Gift PremiumTell me what you've told no other! I want a no secrets buddy! I need to talk about intimate subjects - not just sex - and I love masturbating. I like to have fun but very serious at work. My wife is the only one who knows how playful and sexual I really am. I want to find friends to stimulate me - trade stories. I want someone to get my sexual juice running - quite literally - it could be a male or female because I am curious. In short - I am looking for someone to share a private and intimate space!
- 73 years old
- Male
- Joined 18 years ago
humie07's Blog
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Monday, January 28, 2008, 8:49:18 PM- Another experience | ||||||
I know I should be working but -- I am waiting for some responses to some PMs I sent earlier today. So I surfed through NN photos and wrote some more PMs. I know I am horny and that I must cum sometime soon. I read some erotic stories here on NN and then needed more control of the material so I went over to Literotica for exhibitionism and voyeur stories. I read a great series about a wife who was secretly voyeured by her husband. He demanded - and she submitted - that she walk naked over an interstate highway at rush hour, masturbate at night in a high rise hotel with all the lights on in her room and that she masturbate in her office. So I am inspired to tell about one of my sexual exploits. Now I can relate to some of these situations mentioned above - and since I am putting off cumming today, I can keep my sexual arousal and increase it hopefully by sharing some sexual history – personal experiences that no one knows except me and, now, you. It was in a hi-rise hotel in Honolulu. If you have been there you will know that much of the city is vertical - building after hi-rise building especially hotels. I was of course looking for some sort of sexual rise and had already checked out the rooms across the way but did not see anything interesting. Lots of parties and people on their balconies drinking and talking but no sex or nudity going on in any of the rooms that I could see. So I decided that I was needed to get off sexually and, of course - I wanted to involve my wife. It was around sundown so shadows were long and with a few lights turned on the room was very well lit. I went over to the full length wall of glass windows that led from our hotel room to the balcony and opened them as wide as they would go - then my wife came into the room. She put her things down and sat on the bed reading a magazine. At this point I approached her and started to caress her and began to make out. After a few minutes I laid her back on the bed and felt her up more. I loosened her pants and put my hand inside and started to touch her pussy. I knew that she would think my access was limited, and sure enough pushed my hand away and took her pants off. I kissed and touched her again and she pushed me away again sitting up and taking her panties off. Then she threw them on the floor. Now I knew that my wife would agree to have sex because when on holiday she was up for "routine sex" (see below) everyday. So she was getting into it. I also realized that she did not always pay attention to details when she was getting into having an orgasm. In short, she did not realize that the curtains were open and the lights were on. So ... After she threw her panties on the floor she laid back while I stroked her clitoris - she was enjoying it! After a couple of minutes she pushed me away and pulled her blouse up, loosed her bra and pushed my head to her tits. It was then that I noticed a teenager across the way checking us out. As I was sucking on her breast and stroking her clit I saw him rush into his room and within a minute return with 5 or so off his friends. They all stood there watching us. A people on a couple of other balconies noticed us as well. The teenager who initially notices disappeared and returned with a few more friends and a video camera and started to tape us. They were really enjoying the show. At this point my wife decided that she was not getting off quickly enough and requested a vibrator. Usually, my wife demands the largest vibrator one can buy and pushes it on her and cums as quickly as possible. But, when we travel, we do not bring the manjo one – just one that is battery operated. Its modest size meant that it would do the job but take much longer. I retrieved the vibrator making sure to keep her attention away from the open curtains. I got back on the bed and before letting her use it demanded - against some pretty strong objection that she let me attempt to give her and orgasm with my tongue. I went down between her legs and as my tongue touched her clitoris heard a round of applause from outside. I continued to lick her until she allowed the obligatory time to pass to satisfy me and then demanded the vibrator. I handed it to her and she pulled my face to her tits again. I sucked and she pulled on my cock. I pulled away from her, rose up on my knees and put my erect cock near her mouth. She gave me an "Oh, god do I have to do this look?" and then took me in her mouth. After a few minutes her breathing changed, her hips started to move up against the vibrator more earnestly, she was nearing her climax. I pulled out of her mouth - which relieved her - and I started to suck on her breasts again. She took my cock in her hand again and stroked. After a few moments her stroking rhythm changed radically - to conform more to the rhythm of her building orgasm - and she quickly came very hard. When she cums - the more intense the orgasm the more louder the screams; this was a very intense orgasm. It was so loud that our intent audience could not only see her but also hear her. At that moment there was again, a loud round of applause and shouts. Of course, my wife could not