before this one I got the swine flu. On the first day of spring break I came down with salmonella. For one summer I got Giardia on what was supposed to be the first day of a month long camping & hiking road trip and had to go home. They always seem to clear up only the day before I have to resume my responsibilities, but the good part is that I never get sick when I have responsibilities. My christian friends go: ha! this proves that there's a god, but I don't think it's that convincing being that if there was a god, he'd be able to prevent me from getting all these horrible illnesses, or would be spending his time magically making food appear to starving children in africa, so he's obviously a dick and doesn't want me to have any time to myself unless I spend it in pain or coughing my brains out, or with one of my orifices placed securely over the toilet bowl. Really though, the universe doesn't care about us. Things happen, we're the ones that put meaning to it. If nothing statistically weird happened, that itself would be statistically weird (which would mean that nothing statistically weird would have happened which would logically go around in a circle. I know) .If I flip a coin a bunch of times, the more I flip it, the lower the odds of being able to flip the same combination: 2^n with n being the amount of coin flips. So, if I flip it once I have a 1 in 2 chance of repeating what I got. If I flip it twice I have a 1 in 4 chance. If I flip it 50 times I have a 1 in 1.12589991 quadrillion. I might never get that sequence ever again but the fact that I got that sequence wasn't weird. I just happened to get a bad sequence. Math lecture aside, eventually I'm going to be able to either get sick on a school day or have an enjoyable vacation, but now that I seem to not be able to I'm going to be just a little superstitious and say: fuck you god! | ||
Monday, January 18, 2010, 6:51:55 PM- I have herpes | ||
Herpes Zoster that is, also known as shingles. It's caused by the chickenpox virus, which is never completely eradicated, coming out many years later to say hi, through one's nerve endings. Needless to say, It's not pleasant. | ||
Monday, January 18, 2010, 1:10:18 AM- dQ/T | ||
In any isolated system without external energy (department of redundancy department, how may I help you?), entropy always increases over time. I can get it on the exams, and in my internship, so why can't I get it in life? | ||
Monday, May 19, 2008, 10:40:08 AM- I hate trying to think of titles | ||||||
It's sad to say but I seem to do my best writing when I'm two sheets to the wind (that's not a typo) and have time later on when I'm sober to piece together and make sense of my tipsy typing. When I'm sober I just can't write: nothing comes out, but when I'm a tad bit sloshed it all comes out but in no real order. Enough of this, I need another cocktail, I have an essay to write! | ||||||
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 8:02:56 AM- One month and three days later... | ||||||
Did I get any blog traffic from my latest (and only) picture. Get it? heh, no probably not: well, here's seeing if the mods have a sense of humor as well. Ok, so I haven't gotten off on the best of starts I guess. Just trying to advance my life means school which means schoolwork. It feels weird, being study buddies with someone almost a decade my junior (and feeling like I'm the immature one). Writing a research paper on a NRM (new religious movement) currently, well make that procrastinating on writing a research paper. I chose a NRM that had alot of second generation members (members born into the group) leaving because I grew up in a different NRM and had to drastically learn many things all over again. This one, unlike mine, is a sex cult, nothing wrong with sex, problem is, the leader began pushing his insane perverted beliefs on everyone. It's really really disturbing stuff, mostly because of all of the xxxxxxxxxx. From all I've read, they have changed and "reformed" if you can call that, in recent years, after the founder died, but what about all those kids who were molested, now adults trying to make it in the world, on top of all the usual cult insulation tactics they have to overcome? Oh well, they were the result of "big mistakes" that "were made"?! That doesn't fucking cut it. When I was growing up I was taught how sinful masturbating was, how sinful it was to have nocturnal emmisions, how getting a stiffy, even a semi when a cute girl walks by, requires absolution. And let's not even mention premarital sex or what I was taught was the reason for AIDS: homosexuality, which I did have thoughts of (according to kinsey this is normal, and let me simply say I did eventually allow myself to explore and realize it really wasn't my thing.) This group evolved from something similar, and reacted to it, rebelled against it, but it went way too far. I wonder if anyone is ever going to be taught middle ground right off the bat, or is it something that everyone has to find on their own? | ||||||
Monday, April 7, 2008, 12:01:59 PM- Hello World | ||||||
Hi all, I guess that since I've been perving out here for quite some time now I should participate at least a little bit. And since no one would want to see naked pictures of me (trust me on that) I figured I'd maintain a blog. There won't be any dirty sex stories, sorry, in fact there probably won't be any sexually related posts at all: just pretty much inane rambling. The idea of anonymity always appealed to me when it came to blogging, but the longer I'd blog, the more friends I'd make, the less anonymous I was, the less freedom I felt I had to post my opinions, even if they were dribble, so at least here I have freedom, for now I guess. | ||||||
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