I'm a happily married girl in my late twenties and live on Merseyside in the UK. I work as a Legal Secretary for a firm of solicitors but I've always had an urge to show off my bits to a greater degree! My hubby has bugged me to post some of my pics on here for some time to see what the reaction is like so I've finally gone and done it! I love to go out partying dressed in not alot and my man being a bit of a pervy voyeur is quite cool with that. He has suggested we do a bit of swinging but I'm a touch nervous to go that extra step. Is it natural for a guy to want to watch his wife with other men? Maybe I'm asking the question on the wrong site!! SIENNAx

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 16.6 years ago)
  • 44 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 16 years ago

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