Gift PremiumI'm a happily married girl in my late twenties and live on Merseyside in the UK. I work as a Legal Secretary for a firm of solicitors but I've always had an urge to show off my bits to a greater degree! My hubby has bugged me to post some of my pics on here for some time to see what the reaction is like so I've finally gone and done it! I love to go out partying dressed in not alot and my man being a bit of a pervy voyeur is quite cool with that. He has suggested we do a bit of swinging but I'm a touch nervous to go that extra step. Is it natural for a guy to want to watch his wife with other men? Maybe I'm asking the question on the wrong site!! SIENNAx
- 44 years old
- Female
- Joined 16 years ago
mrsbecks's Blog
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Monday, July 28, 2008, 9:00:15 PM- Saturday night | ||||||
By the time I went out at about 9pm in that slutty little outfit (see below), the adrenalin was going a bit because it was dawning on me that I was about to do something really mad. I was on my way out to pick up a guy, bring him back to our house, then let him fuck me in our bed whilst my husbands hidden cameras recorded the action. An odd arrangement but curiously exciting for me and seemingly downright orgasmic for my husband. How many married girls get to go out, get drunk and fuck another man with the complete blessing of their husband? I had a few drinks before my taxi arrived and hubby slipped a couple of viagra into my hand as I tottered out the front door on my huge stilettos giving my man a kiss on the way out. I suppose I looked like any one of hundreds of girls that night in the UK heading for a night out. I headed for a certain bar about six miles from here because I knew this place would be heaving with attractive guys who would be on the look-out for a little damsel in distress who'd be stood up on her date that night. Boo-hoo!! I fielded a few munters before this delicious hunk sidled over and offered me a drink. I accepted with a flirty smile and told him 'I might as well...doesn't look like my date is gonna make it does it?'. Ker-ching! It was game on, we drank for a while, I was getting more drunk and hornier and hornier and finally felt like I used to before I was married when I whispered in his ear 'do you fancy coming back to mine?'. He readily agreed and we went outside to flag down a cab. I mischievously offered him a little blue pill and he gobbled it down without thinking now realising that he was definitely on for a good fuck tonight. We stumbled awkwardly into the back of the cab and kissed and groped all the way home with me catching glimpses of the driver paying more attention to the goings on on his back seat than to the road ahead. It was only 11.30pm, far earlier than I would've expected to be home because I was so desperate for this guy to shag me. We fell into the hall then living room and there was my husband sitting there watching TV! OH MY GOD! I was supposed to have texted him as I left the pub to give him a chance to get the cameras started and make himself scarce but had completely forgotten this key fact with all the drink and sexual tension. My guy stopped in his tracks. I stood open mouthed and my husband just stared. It seemed to last about five minutes but was probably more like five seconds. Then I heard my own words coming from my mouth, 'Antony this is Jim, my brother who's staying with me for a while, Jim this is Antony and we're off to bed...' I took Ant by the hand and spun around to head up the stairs. My husband still said nothing. I figured that as I'd completely fucked up his masterplan for tonight I'd try and give him some kind of show anyway. Me and Antony had filthy, noisy sex for a couple of hours solid as the viagra went to work. Ant kept telling me to quieten down because my brother would get pissed off but I took no notice. I knew Jim was at the other side of the closed door, listening, wanking. Antony left at about 9am yesterday morning and as soon as he did, my husband was beside me in bed fucking me and really getting off on the fact that he was sticking his cock in a hole that another man had filled not so long ago...the dirty bastard! We had a massive climax together, truly amazing sex which left me in no doubt that this might be something that we can do similar to again. Jim gave me a proper bollocking for forgetting to text him but forgives me...awwwwww - true love! | ||||||
Saturday, July 26, 2008, 9:20:58 AM- Crackin' the flags | ||||||
That's what we say here in the UK when the sun finally does shine...the sun's crackin' the flags. And it is today which makes me feel even sexier and hornier than usual meaning that 'Project Voyeur' continues as likely to go ahead as planned tonight. I expected to be feeling more nervous today and backing out but I'm not at all. Hubby has even set the cameras up already and keeps going on about it. It would be a terrible shame to let him down now by backing out and how many girls would jump at the chance to get fucked by another guy with the complete blessing of her husband/boyfriend? Loads I reckon. I think I know where to go tonight to stand the best chance. I've got the outfit sorted (couple more pics below) and I suspect that if I sit at the bar of this particular place looking like I've been 'stood-up', it'll be a matter of minutes until I have some unsuspecting hunk in the cross-hairs! My main worry now is actually more on side with the guy. I'm wondering how ethical it is to film him having sex without his knowledge anyway...God, questions, questions. Anyway, the north-west is bathed in delicious summer sunshine today, it's gonna be high-20s and I'm off out to do some shopping in town in tiny shorts, crop top and heels...girls like me love the fine weather! I'll check back in tomorrow hopefully and share the tale of what did or didn't happen...have a fab Saturday peeps! Si x ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 3:11:07 PM- Will I? | ||||||
