So, Friendsgiving-party-thing last night. I was standing with my drink and this guy with some serious douchecannon vibes comes up to me with some comment about how I shouldn't look so mad. Naturally, my response is simply to say, "Sorry, that's just my face" because, ya know, Resting Bitch Face. It's a problem or whatever. So, because Douchecannon is oh, so clever and witty, he tells me (and I'm paraphrasing) not to smile/grin/anything the rest of the night.
I tell him, "Don't worry, I won't" with a completely straight face and walk off because fuck you, that's why.
But seriously, why do people think that's a totally cool thing to say to someone they don't even know? It's like, hey, you look like you're a bitch, you should make your face more pleasing to me. |