OK...so I'm not always the happiest girl in the world, but I'm not always the saddest either. I'm just a simple country girl trying to figure out how to be an adult in this great big complex world. I'm 49% tomboy and 51% diva...the kinda girl that has to do her nails and makeup to match her jersey to go to Hooters for beer and a football game with the guys...yeah, that's me.I'm just looking for fun times with good people and to maybe make some true friends along the way.If you like me, say hi, if you don't, keep on truckin'!! ~"Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches."~ Andy Warhol *Just an added note:if you post your e-mail or chat address in a comment to me,it will be deleted.My pics aren't the place to pimp your addy* :)
- 41 years old
- Female
- Joined 15 years ago
lovely_luscious_bbw0's Blog
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Monday, April 15, 2013, 10:17:26 PM- Been a While... | ||||||
It's been a really,really long time since I've posted a blog on here.I haven't been on the site much,and when I do log in,it gets my train of thought to racing and so I decided maybe putting all those thoughts into a blog would be a good idea.We'll see how that pans out... Those of you who know me personally know I've been going through a rough time over the last year.I guess one of my defenses is to just shut out people and pretend things are fine.Maybe it's a weakness,I dunno... Anyway,aside from emotional issues,there have been a few physical things that have kept me from being interested in taking pics and so on...I've been having problems with my weight.It's gone down,gone up,then up and up some more,lol! After I lost about 50 lbs. the first time, I was actually kinda disappointed.Everything shifted,I got smaller in places I was ok being bigger in and the things I wanted to get smaller never did. Not ideal.LOL! I've also had a pretty bad rash (eww,I know!) but I've now attributed that to the copious amounts of Mountain Dew I've been drinking the last few years.Hopefully that will soon finish clearing up too. So for those of you that thought I was gone,those that gave up on me,or if you've just missed me,rest assured I'm still here,and I still love y'all! ![]() | ||||||
Friday, August 19, 2011, 4:00:06 PM- One year | ||||||
Well,it's been a whole year since I came clean to the hubby about NN,and what a year it's been! For me,it was liberating simply because now I can breathe.Now I don't have to tiptoe around and make up excuses as to why I suddenly only wanting matching lingerie sets whenever before just whatever I grabbed would always work.I also no longer have to worry about the hubby realizing I cleaned the bathroom counter and mirror for no apparent reason.He knows now if I jump up and grab my Canon and run to the other room that it's not because I'm practicing to join the paparazzi,I just had an idea. I'm not saying that all of you should just run and tell on yourselves to your significant others,it was the toughest thing I ever did.But damn,it felt GREAT afterwards. It probably helped that all my husband said when I told him I had been posting nudes online was "I was gonna suggest that but I thought you'd say no.I don't care.The freakier the better." Gotta love him. | ||||||
Sunday, February 27, 2011, 4:01:01 PM- My tips for taking attractive and socially acceptable nude photos :) | ||||||
Aside from a hot body and good camera,there are a few other things you might want to take into consideration before taking photos to post on here or other places like here. 1 ![]() 2 ![]() 3 ![]() 4 ![]() 5:Have fun- (This one's hardest for me,I take things WAY too seriously) Make sure you're in a good mood and have the time to enjoy yourself,because if you aren't enjoying yourself,how the hell else is anyone gonna enjoy you? LOL,I kinda stole that from RuPaul and changed it a bit. Feel free to add on to this in comments if you all have anymore tried and true advice ![]() Thanks for listening to me rant ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 1:21:55 PM- Just Sayin.... | ||||||
You know...it's really annoying to be constantly told "well so and so does this or that",or "you should blank like blank does". I'm me,ok? That's all there is to it.I prefer to think of myself as not much of a nasty skank.I like to think I have taste and class,and most of all,self-respect.I'm not on here to be someone else,take on another personality or something.I'm here to be me.What you see is what you get...and YOU know that.Call me a snob for thinking I'm better than some others if you want,you're the ones that give me those ideas...but don't compare me...don't tell me I need to be more like this girl or that girl.If that's what you want,then talk to them.Don't try to change me,don't try to get me to change myself.I'm quite happy with the person I am ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, April 11, 2010, 4:29:20 AM- /me thinks people like this should be sterilized.... :| | ||||||
10-Apr-10 21:01:18: i really like u so much bcause u r hot mature old lady i love old large mature ladies so much and u r from that kind makes me hot i wish i could be ur man for the rest of my life to have fun with u every day every time and makes u deeo hot wet cum i really love that idea of opeing ur legs and deep see ur cunt but not see also suck licking deep fucking u until u get cum and have big great orgazem i like u so much because u r the greatest lady at that galaxy I'm 26----WTF?!?!?!? And this person obviously knows NOTHING about me whatsoever or they would have known to at least use spellcheck! Geez.... just had to vent a little...sorry! x's & o's | ||||||
Saturday, March 13, 2010, 3:04:33 AM- An Unexpected Guest | ||||||
