
US age 70
Joined 17 years ago
Last login 14 years ago
I'm a secret exhibitionist. Always have been. I'll only have sex with my wife, women, but I love to play with a guys cock. I love looking at naked skinny girls with totally shaved pubes, and I love looking at beautiful boners, circumsized. Size is of little importance as long as it's pretty.
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:Married
Member Since:10-Aug-06
Last Logged In:29-Apr-10
Location:Wisconsin, United States
About mikeybob
Star Sign:Sagittarius
Is Following:
Is Looking For:A New Friend
Interests:Movies / Cinema, Boxing / Wrestling, Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Politics, Religion, Food / Wine, Gardening, Literature / History
Other:Home brewing, sprituality, exhibitionism
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Average
Body Shape:Upsidedown pear
Height:6' 2" (188cm)
Weight:200lbs (14st 4lbs) (90.7kg)
Eye Colour:Blue
Hair Colour:Light Brown
Best Feature:Cock
Pubic Hair:Trimmed
Penis Length:6" (15.2cm)
Penis Girth:5" (12.7cm)
Professional Life
Employment Status:Full Time
Industry:Hospitality / Travel
Job Role:Customer Service
Food Pref.:Non-vegetarian
Religion:Spiritual but not religious
Sense Humour:Dry / Sarcastic
Social Style:Better in small groups
Personality:Home body
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:I have been naked in wide open public places in the wee hours of the morning, and I've been doing this sence I was 12! I've covered blocks of neighberhoods comepletely naked, often with a full erection! I deliverd early morning newspapers on my paper route riding my bycicle with an erection comepletely naked back when I was only 13 or 14 years old! I remember back when I was 11 or 12 climbing a tree out in front of our house and stripping naked and watching the cars go by.
Actor/Actress:James Stewert/Audrey Hepburn
Book:A tale of two cities
Song:Take it too the Limit
TV Show:X Files
Drink:Home brewed beer
Food:Meat and potatoes
Pastime:home brewing
Sex Position:on top
Person I'd like to Fuck:?
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
pot, playing with my pecker, walkink around with a hardon, someone else playing with my pecker, being naked with a hardon where I'm not supposed to be.
What Makes Me Sad:
war, poverty
What Makes Me Mad:
My Bad Habits:
Drinking, I'm a slob.
My Final Thoughts:
If I could live anywhere it would be...

Anywhere I could be naked all the time!!! I will only insert my penis into a vagina. However, I enjoy playing with my penis so much that I have discovered that I also enjoy playing with anothers! So, I would like to find someone that would like me to play with their penis!
Profile last updated: 2-Mar-09