This is the reason why I'm here, it's quiet a story but I don't know if this is the right place to tell it but I'll tell it anyway so get comfy & please read to the end. I don't know where to start so here goes.. I married a very sexy girl (if you've seen my pics you'll agree) when I was 22 & she was 21! We were in marital bliss & so much in love until our world came crashing down! She was diagnoised with a brain tumour aged 23!! She had brain surgery & radiotherpy & the we got the all clear!! Yes!!! We thought we'd beaten this fucking thing but it came back 5 & 1/2 years later. 22 months after our baby was born. World came crashing down again! I have shed more tears than anyone could imagine.... had so many sleepless nights because I had so many what if's running around my head I couldn't eat, function properly or even talk to anyone. I was in such a dark place I couldn't see any light!! Not a nice place to be!! She had another operation on her nut & the Doc said he got all the tumour he could see. We had to wait about 2 months 2 have a scan & find out if there was any cancer left! I think I aged about 2 years in 2 months! The only thing that kept me going was my girls. I new I had to be there for them! The cancer was growing again fuck it! Now time to hit it with chemo!! Round 1 was brutal! we had no idea it was this tough!! Absolutly horried!! We got through those 10days somehow?!?! Then another round followed by another then another. 12 rounds later & about 5 MRI scans the tumour appeared stable! For 6 months we thought we had fried the fucker! We were so wrong! Fucker started to grow again! This time it had changed into a very fast growning tumour & she started to go down hill fast! It is so unbeleivable to see someone you love get so sick so quick tears my heart out just sharing it!!! 2 more rounds chemo but that didn't do shit! Time for a new specialist, another fucking brain operation but this time allot more damage to her brain! They couldn't get all the cancer this time or she'd be totally crippled or worse. You should see the scans, it's amazing that she can function so well considering how much of her brain is missing! More chemo!! Fuck!! I think we're upto round 19 or 20. We've lost count! This is when she tells me that I should be looking for a replacment model!! (she's still got her sense of humour)I need to find someone who will take care of me like I have taken care of her & our daughter. As you can imagine our sex life has been non-existant of late. I'm not going to tell you how long but far too long. She is so tied & fatigued that she has to save her strenght to do the most menial tasks. At the moment I'm just happy with someone talking dirty to me! I still love my wife so much. So if you want to chat or want to know more about me please feel free to PM me or comment on here. If you ask I'll give you my email if I haven't given it to you already. Thanks for listening to my story!! |