Monday, December 3, 2007, 7:14:48 PM- pics and videos
i have noticed that alot of my pics havent been comments on or voted on, so i am asking for you to vote and comment on the ones you like, even e-mail me suggestion of what you would like to see or would rather see. those pics and videos with little or no comments will be deleted. there really isnt a point of haveing pics/videos of me up that you dont like, so please comments,vote and pm me on the ones i should keep or what you wish to see.
"Hey, first of all... wanted to say that you seem like a laid-back str8 guy, and the open mind is a welcome thing.
That said, I think your series (with the bed, and with your uniform) looked very good. I haven't commented before, both because I wanted to keep a respectful distance and because I found your pics late. I'd say just keep playing with your locations in your house (shower, kitchen, even garage if it's warm enough), your props (shirts, ties, undies), and your views (frontals, rears, under). Just do what you're doing, but ... post less. Fewer pics per posting sessions, and spaced out enough.
Dunno if any of this helps, but hope so. Thanks again, and welcome to blogging."- mdguy