hear the applause because she was in the middle of a rather intense orgasm. When it subsided it had quieted down once again. She let the vibrator drop from her hand onto the floor and rolled over - saying as an aside "could you close the curtains?" She had just noticed that these were open and it was very dark out now. She knew that it was my turn to mount her and "finish" the routine. I dutifully said "Okay!" and walked over to the windows - stark naked sporting a very erect cock dripping with precum - raised my arms to the top of one side of the curtain and dragged it to the middle, then I pulled the other side closed. Just as I was about tightly pull the curtains together at the midpoint - I made eye contact with the group across the way and gave a quick smile. I returned to the bed, entered my wife and fucked her royally, ending in a dynamite orgasm! In this case everyone wins - my wife who had the fastest orgasm possible, the audience across the way who could not believe this was happening, and myself who was so totally aroused by the exhibitionist aspect to the sex session that I really had an intense, satisfying experience. This may be another example about how sex is really in one's head. All the actors were satisfied in their own ways!!!!! PS – I can’t wait to come across our performance on YouTube! | ||||||
Saturday, January 26, 2008, 8:32:38 PM- uupdate | ||||||
I just remembered that I have been trying a new strategy to have more sex in the relationship with my spouse. When we do the sex routine, I bring my laptop into the bedroom and set it up next to my bed where only I can see it. I setup a slide show with porn and let it run. Then I get my wife and do the sex thing. It is great being inside her with her legs way up - usually somewhere in front of my face - and I am riding her watching my specially selected porn pics. It gets me off a lot more. We - in situations like this - need to keep being creative to keep it up! | ||||||
Saturday, January 26, 2008, 4:18:08 PM- My wife and my sexuality | ||
My wife likes to be fingered as well but only if she is clearly on the road to an orgasm. One of my frustrations is the basic difference in our understanding of sex. If I had not asserted esexual exploration we would be still doing - or not doing - straight sex. That is intercourse, missionary, doggie (which she loves) and "spoon" style. I encouraged her to digitally masturbate which she did occasionally but does not like to do it herself - so I introduced a vibrator. She begrudging began to use it. After several years of occasional vibrator use - always at my suggestion - I told her that when she orgasmed with the vibrator prior to me entering her she was more lubricated and made it easier for me to cum. So now, for the last several years, our routine has included vibrator and then straight sex. So now, to my spouse sex is a pretty quick orgasm and then fucking until I cum - and that is it. It takes between 10 - 15 minutes. Now - my idea of having sex is an extended period of time that is solely devoted to getting and remaining sexually aroused! This means using diverse strategies to keep the sexual adrenalin going. For example, crossing from looking at breasts to looking at pussies, or switching from looking at women to looking at erections. Reading sexual stories about first time experiences then stories about exhibitionism/voyuerism. I will walk to our bedroom and pull a pair of my wife's panties out of the dresser and smell them and maybe put them on. I might take a call from a female associate during this time and masturbate while taking about work (she of course never knowing). If I am away on business I might call my wife and convince her to have phone sex (something she might do because it will only take about 5 minutes and it will not greatly interfere with her work.) When her female friends are over I have on many occasions surfed porn and masturbated in the very next room with the door open; every time I heard a chair squeak or someone getting up I would get the most amazing adrenalin rush - better than any drug - the excitement of maybe getting caught - but I would not stop! I have even masturbated in my home office while openly at my desk with porn on the screen laying back with my pants pulled down and erection oozing pre-cum and hoping that she will come into the room. Because getting enough sexual time is so difficult - I might ask her to have sex at a time I know she will say know. Then I will persist in telling her that I have to have sex, I have to cum. Eventually she will tell me to go masturbate. Then I begrudgingly agree and disappear to my office. Since more than cumming I want to be aroused I take my time all the while knowing that she knows I am masturbating. It is my way of getting her involved in my sexuality. After a while she will actually come to just outside my door - which is open - and ask me haven't I finished yet? But she won'come in. I tell her that I am almost done. Actually, that is enough to make it next to impossible not to cum. My favorite way of extending sex with her is to not have an orgasm. We go through the whole sex routine - I finger her, she asks for the vibrator, she cums, I enter her and fuck her for a while - but I do not ejaculate! I pull out ask her to jerk me off, then I hump her a little, then play with myself,and by then she is laying there totally just tolerating it. She then says that maybe this is not going to work and say "but I have to cum!" She will timidly suggest that I take care of it myself. Sometimes I say okay wank around for some time more and when I am near cumming - that is decide not to extend it any longer - get out of bed and find her and as her to hold my scrotum even standing next to her desk in her office and cum into my hand. Other times, I might say "Okay,but