I adore beauty, especially nature and the female form. I love sex and have to masturbate a lot in order to "tame the xxxxx" (but I get most pleasure from masturbating a clitoris. I find getting a woman into full sexual arousal the most fantastic experience in life. I love to give multiple orgasms!). Unfortunately my woman just can't keep up with my libido!!! Some of you have made comments (not always kind) about the little red bumps around my peehole. They developed when I was a child and have been checked out by the Doc (as I was worried about cancer). They are benign Angiokeratomas of Fordyce (abnormally dilated blood vessels, covered by thickened skin) See http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/menshealth/facts/spotsonthepenis.htm http://dermnetnz.org/vascular/angiokeratoma.html Thankfully mine do not bleed or hurt, but I wish I did not have them. Anyway, despite my imperfections I hope you like my pics. I love talking about sex and getting aroused so please pm me if you want to chat.

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 17.9 years ago)
  • 65 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 17 years ago

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