Did you know that your self esteem issues can stem from your parents, both directly and indirectly?
Some parents are straight out nasty and tell you to either put it away or that you don't look good, those are the obvious ones.
The more insidious types are the parents who are unaware that their OWN self esteem issues directly affect their kids.
For example, my mum was a firm believer in making me feel relaxed about my body and always told me I'm beautiful. But if I ever told her she was or whenever I was around when someone gave her a compliment, she would get uncomfortable or shrug it off. It's a shame because she is beautiful and should see it.
So combine social stigma about the "type" of body you have with parents who truly think they are ugly and you have the perfect cocktail for self esteem issues in your own life.
So even though mum was sweet and told me, all I ever saw was her hating on herself, and I learned the same patterning in the behaviour, which is so much harder to break than saying the words.
So remember if you have kids, you gotta love yourself, or they'll learn your behaviours way quicker than they'll listen to the words you say, good intentions or no.
I have struggled with body issues my entire life, having my mother's behaviour demonstrative of depreciating herself constantly, plus kids are really fuckin mean in school and always told me I was horrible and fat and nobody liked me, and the magazines showing glossy starved tall leggy women with next to no boobs or any flaws.
Now, I don't care that I'm a bit chubby, I like having tits and an ass to grab, I am teaching myself to see beauty rather than the blemish that came up coz I ate pizza last night or drank too much and I count my lucky stars I have got limbs, fingers, toes, hair and all my senses are relatively functional.
Love nat xxx