
GB age 44
Joined 14 years ago
Last login 12 years ago
I guess I'm the shy, creative type (though I'm starting to think and find that I’m not as shy as I was or once thought I was) who's just moved to the isle from London and seeks rescuing by like minded people for guided tours, fun and frolics. Photography a plus. I can be a strange mix of confidence, shyness, and arrogance at times. And people can miss interpret my passion for over confidence but they couldn’t be more wrong. I would never say i was macho i guess... pig headed possibly, passionate, and fiery. I can also be very single minded when i try and do something I put my heart in. And my heart i wear on my sleeve i guess.. leaves me open to be hurt, but i would never want to be any different. I'm artistic i guess (have to be for what i do) but i wouldn’t claim I was an artist! I’m possibly a really complicated person who thinks he is simple... or it could be the opposite way round... I’m still deciding. Photography for me is capturing one single point in time, and with that being able to show love, sensitivity and drama. It’s the same with camera work. I try to live my life as honest as i can be, though it’s hard to be 100% honest without hurting people at times. My humour I guess can be pretty dry.. And I can be a dirty person at times! My last girlfriend was about 6months ago, but had been going wrong before that. I believe each time you meet, date, and fall in love with new people it helps to realise what you are looking for in that other. Behind the camera i tend to forget any hang ups as I get so involved and passionate about what i do, and will quite happily stand in front of thousands and be ok. But then i can be scared of rejection and have to fight so hard to find the courage to talk to a stranger or girl that I’m interested in. Maybe at work it’s because you end up in your comfort zone? don't know Though i did last month give my number to a girl I ran up to on a night out... was the 1st time since i was 19 that i had done that! My interests would be filming, photography, editing, cooking, making Doc's, Driving very fast, Lord of the Rings, Meeting the Dalai Lama again, Homer's books, being rude to celebrities, disliking Chavs, being slightly elitist, travelling, Tibet, watching and discussing films, Cafes etc What's the last best thing I read? 'Haruki Murakami' The wind up bird chronicle. Fav directors are Sergio Leone, Cronenburg, and Lynch etc That’s basically it..but loads more too! hahaha xxxx
ignominiousme's last Status Update
It's Porn O'clock over here tongue
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:A girl
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:16-Oct-09
Last Logged In:18-Nov-11
Location:Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Star Sign:Aries
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Anything!
Interests:Water Sports
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Slim
Height:5' 11" (180cm)
Weight:168lbs (11st 14lbs) (76.2kg)
Eye Colour:Blue
Hair Colour:Black
Best Feature:Eyes
Pubic Hair:Shaven
Professional Life
Industry:Entertainment / Media
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:Herse
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Self Description
Profile last updated: 18-Nov-11