I teased my hubby a bit more last night and put on a slutty little outfit that I said I'd wear for Saturday night. God, he was like a little puppy dog all excited, running round looking for the camera and asking me, 'seriously? do you mean it babe? you gonna do it for me?'. In case you're only just picking this up, he wants me to go out, get picked up by a hunky fella, bring him back to our house, into our bed and let him fuck me there. My husband, in his infinite perviness, will have set up a couple of camcorders to capture the action from strategically placed locations (he explained last night, one camera on the top of the wardrobe and the second one peeping out from under a little stack of clothes...he really has thought about this!) I'm warming to the idea. Might go out though, not see someone I fancy or feel under too much pressure, or, as one of my friends on here suggested, get fucked by someone somewhere else and have pics taken to show him. Then we'll see how serious he is about sharing his wife! Anyway, here's the proposed outfit for Saturday night taken last night by the trembling hands of my depraved husband...still love him though! Si x ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 2:31:00 PM- My husband is officially a pervert!! | ||||||
Why is that you may ask? Let me tell you then... Firstly, he loves to read all the dirty comments that guys write about me on my pics and in my PM's and last night made me suck his cock while he flicked through them! He was so horny it was untrue. Is that enough proof that he's sexually twisted? If not, how abuot this? He's suggested that this weekend I go out clubbing dressed in something totally slutty and bring a guy back to our place to fuck. He wants to put a couple of video cameras in strategic positions in our bedroom so he can capture everything as it happens. See! Told you, he's a perv. He reckons that this isn't swinging, it would just be me doing what thousands of girls do on a Saturday night anyway (except the carefully placed hidden camcorders put there by her partner that is!) I haven't dismissed the idea out of hand, it's do-able and seems a bit less daunting than just jumping in with the swinging thing straight away. Oh, and thanks to those who've answered my 'swing' PM request. I have you saved and primed and ready for implementation when required! Anyway, I'm at work and shouldn't be doing this. Just wanted to share the depravity of my fella with you lot! Si x ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, July 20, 2008, 7:34:34 PM- I have an idea... | ||||||
This swinging thing...first and foremost, I should establish whether anyone is seriously interested in playing with me and my hubby. I've been thinking this through today and reckon I have a way to find out. If it's something you think you could do, fuck me while my hubby takes pics/vids/joins in, then drop me a PM with the title 'Swing'. You MUST be in the UK, able to travel to the north-west of England, aged between 21 and 40, have a decent physique, own teeth and no body odour! Include your email address. If you meet this criteria, then I'll mail you direct with a couple of questions and a pic request. Straight away I'll know you're relatively serious about me because this info will only be posted on my blog and not everyone reads this bit. See, clever me! Well, actually my hubby came up with the plan of making something of a hit list for when I'm ready to play and also to establish if there's any interest out there. Si x ![]() | ||||||
Saturday, July 19, 2008, 2:55:07 PM- haha! My own blog! | ||||||
Probably won't get to update this too often but hey, people can find out a bit more about me here if they're interested. So you know a bit about my dilemma. I've been married perfectly happily for three years to a great guy who's a hunka hunka burnin' love and we have a great time together in and out of bed. Thing is, he recently confessed (when drunk - oh, oh!) that he often fantasised about sharing me with other men while he watches/films/takes pics/joins in - or whatever. This came as a bit of a surprise to me but all the same, I didn't dismiss the idea out of hand because I want him to be happy and also, it might be quite a good giggle too! I'm in my late twenties now so I've had a few blokes in my time. When I was about 21 I went through a phase of sleeping around for six months and that kind of allowed me to happily settle into married life in the knowledge that I'd been there and done it before. I'd had all the dick I wanted and now had one to myself for life. Then he springs that one on me! I often wondered why he was so comfortable with me going out to pubs and clubs and parties dressed in not very much!! Oh well, must go kids. Speak soon hopefully. Si x | ||||||
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