Gift PremiumWe are a fun, honest, married couple looking for a girl to explore sex with. We've had a few 3sums but we want more.
- 50 years old
- Female
- Joined 18 years ago
kyle&anna's Blog
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 11:12:46 PM- Our first blog under this account | ||
We are a couple who used to post pics on NN under a different name but started to get to afraid of being recognized. It's easier to post if your single. We are in our early 30s and very fit and healthy. our lifestyle is very comfortable and we have a lot of fun. Kyle is 33, I am 32. I am blonde, blue eyes, good body and tan and attractive. I love being nude around the house and in public. Kyle is blonde, brown eyes, hot and muscular. He is 5'11 and he weighs 180. We are very much in love and we are honest with each other. If we would ever consider being wih someone else then we do it together. I am bi-sexual but he is not. We love threesomes with hot girls. No mmf though. We've had the pleasure of meeting some NNers and had some sexy fun with 2 of them. One member we have met was very-very-special. It was around the end of the year 2006. I made sure to get her go ahead to write about her so here goes. Her name here is Very-very-bad-girl. We think she is the hottest poster on NN not because her pics get a lot of clicks or because they are usually rated very high or because she is simply stunning or because she has a lot of fans on NN. We like her because she is one of the prettiest, most genuine, funniest, down to earth persons we have ever met. She agreed to meet my man and me only after we promised the meeting wouldn't be a sexual meeting. We would have liked it to be but we honored her wishes. My man really digs her and I do to. When he first showed me her pics I was blown away. I realized why he had been spending so much time on NN without me back then because NN was a site we shared together. We were sitting on the bed with his lap top looking at her pics. I saw that he had a big bulge in his underwear. I was so turned on by it and the idea of him getting hard for a black chick. My man has always been attracted to pretty black girls but I know he loves me so I don't feel it's anything to worry about. I trust him all the way. When we looked at vvbgs pics that night we had one of the best times sexually. Ever. I climaxed 4 times and he did twice. I told him to imagine being with her and show me what he would do to her. At first he was very gentle and really got into it, then he started getting rougher and rougher. After my second climax he had his. We layed in the bed for a while talking about it and talking about vvbg. I saw that he was getting hard again and I sucked his cock for him. He xxxxxx me over on my belly and fucked me from behind. He played with my clit and held my neck in the crook of his arm and said how much he had been wanting to fuck me (VVBG). I asked him if he loved my black tight pussy, he ssaid he loved it. He told me he wanted to put his dick in my ass. We have anal sex regularly so I said for him to fuck my ass. I climaxed again. He stayed inside my puss for a while but he surprised me when he shoved his dick in my ass with nothing but the cream from my puss as lubrication. He didn't go in slowly like he usually did. It was rough and I loved it. When he climaxed it was with a lot of force and seeing how much he enjoyed it made me climax for a 4th time. We told vvbg about this in a pm. We had been sending pms back and fourth for a few weeks before that night and we ended up giving her our cell # because she wanted to hear about it over the phone. We were surprised at how open and cool she was over the phone so we asked her to meet with us. She was to afraid though. But we understood. There are a lot of crazies out there. We are sane as they get. One night vvbg posted a short video that was very hot and erotic. It had music and heavy breathing and talking. She was masturbating and talking to a imaginary lover. It was so hot! We were premium members under the other name so we got to see it and have another night of unbelievbal sex. We sent vvbg a email and asked her to call so we could tell her about it. She called our home and we talked on a 3-way call. When we all decided to meet a little while after that night. she got to pick the place and time and everything. When we first saw her I hit my man and said she was beautiful. We couldn't believe how hot she was. She hugged us both and she felt very comfortable with us. We are not into hurting anyone or making someone do anything they don't want. We had a few beers and dinner. We laughed and talked about Jeez everything! She was funny and very nice and intelligent. She is a good woman and my man knows what a good woman is. I do to. We liked her a lot. We only wish we could have gotten to know each other a little better but she isn't the type that is so open about who she sleeps with. and she said she has to be in a relaionship or in love with the person she is having sex with. We respected that because that was her perogitive. Maybe one day we can talk her into it. hehehe. My man was going crazy. I put my habnd in his lap a few times when we were with vvbg and he was hard each time. We use her pics often and hope she changes her mind. That night Kyle and I went back to our home and had the most mind blowing sex ever. I love him getting turned on by other women and then having sex with me. He doesn't really mind any type and neither do I but as long as you are attractive and average weight. If anyone wants a reference to how open and honest we are please ask vvbg. We would like to meet a girl to have sex with on a regular basis. If you are one of those ladies please send us a pm. We will gladly supply you with pictures and what ever else you need to feel comfortble with us after we have gotten to know each other over the internet. Looking forward to meeting. Anna | ||
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