Ethically responsible employer in the real world, so it's nice to be employed as an irresponsible eejit in this most surreal of all worlds called NN. Exclusively 'ere for the asylum that is status which provides not only an alternative to crosswords, but also a bit of light entertainment in between work, rest and play to stimulate and keep sharp what brain cells I have left after years of drunken abuse. It further gives me the assurance that there are other like minded loonies in the world who torque even more borroques than wot I do - even with all their brain cells intact and without even tryin'. *Oh and despite being a fully affiliated member of C.O.M.P.A.S.S. I always follow the social distancing regulations and etiquette and obey the 10 minute armistice rule prior to the commencement of excrement agitation and urine extraction. ** Please note further that you have not been charged for this information. At my age I tend to walk at a leisurely pace instead.

  • This member has been with us 10 years or more! (Joined 12.7 years ago)
  • 67 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 12 years ago

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