1. Commando: Sexy or disgusting? Do you have a "best" commando story?
Sexy. No real story except someone did ask me if I thought he was gross. He was pretty sexy so I thought it was convenient, you know, like one less article of clothing to rip off his body to get to my prize?
2. Foreplay: Is there such a thing as too much?
Nope! I will say that it is more a function of time, though. A quickie is better than nothing.
3. Oral sex: Good if you are getting? Good is you are giving? Equally ewwwww?
I like giving a lot more and have always been told that I'm good at it but the present boyfriend won't let me blow him. Not sure why.
4. Orgasm: Is one per night enough or does the first one just get your motor running?
I will take as many as I can get and give as many as I can. I can be satisfied with one per night if the passion is there.
5. Morning sex: "Oh hell yes!", "Well if I have, too." or "Just get in the shower and go to work."
"Oh hell yes!" LOL! Sex in the shower is good, too. Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever had anonymous sex? Have you ever had an orgasm without at least knowing your partner's last name?
I wouldn't say it was completely anonymous but I have refused to give my full name and phone number. Which leads in to the second bonus question--yes, I have had an orgasm without knowing my partner's last name. It was mutually agreed upon and it was safe sex. This was a one nighter many, many years ago when I was just starting to develop my sexual identity. It was an experiment that I thought went well at the time. In retrospect, it was a cheap thrill that I almost regret. Almost. |