Gift PremiumQuiet yet outspoken, retiring yet flirty, straight but bi-curious
- 58 years old
- Female
- Joined 18 years ago
model967's Blog
Blog Viewed: 3,787 times.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009, 2:39:19 PM- Change of home :-( | ||||||
If anyone is interested we've "Upped Sticks" from here and relocated to Flickr, a photo sharing website. For those not in the know, flickr is not solely Adult based but there is a one hell of a lot of filth on there lol. We can be found by going to and searching for model_1967. To view my profile you'll have to 'Become a member' but don't worry there's no cost to being a member and you don@t download anything. Let me know if you found us on flickr via NN, we'll be interested to see who found us lol model967 x x x x x | ||||||
Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:51:10 PM- BITS AND PIECES | ||||||
Long time no blog etc. etc. etc. To be honest with you this last 12 months has been absolutely hell-ish for me and Mr Model. Either because of one thing or another we're willing the remainder of 2007 along as quick as possible and hopefully 2008 will see the first rays of sunshine for us. I'm sorry this sounds so depressive (it's not intended actually lolol) but I wanted you all to know I'm/we're still around and hopefully posting more regular in the new year. Take care and you'll see me soon x x x x x | ||||||
Monday, June 25, 2007, 2:56:42 PM- SECOND LIFE? | ||||||
Hi again. Just letting you know that Mr Model and I have entered the 21st century BIGTIME lolol. If any of you out there are interested in or use the website called Second Life, look out for little old me on there under the name of "MODEL967 Giha". Seemed like the next logical step from chatrooms. Feel free to IM me on there and let me know your from NN. Thats it for now I think apart from hopefully there'll be a new post SOOOOON! x x x x x | ||||||
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:23:46 PM- Do you recognise this? | ||
HELP! A very kind man sent me a story. I printed it off and deleted it by accident without replying to it. He left it as a cliff hanger with more to follow. I need the rest of the story! PLEASE, if it was you can you send me the rest please please please? Here's an extract. See if you recognise it:- Love your sexy photos, shame you're so far away, would love to get close to that gorgeous hot body! So you want erotic stories eh?? Well I'm just the guy. Here's a sample, if you want more of it let me know. XX You are away on business, staying in a strange hotel alone. You arrive back at the hotel late, no time to change or shower just straight into the restaurent for a meal before up to that lonely hotel room. "Wine madam?", why not you decide, choosing a full bodied red. You smile to yourself, a bit like me you think. The meal is.......... | ||
Monday, February 19, 2007, 3:23:02 PM- 3 WEEKS AWAY FROM HERE (sort of!) | ||||||
Hi! Just a quick note for anyone who happens to read my blog and that is to let everyone know I'm having a (very) minor operation tomorrow (Tuesday 20th Feb) and I'll be away from my pc for 3 or 4 weeks. Mr Model will be in charge of anymore postings/answering messages etc in the meantime. Don't worry, he reads them anyway aalready and he loves them as much as I do so don't be afraid to be frank in any messages/comments you submit. Neither he nor I will mind. Take care. Be back soon! x x x x x | ||||||
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:53:45 PM- END OF AN ERA? | ||||||
Well, 2006 draws to a close and Im faced with four and a half more months of life in my 30's and then its official, I'll be in my 40's! I'd been dreading that age for so many years and then I finally got comfortable with it and then I got to thinking about my pictures on here. Should I now be posting under the banner MATURE WOMEN or should I have already been posting under that heading or am I allowed a few more years grace before I have to admit I'm no longer a young woman? I've nothing against age or ageing for that matter, it's just I don't want to be told I'm mutton dressed as lamb as some kind people like to describe someone older than themselves. Worry, worry, worry! Hope 2007 will be a good year for all of you out there and if anyone is reading this and they're barely in their 20's, just remember you'll be my age one day! Lololol x x x x | ||||||
Thursday, August 31, 2006, 2:29:48 PM- WHAT NEXT? | ||||||
Hmm, need some help here badly. We're stuck for idea's as to what we can post in the future as we've more or less exhausted our back catalogue of pictures. So any idea's for future shoots would be greatly appreciated whether it be a theme for the pictures, poses you'd like to see, certain outfits or items of clothing/footwear or even what colours you'd like to see me in. I'm throwing it open to you lot out there. Just PM me with the word "BLOG" in the title box. Look forward to reading them! P.s. Probably being paranoid here, but anyone ever experienced people deliberately driving down their rating(s) on here? Just thought I'd ask as I think I've experienced it lately. x x x x x | ||||||
Sunday, August 20, 2006, 8:58:43 PM- Here's a poser for you | ||||||
After chatting with my fella during a drunken evening out recently I came up with this question to post on here. Its aimed at men but all women feel free to join in to lolol. QUESTION :- If you suddenly found you could perform oral sex on yourself would you? And secondly, if you could do this, and you tried it out, would you spit or swallow? Strange question I know but this came about as a result of a drinking session, and for those interested my man said NO to both ha ha ha | ||||||
Sunday, August 6, 2006, 10:19:38 PM- REQUEST POLL RESULTS | ||
CLOTHING 28.2% (MOst requested was stockings(black) and a short skirt. CUMSHOTS 15.38% TOYS 15.38% PUSSY CLOSE UP 7.7% EXHIBITIONIST, LESBIAN, PEE all 5.13% EACH BJs, BODYSHOT, FEET, FACE, GROUP SEX all 2.56% EACH So, hopefully the latest posting will represent a fair representation of the winning category. Part 1 of 3 posted today. Part 2 Tuesday and Part 3 will be posted on Wednesday x x x | ||
Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:11:19 PM- Weekend away | ||||||
Hi everyone. Longtime no blog! Just back from a wekend away in London celebrating my other halfs birthday. Just about recovered after all the shopping, food, drinking and good old fucking! Such a shame to have to go back to work. I've put a few pictures up of the trip down to London and there's a few more to post of what I got upto whilst down there. Enjoy the pictures and feel free to send/post messages. Fingers crossed next week pictures from poll of all your requests. Must say I was most surprised at the winner. Catch up soon x x x x x | ||||||
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