Gift PremiumJust a pretty normal guy with a good sense of humor, an eye for the erotic and an appreciation for the beauty in all women. I enjoy writing erotica and making my partners feel very very special.
- 78 years old
- Male
- Joined 19 years ago
ravenquill's Blog
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 3:43:18 AM- The empty space in my heart | ||||||
I have to write this, if only in hope... I was happy before you, Not knowing you were there. Then fate found you, And I was not the same. You floated into my life, A fantasy on the wind, Stuck fast in my heart, And made it sing. Not love as a poet would write of But love of a friendship to be, You brightened my days with words, And eased me to sleep with your beauty. I turned around, And you were gone. Now I wonder, Through this endless night, Why cruel fate would steal you away again, And leave this empty space in my heart. ******************** Wherever you are, may life treat you as graciously and as kindly as I know you to be. You deserve nothing less. | ||||||
Monday, September 3, 2007, 4:09:44 AM- Loaded words | ||||||
In a reply to one of my earlier ravings, morninglory used a word I love, but haven't heard in a long time - "cherished". Cherished is what I call a "loaded" word because of the many mental images it totes along on its back. To cherish someone or something is to hold them close, for that person or thing is irreplacable. She caused me to think of some other words loaded with meaning that we seldom hear anymore. The lack of usage is a loss to us all, for those mental images convey more meaning than a thousand more commonly used words. froth - is there any othe word in the English language so descriptive? The very sound of the word is light and foamy. exquisite - The images this word contains speak of the ultimate sense of something, be that sense sight, sound, touch or taste. erotica - usually I see "porn" substituted for erotica, but their meanings are entirely different. Erotica is subtle. It hints, teases, tantalizes, and seduces the mind into thinking of what is or what might be. Erotica is lace stockingtops against silky-smooth bare thighs. Porn is blatant and leaves nothing for the imagination. Porn is a hard cock half-buried between those same bare thighs. There's nothing wrong with either. Let's just stop confusing the two. glisten or glistening - I just like the sound of this word, but it also conjurs up images of shining wetness, as when the early morning sunlight catches dew drops on the grass...or other things I'll leave to the imagination. Glitter - no, not the sparkly stuff women paint on their breasts when they wear low-cut gowns, although that's pretty neat too. Glitter is the reflected light from crystals, like the sunlight on new snow. special - as used to mean unique in all ways as opposed to the derogatory usage. I've known and liked a lot of people in my life. Only a few were special. | ||||||
Monday, August 6, 2007, 2:52:42 AM- Of deeds and debts | ||||||
I usually go straight to the "Mature Women" category when I visit NN, but once in a while I browse through the "Posted Today" section. Today, I clicked on the umteenth pic of a twenty-something girl stretched out in what she thought was a erotic pose, and was thinking of how much she has to grow mentally before she's truly sensuous and seductive. I also wondered if she has any idea of how much she owes to all the 50+ beauties who grace this site with their pics. If it hadn't been for that generation of women, my generation also, thankfully, and their free thinking where women's rights, nudity, and sexuality are concerned, this site might be filled with tight sweaters and short-shorts instead of women wearing what Nature gave them. To their mother's dismay, they stopped wearing girdles and bras (one of my personal favorite times, lol) and started being the soft, sensual women they really were. It is true that the instant camera and later, the digital age made these pics much easier to take and post, but it was possible to find discrete photo shops in the 50's and 60's. Even so, other than a few ads in the men's magazines of the time, there was no photo sharing except between very close friends. Technology didn't create this site. It only created the opportunity. The women who post created it and made it live, and they did it because they enjoyed doing it. We need to remember, though, that it was the now "mature" gals who made it all possible. So, my hat is off to all the mature lovlies who post every day. We owe you a lot, we horny men. I hope you get the feeling you're contributions are appreciated, even though sometimes the words don't sound like what we mean. It's very hard to think and type at the same time we're looking at one of you devastatingly gorgeous gals. | ||||||
Friday, August 3, 2007, 6:21:37 AM- Comments are confusing | ||||||
So, along with writing my comments to the lovelies of the over 49 crowd, I read the other comments, too. Some of them are pretty good, in my opinion. Others are...well, that's the confusing part. I keep thinking of the old Star Trek episode where aliens got a copy of the US Declaration of Independence, and founded a value system based on it. What if they'd found the NN comments instead? Value #1 - Women are supposed to crave being impaled on huge cocks and pounded senseless. Value #2 - Almost as great as Value #1 is having a man spray his lady's face, breasts, legs, ass, toes, hair, etc. with buckets full of cum. Value #3 - Women should love being told they still look good for the age of (you name it. I've seen as young as 25) Value #4 - For a woman, having every square inch of your hot, sexy body licked is a turn-on beyond belief. I'm sure there are others I've forgotten. So, just what do the women who graciously share their bodies on NN really want to read in their comments? I mean, they have to be looking for some sort of response, or they wouldn't be posting. My goal here is to have a little fun, and pleasing the women who post plays a big part in that fun. I wasn't endowed with 11 inches of throbbing manmeat, so I can't speak for how my female friends would react to that. I've never asked, but maybe I should. Perhaps that old saw about the magician and his wand is a lie afterall. Damn, I wish some woman had told me it was. I'd have only looked for very small