Had to stop before finishing the previous entry, will continue now; Progressive deterioration continued finally, in July 06 a Neurologist diagnosed me with ALS, a death sentence, no treatment, no cure, no hope. For a 64 yr old, who, apart from coughs and colds, has never had a days illness, has always been athletic and active, quite a deal to come to terms with! Life changes for ever. Now, nearly 3 yrs down the track, I am totaly helpless, relying on others for everything from feeding to wipeing your backside.
The irony of this disease is that the mind is not affected, neither are sexual functions and sensitivity but you can't do anything yourself, can't even put your hand on your erection! If you have not got a really caring partner, your sex life is over. Thank god my wife of 43 yrs takes care of my sexual needs with great love.
I have no regrets, life has been a great adventure, the sexual side has been exciting, very little that we haven't experienced as an un inhibited couple and we can still experience adventure through friendships made on NN. |