We are a couple posting our intimate moments for your kinky pleasure with Mr generally taking the photos and Mrs getting the attention. Mrs P has done cam shows but for chat/pm/IM messages it's always Mr P.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 7:31:28 PM- Our not so normal weekend at a BDSM spot and sex club.
I have told some of the details about this to a few NNrs but it came up that I should just blog it to save time re typing.
Quickly typed this as it came out of my head so sorry for any grammar errors.
There's a spot we've known about for years and have heard great things about the space. As those who've seen our pics and videos know we are into a bit of rope bondage and BDSM play. Turns out the space had a non member intro class to show the space and what is expected if attending any member events there. There were about 40 people in attendance and a few of the employees of the space. The space was nice, as we would imagine we'd want a place like that to be, better than expected really given some spaces we've seen photos of before. At this point pondering becoming members but of course the question is how often we would use the access.
Turns out the same night we had noticed there was a whole venue party at the infamous 15th Ave Adult Emporium in Melrose Park so we thought, what the heck, lets check it out.
We arrived in the area about 15 minutes after the event started and there were cars all up the road leading to the building, there's a lot in the back for couples, single dudes have to park on the street. Well, the lot was completely full as turns out, and they had blown through the swag bags for the first 50 couples by the time we got there. It's in an industrial area and quite a bit of the streets around the venue only have parking on one side due to the tractor trailer traffic that can happen at any hour. We had picked up a 6 pack on the way as it's BYOB, but since we parked so far away and not sure if we could get in, we each only took one beer each in our jackets.
On the way walking to the building a couple guys asked us why we were parking were the single dudes had to park, haha.
They directed us to the correct door in the rear of the building and we entered to buy our entry ticket and get wristbands. Then, a security guard noticed a phone in my pocket and he said, no phones allowed, it had to be returned to the car. Mrs P was trying to sneak hers in since he didn't catch her, but since I had to go back to the car she passed it off to me. At least this gave me the opportunity to grab a couple more beers knowing we could get in.
Back inside the building we dropped our extra beer at a bar where they hold them for you to pick up as needed. The dance hall area was where most of the people were gathered and some girls would go up on stage now and then and put on a little bit of a show. They were in the process of getting contestants for a strip competition later. We chatted with a single guy that's been there a couple dozen times for regular nights and smaller parties and he said it was the busiest he's ever seen. He gave us a tour of the facility and took Mrs P into the porn theater and showed the room that people go to put on a show. I had to stay behind to hold our beers as no drinks allowed in the theater, go figure. We then chatted with another single guy who was an Irishman now living in the Chicago area. A couple that I've chatted with before walked by so I went to say hi, later as I found out, the single guy whispered into Mrs P's ear mentioning he'd be up for a threesome. Eventually Mrs P came out to chat with the couple I was talking to. Turns out we had been at the same BDSM convention back in 2010. They invited us to join them in a show they were going to put on in the sex room off of the theater. They had a plan for her to get finger fucked by a train of guys wearing latex gloves. We said we'd check it out but still had our beers to finish so we hung out in one of the quieter areas of the venue in a hallway between the dance hall and porn theater. Ended up chatting with the male half of a swinger couple and found we had common connections so we hung out a bit longer. After a while the couple that went to the theater came back for a break but planned on going back into the room a bit later.
Going in, we had a plan to put on a little bit of a show, but once we got there and found how packed the place was, and the fact that any time a couple or female started to play a gaggle of dudes would crowd in and start jerkin. Mrs P wasn't feeling the vibe for that so nothing wild on our part.
Thinking back, when we were chatting with the other couple, I noticed one guy along the wall standing there with a boner in his pants. I suspect that quite a few guys were amped up on Viagra.
We had early commitments on Sunday so after about 2 hours we rolled out to a local hotel for fun on our own.
"Great story. Sounds like lots of fun, and something of a wild time. Are you going to try again?!"- Tasties
Monday, January 2, 2023, 1:42:15 AM- Nuderbowl Superbowl pool - updated for WINNERS! Forgot to add here in case the status update was missed.
Update for winners. First quarter score Eagles 7 Chiefs 7 the winner is smitten4u 15 nudles Second quarter score Eagles 14 Chiefs 14 the winner is ronno1 15 nudles Third quarter score Eagles 27 Chiefs 21 the winner is NicRae 15 nudles Final score Eagles 35 Chiefs 38 the winner is Mr_Vein 35 nudles ----------------------------------------------------- Mrs P has done fundraiser Superbowl pools the last few years and plans on doing another one for our friends and family. While chatting with shy28boy an idea was hatched to offer a Newbie Nudes Superbowl pool with nudles as the prize.
How this works for those that are not familiar.
The setup has been 50 squares (10 across, 5 down) so would hope to get 50 Newbie Nuders names on the list.
No buy-in needed, If you are interested in playing, contact us in any fashion and we'll add your names to the pool. Once we have 50 nuders the names will be dropped into a cum bucket and drawn at random to complete the player grid from top left to bottom right. Mrs will then draw numbers 0-9 and add to the score lines so everyone has equal random chance at winning. We will then post the board here so everyone can see what their numbers are and be ready for game night.
Nudle payouts will be as follows. 1st quarter score - 15 nudles good for a week of premium. 2nd quarter score - 15 nudles good for a week of premium. 3rd quarter score - 15 nudles good for a week of premium. Final score - 35 nudles good for a MONTH of premium
Here is the game board for Superbowl Sunday (Feb 12th) as done by random drawing. Updated to include the two teams playing in the Superbowl.
"Some had missed the status update and have been emailing with the results.
Forgot to add here so here is how it turned out.
First quarter score Eagles 7 Chiefs 7 the winner is smitten4u 15 nudles
Second quarter score Eagles 14 Chiefs 14 the winner is ronno1 15 nudles
Third quarter score Eagles 27 Chiefs 21 the winner is NicRae 15 nudles
Final score Eagles 35 Chiefs 38 the winner is Mr_Vein 35 nudles"- paramour