libaredneck's Blog
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 1:49:52 AM- well its been along time since ive been here. | ||
guess id let some of yall know whats been goin on the last few years, well if you seen my newest pic, shes the reason i have a new lease on life!!!! i moved 250 miles to be with her. as yall know my ex was driving me to actually probably die an early death. but i shut my buisness down there and have started it up down around san antonio. shes sure something to behold!!! i love her so much!!!!! and shes now graduating automotive school in mid august!!!!! got a snap-on tool box to paint pink for her. lol ive been buying every pink tool that they make in pink for her, LOL i gave her a nick name of Sunshine. shes truly an awesome woman. im so glad to have found her. ive gained weight lately since i left my hell hole and honestly dont work 7 days a week anymore to stay gone from home. im living in an 18 foot camper in an rv resort but hey!!!!!! im not miserable anymore!!! so to my friends i havent died but been rejuvenated by love and a new purpose in my life!!!! and you know what? shes freakin AWESOME!!!!! with that i need to go help her move some stuff into her new apartment. sleep well friends!!!!! MD, Iowawantit,Jordyray and others, thanks for getting me through a real tough time in my life. im hoping to follow yalls blogs again but im not sure Sunshine will let me post pics anymore? although i let her read and see everything here and she said i should post the latest pic i did. take care FRIENDS, just thought id update and let yall know whats been goin on!!!! redneck!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well Redneck has not asked sunshine about posting pictures Silly Redneck ask before you say something like that ~~~From Sunshine~~~ ![]() | ||
Sunday, June 28, 2009, 11:06:33 PM- HELLO NN!!! and MD lol | ||||||
wow cant belive havent been here in a LONG time. lets see whats happened. well gbabby groin like a weed!!!! he loves to take my hat off chew on it put it back on me to only yep you guessed it.... he could do it for hours LMAO. love the little stinker to death!!!!. well got the kids all graduated!!James works nights at walmart. he seems to like it. stephie well shes stephie and love her for it. my oladys still workin at allen samuels. wow 11 years there. love her to death. wish her avon buis would pick up and she could quit as its not that much pay and ins is high, but hey atleast she still has a job. well as far as me..... well i contract out of a shop in italy, no its in texas, LMAO. 8-3 then yep i go to MY shop.. a good friend passed away and he had a "tinker" shop. well he told his daughters that he wanted me to have it and they would have to accept payments from me. RIP JINKER. I MISS YOU ALOT. so if i only make 400 a month out of it it pays for itsself! md will get a kick out of this next sentence. brb need a beer. LMSFRAOOO.ok im back. OH got another truck. my olgirl finally gave up the ghost. but i still got her and plan on redoing it. 79 f-150 supercab for anyone wanting to know. well its a 93 wanna guess make? lol f-250 4wd baby diesel. she is so sweet. hauls my tools so much better. im working 7 days a week to keep the house afloat. wish i had more time to post pics. yk it really doesnt bother me that guys wanna see my pics? i thought it might but well its all in fun anyway right? hell i think i just wrote my first novel. LOL mowed and weedeated the yard in 106 degree heat today. welcome summer time to texas. ok ill stop yalls probably tires of reading these rantings by now... to all my followers i hope to put up pics and i also have a good camera now!!!!! HEY MD good night LMSFRAOOOOOOOO | ||||||
Monday, January 5, 2009, 2:14:17 AM- | ||||||
ok md you got me also. Change all the answers to suit using only one word Where is your cell phone? - in its holder Your significant other? - sweetie Your hair? – brown Your mother? - hospital Your father? - unkown Your favourite thing? - beer Your dream last night? - idr Your favourite drink? - beer Your goal? - more beer? oh money also What room are you in? - Bedroom Your hobby? - getting more beer? Your fear? - not having beer Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Alive i agree md Where were you last night? - Home Something that you aren't? - drunk Muffins? - NAH Wish list item? - more beer? lol Where you grew up? - TEXAS!!!! Last thing you did? - took a drink of beer What are you wearing? - only md can ask LMAOOOOOOOOO TV? - survivor Your pets? - 9 Friends? - few Without friends? - damn near Your life? - work Your mood? - blah Missing someone? - aint we all Your car? - mine is hers still 23000 Something you're not wearin? - Shoes lmao md mee too Your favourite store? - beer store Your favourite colour? - Red damn md are you tryin to make us match? LMSFRAOOOOOOO When is the last time you laughed? - doing this Last time you cried? - today Who will resend this? - probably no one Where do you go to over and over? - Work i agree with md Five people who email me regularly? – no one My favourite place to eat? - alone Favourite place I'd like to be at right now? - right here in texas Four people I think will respond? - no clue ok i dont like the one word answers.LOL | ||||||
Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 11:52:04 PM- wow been a while since ive been here | ||||||
well lets see. got a grandbaby now. son finally has a job. works been so spurratic it sucks. i dont need to tell you about the economy. poeple aint fixing there stuff until it wont go anymore. my bestfriend passed away 2 mos ago. im trying to buy his shop. not great but all the memories makes it wonderful. even named it after him. sure do miss ol jinker. oh md how the heel ya been bro? sorry havent talked to you much. life has been on cruise control here. still got the mother in law also. shit its 5 years this april. we aint ever gonna be without her.ive got a trash company i take care of their trucks that says they will get me a better work truck after the first of the year. my ol 79 is about shot. takes about 20 mins to go into drive in the mornings and 10 if it hasnt moved for 8 hours after that. i have given thought about doing a paid site? idk i need cash and mechanic work sucks right now. well im off for now. hope to be posting more regular. would like to do another membership but not for 30 a month. oh well. if theres anything anyone would like to see in my pics just pm me. ill see what i can do. Later REDNECK | ||||||
Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:10:41 AM- well im a grandpa | ||||||
welcome mathew oscar cook. idk how to feel yet. he aint got a job or finished school. she aint got a job or finished school. i pissed off my membership here in the hospital with her problems. but i got a grandson. i wish there was a oops program for the membership. oh well. but all is well with the dad baby and mom. damn 40 and a grand pa. been tryin to cut down on drinkin, been doin pretty well. im sorry yall i havent had time to look and comment on yalls pics. ive basically been at hospital for over 3 weeks. so. now im REAL broke but HELL got a real charm of a gbaby.not much else to say the hosp toook up most of the time. she went in because blood presure was up high then down low. they still induced 2 weeks early but HEY heys got my genes in him, so hes like " lets get it on" lol. i hope all my friends are doin well as im just here for a min tonight. yall take care sry im goin to bed and dont have time to mention yall individually. belive it or not i love all of yall and ty for the support. Later REDNECK | ||||||
Sunday, August 3, 2008, 3:12:18 AM- Damn its hot here! | ||||||
got sick workin, then came home and started diggin up my latterel lines got sick again. Think im gonna spend tom in the ac all day. allready boked through tuesday.i think it was 105 today and gonna be 107 tom and monday.hope yall enjoyed my stuff i posted. i like being able to post more.dont know if i can keep it but its nice for now. im pooped is all i can say for now. well yall have sweet dreams and hopefully no work for yall tom! Later REDNECK. ps. MD are you lookin over my shoulder? Ive got a feeling? LMSFRAOOOOOOOOOO gn all | ||||||
Saturday, July 26, 2008, 12:54:23 AM- my oladys upset | ||||||
said i posted the possible worst pics of her i could? HUH?i dont see that. so i told her to take pics herself for me to put up. DAMN been hot here. gonna be like 104 tommorrow. so much for a weekend off. todays plan was get my usual weekend jobs done today. but NOT.didnt happen. wanted to go fishing so bad. md your too nice to me. ty for all the compliments! i mean that. YOU are truly a gentleman. and i mean that. also ty to all who respond to my (our?) pics. hopefully my olady will like posting and mabey we can pony up for a PREMIUM membership?well NN good nite to all and to all a good nite! later REDNECK and hopefully sweetie also (rednecks olady btw) | ||||||
Monday, June 9, 2008, 11:18:23 PM- well the drive in theatre called me back for work | ||||||
I love goin to that place and work. id almost do it for free. the backhoe isnt working right. ive been working on and off for a couple years there, keeping the equipment and speakers going. its i get so frustrarted sometimes. i mean i fix 4 of the golf carts only to come back the next day and guess what. they fd em up again. (this is texas em is a word look it up. lmao) murdock uses the drillin trucks and guess what? fd em up again. i mean ik im fn good but geesh. so after 4 or 6 mos i look around and say f it they dont care and leave for a while. i feel bad because its not the owners fault. i mean i love the owners. if you live around ennis texas you autta ck this out. its wonderful. and total cost to go is alot cheaper than a walk in. they even have miniature golf. hope he still plans to put the carnival in. that would be so cool. he had a carnival come in once. lol i had to fix a bunch of the rides. GOD I LOVE THAT PLACE. if you do go ask for the owner tellem REDNECK sent ya. i might even be able to get you in for free. did you know that theatre owners really dont make any money on ticket sales? infact i remember martin tellin me one movie was costin him like 2 cents per person to show it. movie companies get up to like 98% of movie sales. the guy who cleaned up the drive in every day was murdered early this year. not at the drive in. guess ill get my son to go start cleaning it up? hell he needs a job anyway.seriously. if you wanna go. pm me and ill see about gettin you in for free. and remember you get 2 movies for the price of one!. lets all go to the lobby lets all go to the lobby and get ourselfs a treat! who remembers that?lol. ok enough for now. OH btw still got long hair! Later REDNECK | ||||||
Sunday, June 8, 2008, 3:53:53 AM- ok i cant spell | ||||||
no i cant type LMSFRAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. later REDNECK. ps my oladys nic is sweetie. and she cant understand why i put my pics here. i hope we will be fine. im sure we will. weve came along way. damn 1988. do you remember oct of 88? i do. tascosa bowl in amarillo. she busted her ass bowlin and i laughed. then we started talkin. SHIT 20 years and one 18 yo later, here we are. oh cant forget the CAT. lmao oh and 12 dogs. damn strays. cant turn em away. anyway i hope my ollady feels better. i thought we had gotten past that day? guess i shouldnt have put it in writin.anyone want pics of her? i might give a peek. lol | ||||||
Sunday, June 8, 2008, 3:47:04 AM- ammendmendt to feb 13 blog........ | ||||||
ok i was havin a bad day. i even showed my wife my pics here and my blog. well we are HOPEFULLY gonna spend eternity togather? i guess sometimes when your mad its better you dont write what you feel, but sometimesd it akes you feel better to vent. Ah not my best decision! I love my wife and REALLY want us back on track!!!!!! with my mopm in law and son and guess daughter in law to be running in and out, i got carried away with my ranting. To my SWEETIE im sorry..... truely i am!!!!!!!!! and please accept my apology, from the bottom of my HEART!......ok now sweetie do you accept?this will be her typing yes i accept..i love you 2. sweetie | ||||||
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