gals. Hmmmm, I wonder. Is there a rule of thumb for that, like the size of a man's feet are supposed to indicate the size of his cock? Maybe her cup size? Nah, that won't work. With all the push-up, push-in, water-filled, smoothing cover-up, and minimizer bras on the market today, you wouldn't be able to tell until it was almost crunch time. If the water wasn't as deep as you thought, you'd end up with mud on your face, and if it was deeper...well, I hope she'd be discrete about it. The size of her ears? That's something most women don't mess with much. That deserves a study, I think. Maybe women already know and they just aren't telling? I'm of the "really experienced" vintage myself, and I've known a lot of women. I can't remember even one ever asking me to cum on any part of her, much less her face. In, yes. On, no. Maybe it's just me. As for buckets full...well, give me a few years to save up if that's what you really want. I learned long ago that the most impossible way into a woman's heart (and her bed)is to bring age into the conversation. Most women are a bit sensitive about age, although I don't know why. My wife say's it's the competition thing with younger women. Now, even if I wanted a 20 or 30 something partner, I realize I probably wouldn't have an ice cube's chance in Hell, so I save myself the embarrassment of being called a horny old goat and don't try. There are too many absolutely gorgeous women out there in my age group. No, they're not beating down my door, but there are enough knocks to keep life interesting. The licking thing. Now, I confess to being an incurable kitty licker. There are few pleasures in my life so great as the taste and feel of an aroused woman on my tongue. I'm also a great lover of nipples, and I've never passed up the opportunity to feel all those exquisite little bumps and ridges. My partners have seemed to enjoy my little passtime almost as much as I. My question to the ladies is, if I started at your toes and licked my way up to your nose, would you immediately become dripping wet and uncontrollably horny? If so, I'm going to have to rethink my whole foreplay strategy. You'd think they'd tell you these things in a book somewhere. I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm not likely to change what I write in my comments anyway. I think any woman, of any age, with the courage to bare it all, or even a little bit, deserves praise and encouragement, and I'll keep giving it to them. If they didn't post, where would we guys be? We'd be home with the Victoria's Secret catalogue in one hand and our cocks in the other, that's where, just like the not-so-good old days before the internet. Still, it would be nice to be able to see what's going on inside the pretty heads of our posters. Well, no. That would take the guess work away, and sometimes, that's the part that's the most fun. | ||||||
Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 5:49:01 AM- There are some real assholes in this world | ||||||
I got an email today from a woman who posted a pic on another site I visit. I commented on the pic, and sent her a PM asking her to post more. In her email, she said she had posted pics before, and had gotten the comment that she was a "disgrace to womanhood". Now, she was a nice looking mature woman - not beautiful by any means, but she had a nice body and she was brave enough to put her pic up for the world to see. She didn't deserve a comment like that. Why some people take such immature pleasure from comments such as that is beyond me. If he didn't like her, all he had to do was click the back button. It wasn't necessary to make her feel bad about herself. I guess some people are so insecure about themselves, making childish comments like this is their way of feeling superior to someone. In some ways, I feel sorry for those individuals, but mostly I wish they would just crawl back under the rock from which they slithered. | ||||||
Saturday, May 6, 2006, 8:13:40 AM- Random thoughts and questions of no particular importance | ||||||
Some of the things that pop into my otherwise pretty normal (I think) mind from time to time... What are those tiny little bumps around a woman's erect nipple? I love them, but just what are they? Thinking of nipples (and I love nipples so I think about them a lot), why is it nipples become erect when chilled, while my cock tries to shrink to nothing when cold? Not that I'm complaining, well, about nipples getting stiff anyway. Just curious. Another nipple thought - I really wish soft bras would come back in style. There's just something about a stiff nipple under a sweater that is so erotic. A woman can have several orgasms, but how many does she like to have? I suppose it depends on available time, but let's take time out of the question. Would she stop at one, two, three, or just keep going until she can't anymore? Oh, and how does she know she can't have anymore unless she keeps trying? After sex, men roll over and go to sleep. What do women do? OK, not all men roll over and go to sleep immediately, and some women do, but what to you gals do if you don't go to sleep right after the big "O". I keep thinking "grocery list", but I hope that's not it. After careful, scientific observations at a dance club...why do some women's hips move up and down when they walk (really nice, by the way), some women's hips move from side to side (also really nice), and some women's hips don't do much at all (still really nice if the jeans are tight)? Speaking of tight jeans - How do you gals get into those tight jeans? Now, don't even think about not wearing them, well, unless you're not going to wear anything. I'm just curious about how you get them up your sexy legs and over your sexy little asses. I've had the pleasure of removing my share of tight jeans from sexy little asses, and it's a struggle...but then, it is a hell of a lot of fun. God bless whoever thought up thong panties. They should get a medal at least. Hmmmm, maybe even a national holiday. If you've never tried to get past a pair of full "industrial strength" panties to do a little kitty petting, you can't truly appreciate the wonders of thongs. Besides, they look so damned hot. Like I said, just random thoughts and questions. Maybe I'll figure it out someday. | ||||||
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