when I call you I need you to come back - will you for me?" She sometimes agrees to this. Then I can masturbate another 15 - 30 minutes, looking at porn usually or reading erotic stories, then when its time I call her. She reluctantly comes in the room and I ask her to sit on the bed next to me. Then I ask her to hold my scrotum so I can cum. She usually does this without a problem, but she always does it in a disinterested way and somehow manages not to engage. Now imagine that I am naked, jerking off, and she is holding my scrotum and she appears detached. When I get really close I ask her to look at me when I cum. She giggles and says "no"! I plead - please please! Then when I begin to erupt I coax her more to look and she begrudging, timidly, and with a vicarious look of enjoyment on her face - looks at me cumming. If she starts to look away I coax her back to looking. She enjoys it - but she does not want to admit it! There is something in her that tells her sex is dirty except straight sex. However, she gets so incredibly turned on when she engages in alternate sexual activity - I know this because she cums in a hot flash at those times. So here she is watching me cum while holding my scrotum with cum dripping alll over her hand. She deep down is enjoying what to her is some forbidden act while my orgasm is kicked up several notches. As I have explained I try to get my sexual needs met even though I must adapt because my spouse is an unwilling partner. It takes some work and creativity but I get to have extended periods of sex time even though she is not always directly involved. She and I really do have different ideas about what sex is about! | ||
Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 12:07:13 AM- my private sex | ||||||
As a fantasy, the following experience may be mundane, but as reality - this experience is one that most of you would give a lot for - like your right nut - to have. The following is all real and should read with that in mind. One more introductory statement before I write. If anyone who reads this blog should discover or think they know who I am by the information I am sharing please let me know; I want to know who you are. I know that I am not alone with my interest in sex but it would be great to know who else has similar interests. I know there are people out there who have similar interests - that is, sexual interests) as mine because over the years I have found them to 'play' with me. For example, during graduate school at a large mid-western university I, as many graduate students do, worked on a research project funded by the state. I interviewed for the research assistant position in another department. Now, contrary to most people's conception of America's heartland - the mid-west is a wild place - yes, alcohol, sex and drugs. At any rate, I interviewed with the small group of researchers (one of whom was wearing a see-through black knit sweater) and returned to my office in another building. The next morning I received a phone call telling me I had been selected for the position and they would like me to start today. I obliged, went through the whole personnel process and was soon installed in my new office who I shared with one other research assistant. The offices were arranged in the work version of a college dormitory, that is, one main room and 3 smaller offices along the side. My officemate was one of the people with whom I interviewed. Her name was Jen. We got to work and formed a quick friendship. She invited my wife and me to her house for dinner to meet her husband and child, the former also a graduate student. A week or two later as we drove across the prairie to a meeting at the state capital (please remember that is the heartland that was usually a very long drive) chatting about family and the project Jen dropped a nonsequitor. She said 'I am really interested in you and would like to have an affair.' Without losing control of the car – as I thought this over. I knew I loved my wife, that she was a great friend, and that we had plenty of sex - so why would I be interested in Jen? Now, Jen was not beautiful. In fact, there were a couple of other women I knew that were stunning and I would have proactively sought them out if I wanted an affair. But Jen had a very neutral appearance. She was short, skinny, thin/listless brown hair, big thick glasses and very white skin. Her dress was very plain and modest. In comparison to my wife - she did not offer me much. So as we drove along I considered the situation. It is not everyday that someone asks you this type of question. After a while - that is, passing a few more miles of milo and soybeans - I thought of something that would interest me. I said 'Well, I am not particularly interested in an affair but --- I could be interested in sexual play.' After a few more miles she said 'What did you have in mind?' Just understand that I had no thought about this previously but felt compelled to not let this opportunity slip away, so I had to quickly formulate a game plan. I said 'I will tell you what to do and you have to do it.' She quickly said 'Okay!' And there you go - my juices were running and I was congratulating myself on my quick thinking and ingenuity. We said no more about it that day. The next morning, I went into my office and then, right after lunch went over to my other project office. There she was - working away. I greeted her and sat down at the desk next to her. After a while, I turned to her and said 'Are you ready to begin?' She swallowed hard and said 'Yes!' I said 'Okay, stand up.' She slowly stood up and stood there with her hands at her side looking a little nervous. I said 'Take off your clothes - all your clothes - and put them back on!" She stood there for what seemed like a long time but in reality was only a few moments