well i have just spent another week down in Devon, the weather was great and so was the sex! lol My friend gstar999 gave me a lift there(via London!)and i had an embarrassing incident at a service station with some pull ups that didn't want to stay up and i ended up ripping one, much to his amusement! Painted a bench and a bathroom celing for my gran and aunt while i was there...can't get away from work! With the weather being as good as it was i managed to get a bbq in, also went to lyme regis and they have a really old style cimema there, saw that new owen wilson movie with the dog in it. Got to sit by the beach with an ice cream, went drinking, brought another damn bag (i'm such a girl!) played on the swings at the park (i'm such a kid!) went to braunton to see my other gran and took her out for lunch at this place called squires for fish and chips. I ended the week (thursday evening-sunday afternoon!) by spending time in bideford with my friend Dom who is such a sweetie

Anyway thats the quick and short version of my week away! lol