Back on SuperBowl sunday my baby and I had a bet on the outcumm of the game. If I lost I had to buy her the complete outfit of her choice with all accesories. The jewlery was to have diamonds in all pieces. If She lost she had to do a slow sexy strip tease for the last four guys to leave the party. As it turned out much to my pleasure she lost the bet. Of her own accord she choose to suprise me by taking it a little(???) farther. After tying me to a chair she proceeded to make the rounds of the five guys and one lady that were left after the party. She did a slow grinding strip while giving them full contact friction dances. As she worked them up, and worked them over, she removed their clothes one piece at a time as she made the rounds. Before long they were all naked as jaybirds. I could tell she was turned on by the glassy look in her eyes every time she looked my way, and the guys were sitting there with their cocks pointing at the cieling. Anyway, to make a long story short, she wound up fucking each one of them many times that night. Every time one pulled out of her pussy another took his place. By the end of the after party their were used condoms scattered all over the room. Her face and tits were covered in sticky cumm, and everybody was exausted.
You are probably wondering were I am going with this???? Well it satisfied my desire to watch her get fucked while I watched. Actually I got to fuck janet several times as well, She is every bit as good as my jackie (Both in looks and impailed on the end of a hard cock, and shiiittt, she really knows how to give a blow job).
Anyway the itch is cumming back to have another group grope. It was such a turn on to watch her service the other guys and janet. I am trying to convince her to try it again, but so far no luck. She just smiles and shakes her head no. I think I may be wearing her down, as her refusal cumms out a little slower each time I bring it up. I really want to watch her in action again. I was pure pleasure on my part to watch her blowing the other guys. When she gets a hold of a cock she will suck it hard in no time, Then she will attack it like a hoover, never letting go untill she has sucked every drop of cumm from your nuts.
What I was hoping for, is maybe some encouraging pm's or comments under her pics. Every little bit helps. She also luves to hear what you would like to do to, or with her. The more detail the better, and as nasty as you wish to get.
For those of you who are willing to help thank you very much.
lobo with stiffie |