Gift PremiumNothing really interesting about me! All my life I have been lonesome even with one hundred people around me.And I get used to it...
- 85 years old
- Male
- Joined 18 years ago
lamarcyaise's Blog
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Friday, July 11, 2008, 1:57:23 PM- I am back, did someone missed me? ( just joking...) | ||
To the few nice people who write me a big thank I had to go to Paris(France!) for a little emergency... In fact it was to take care of my Grandson who is 10 their parents had an opportunity for a travel and we bring him back here. Hope everybody is doing good. All my regards to those who take time to write me I will be back to night. EJ | ||
Monday, June 30, 2008, 4:56:03 PM- "Have you ever been beaten by a dead bee..?" | ||||||
Ok it just mean that I'm a great fan of Bogey... Now many thanks to the few people that put a very nice comment and cheer on to accept reading what I have to say, like Samtheman1940, CHILI(60) and of course Iwantmore2.. If you're starting to know me I am a lonely average man and that's the quality that counts... All that I'm going to tell you is real, no lies, the truth (my parents have criticed that need of truth but now I know why..)and Yva too... My Mom offers me one time a beautiful "vellum" and on this it was wrote" LOVE TRUTH BUT FORGIVE THE ERROR" it has been written by a great French writer VOLTAIRE. Last revelation for me : four years ago I discovered after the death of my Dad; that I was half-jewish! And two years ago Yva happened to know that her Father was a German 64 everybody knew it but just us two... That did'nt change anything for us, just tighten up what is between us! That is all for tonight, have a nice day everyone and please believe me yours. EJ | ||||||
Friday, June 20, 2008, 9:58:44 AM- Half-opening my "secret garden"!! | ||||||
First please forgive my mistakes in English, I know I have been loosing a lot those last years... It was a time, 30 yars ago , in a bunch of G.I, people took me for one of them...and my boss at that time uses me for this! Let me tell you I'm a scorpio and maybe one of the worst... Lonely of course, when you're the righthand of the BIG BOSS,you can't be friendly with no one. If you're not with me, you're against me, but everything that hurts me make me stronger, and did that happened everytime. Things were not easy for me , but this is for a lot of people the same way, and I won't complain!!! At 68 I made my life the way it is ( not bad ) but to be true my problem is that I have been, since I was a kid ,scared to death to be getting old, and since a few month I'm afraid of the result of 45 years of mariage....with the erosion that goes with it. next time I will tell you how I started to take pictures of Yva in the 80ties...and why... Thank's to the two peoples that put a nice comment on my questions, you both have a "special place" in my mind. Oh just to the "frenchman" that put a crude comment on the last pic: Man if you want to write such a s..t like you do why don't you write it in English??? I know that erotim is the pornography of the others....but reading this make me ashamed to be Half-French. Bye for know love to my Friends from Scotland | ||||||
Friday, June 13, 2008, 5:11:14 PM- I would like you to answer TRUELY to those questions.......... | ||||||
1.Do you think that if I write " some memories " about my life someone would be interested....? 2.Am I right to ask such a question...? 3.Is this right at 68 to need to ask this...? 4.Am I a little " lost" since a few months (the answer is YES) 5. Why do I need friendship....? I may tell you why.... Love to everyone if you read this. EJ | ||||||
Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 4:15:07 PM- HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL NICE PEOPLE WHO WRITE ME | ||||||
Once again all my best wishes to all of you who take time to send me mails. It helps me in a Year which was a bet difficult for me. But the "show must go on" and I hope 2008 won't be worse. A particular thanks to: Anya32, Britches, Iwantmore (realy) Bislut68 and Luvsemcurvy... Have a nice year and love to you. EJ | ||||||
Saturday, December 15, 2007, 4:24:09 PM- First try and I'll see if it don't look too stupid.... | ||||||
Thanks to all of you for the nice comments and the good rating of the pictures I have been doing all those years. I am not a photographer ( I mean "professional" ) and at that moment of my life I just wanted to know if I did'nt loose my time doing this..! This was supposed to be my "secret museum" and it has been since I start to post. In fact, and I know lot of people will laugh,I wanted to know if I will still love my wife after 44 years of mariage....and pics... and to day I can say I'm loving her more than 20 years ago! Thanks again to all of you and let me know if I should go on. EJ | ||||||
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