Most people who know me know that I hate to wear clothes,especially pants.Seriously,when it's just my daughter and I at home all day I usually just lounge around in a gown or long t-shirt. Well...alas,this habit has come to backfire on me! I was in the kitchen making lunch today and heard my front door open.I thought it was going to be my female neighbor and her daughter coming over to visit since she had just texted she'd be over soon.So I asked who it was and came walking out of the kitchen only to face one of my male neighbors who was coming to collect money for the Girl Scout Cookies I bought from his daughter.Apparently I didn't hear him knocking so he just opened the door to call to me.Oops! There I stand in nothing but a T-shirt kinda in shock for a second then I screamed,"Bobby! I don't have any pants on!" and ran back into the kitchen to get some bottoms out of the dryer. He tried to play it cool and was all like," girl,I didn't even see anything,I promise." It was insane and I honestly can't even believe how embarrassed I actually was....go figure! How the hell can I be sooo shy everywhere but in front of a camera? Isn't that like,the opposite of what normal people are? LOL | ||||||
Friday, January 29, 2010, 11:51:38 PM- It's just one of those days.... | ||||||
It's raining incessantly outside and the temperature seems to be dropping at least a degree a minute.It has me pensive... sentimental,perhaps... I know I mentioned in one of my past blogs how I love how smells can remind you of people in your past.I was standing next to a lady at the drugstore earlier who was wearing Windsong perfume.With just one slight whiff of it,I was suddenly 4 years old again standing in line at the TG&Y holding my Grandma's hand waiting on her to pay for whatever cheap,disposable toy I had put in to get,and a Payday candybar. Then I was that scared seven-year old with my face buried in her chest sobbing.I can remember that like it was an hour ago. I always hated that perfume.We'd tell her she smelled like a floozy because it seemed she always went just a little overboard with it. Then I can remember smelling it as I sat in her lap and helped her do word searches,or the one time I painted her toenails blue with pink flowers on them. I guess it's only on days like these any of us ever stop long enough to smell the roses....or in my case,to smell the lady in the checkout line! xoxo | ||||||
Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 4:38:13 AM- Yipee! | ||||||
So,as most of you have probably already seen/heard,I got me a new laptop! =D It's a Toshiba,but it's got 3 times as much RAM as my old one,and it's got a nice,wide screen....I love it! Oh, and there's the Vista thing,but whatever,I'll deal with the bullshit as it comes! ![]() I haven't really been on here TOO much the past day or two...just haven't been feeling well lately and didn't feel like putting forth the effort,lol.Plus,I've basically run out of ideas for pics at the moment and when you aren't posting new pics,or chatting,or anything like that,this place isn't very entertaining,lol. I'm sure I'll be around more now that I've got the PC situation sorted out and all!=D Now I'm off to see who's cock is the nicest on my new 17-inch monitor! whoohooo!!! Oh! And one more thing...this just rubbed me wrong today.Is it just me or is it totally messed up a girl has to find out her cousin,who was also her maid of honor,is getting married...via a social networking site?!?!?!? | ||||||
Friday, January 15, 2010, 9:24:02 PM- GRRR | ||||||
OK-I got some frustrations to vent.I've said before I'm choosy with my friends list.I like the people that are on my list to be people that I actually communicate with in some way,shape,or form. I like to read my friends' statuses and look at their pics or leave them comments on them or read their blogs and so forth.It doesn't matter if they're male,female,gay,straight,both,whatever....but it really irks me when someone sends me a friend request and then they don't post pics,they don't post status updates or blogs.They don't send me messages or comment my pics.Basically,if you're gonna send someone a friend request just so you can keep up with their username to try to nonchalantly perv their pics 50 times a day, just add them to your favorites.It's free.Everyone has a favorites list. It's just like my 7th grade principal told me in detention one afternoon,"You have friends, and you have acquaintances.It's always better to have more acquaintances than friends." Learn the difference. =D The sad thing is....those people won't even read this. haha | ||||||
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 8:19:39 PM- I'm a total pervert.Go figure. | ||||||
So last night,the hubby and I and a couple friends of ours all went out for a night on the town. We started at a local place that's known for it's "smoking" drinks (they're awesome!) and the live music they bring in.This being the Saturday night after Bama wins the Nat'l Championship made Tuscaloosa a very busy town!It was awesome,to say the least.After dropping in at a few other places, we end up back at the first spot to watch the band we had paid to see.After drinking a redheaded slut and two Burn-outs,I decided I was finished drinking for the night,so I just sat back and watched everyone else be drunk and stupid. It was while I was doing this observing I became greatly aware of two things.1)This town is overrun with hot men.2)I'm a total skeeze because I couldn't help but imagine half of them naked!I sat there and basically just lusted after almost every guy that walked by,checking out their bulges through their jeans,staring at their cute butts...this place has made me a total pervette! Hey, at least I won't get bored at the bar anymore! LOL | ||||||
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