looking somewhat indecisive. I wondered if she was going to pull out of the agreement. Suddenly she stepped past me and walked out the door. I thought that, perhaps, she didn't really understand what I was talking about the day before and then, hopefully, it will be okay working together in the future. Suddenly I heard the outside door close and she marched back into our office, closed the door behind her and came to a stop in the middle of the room directly in front of my seat. We both knew that any other staff person or student could enter the office at any time. The only notice we would have was the turning of the key in the door and that was if we could hear it. The fact that she could get caught heightened the already substantial sexual tension in the room. She nervously stood there for a moment, took off her glasses, walked to her desk, put them down, resumed her position in the middle of the room, riveted her eyes on mine and then, started to unbutton her blouse. I was now getting excited. Here was my colleague stripping - just because I asked her to. Everyone should have a colleague like this! She diligently unbuttoned her blouse, took it off - revealing a scrawny torso with a few beauty marks, skinny arms, and a sort of old fashioned basic elastic\lacy bra with a wide back strap, the kind your mother might say 'gives the proper support'. She leaned over and hung it on a nearby chair. Then she unsnapped her pants, kicked off her shoes and pulled her pants down removing her feet one at a time. She put these on the chair as well - all without breaking eye contact with me - an arousing touch I had not thought of myself! Now it was time to remove her bra. I noticed that there was a space between her bra and her breast which from my vantage point ran across the top and down the side. When she had unclasped her bra and bent forward to release it - it all became clear - the bra was padded. I think in her mind it added to the humility of the situation. Not only was she baring what everyone should not see - which is why we wear clothes - but also something that she really hid from others. She was exposing the flatness of her chest. At that moment I felt that she really wanted to expose herself to me and she wanted to see me - watching her. Yes, now I was hot - and so was she. Jen did not know, how could she, that I love small breasts – the smaller the better. Also she had a few long dark hairs around her nipples which added to the ‘rawness’ of the experience. Her increased exposure and humility need not have gone beyond merely taking her clothes off in the office on a typical weekday afternoon with the building abuzz with people. She continued to undress sticking her thumbs under the elastic of her pantyhose. How mundane – pantyhose. I don’t like pantyhose, garters and stockings are my preference. However, this was a live show and she was grasping the elastic band and pulling it down. I do think she dressed for this; there was really nothing provocative about her clothing or her for that matter. In fact, one of the turn-ons was that she was so mid-American typical. It was like someone cast a spell and she was made to do things she never would have done in her more usual/public life. I found it interesting that she fucked her spouse on a regular basis – but this was outside of that relationship as it was for me as well. She pulled her pantyhose down and then standing there in her knickers pulled those down as well. She exposed her pubic hair – which I consider clothing for the vagina – and gave her knickers a little kick causing them to fall near her shoes. Now she stood stark naked, hands to her sides approximating military ‘attention’ still with her eyes riveted to mine. Her thighs were a little large but very muscular – her breasts were small, her pussy was hairy and her eyes were on me. Of course, I was hot but did not move to touch her – this was not part of the game at this time. After standing there for a moment she picked up her articles of clothing and put them on without looking at me. It was just getting dressed now. When she was dressed she went up front and unlocked the door, came over to me and asked me ‘how I liked it?’ I, of course, told her I did but without showing enthusiasm. I figured there was more of this stuff to come and I had plenty of time for enthusiasm. We tried to go back and at some point got back into a work routine and things faded away. It was not the last experience I had with her but it was the first and important one. One important outcome that we both knew was that it was all about sex – not love; and that we could get really involved in sexual feelings without the problems of love and relationships. We had moved into a space that many people never experience even with there spouses – pure sex! We were free to go for sexual arousal without the baggage of a relationship – that brought many possibilities within reach. My marriage was great and my life in general was suddenly much more exciting! Dear readers, the lesson here is to ask for what you want - you may get it! | ||||||
Monday, July 16, 2007, 4:41:49 PM- my private sex | ||||||
Well, I have quite alot to share about my sex life - and I never have shared these experiences with anyone. I am a doctorate level professional with many years of experience in my field. I am respected, trusted and commiserately compensated. But my other life - my other self is private are not known in its entirely by any one person. The experiences are really part of a long pattern of sexual experiences which - even though married - continue to evolve. So I hope that you can read these words - which are all true - and share your thoughts about them because I have never communicated with anyone about this subject before. | ||||||
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